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Written By Magpie

Aug. 3, 2017, 7:30 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Sometimes someone makes a damned compelling argument! (And I know what you're all thinking, but I'm a married man now and I have to wait at least a month before I go back to *those* habits)

Anyway, I picked Lady Khanne as my patron. If it doesn't work out, I'll just try again.

I'm fairly convinced it'll work out fine though. The fact that she even offered after all the shit I've bothered her with says a lot.

Start preparing yourselves for some amazing couches, Arx. You're not going to believe how fantastic they'll be. Just sitting on them will bring a joy akin to your second time. (Because face it, it's pretty rare for someone to actually enjoy their first time... usually it's just weird and awkward and over very quickly)

Written By Edward

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:34 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Antonio

You took a tough task upon your shoulders trying to heard the cats of various Houses and ships for the naval exercises. You did well in spite of the attention that was directed to your ships specifically.

Written By Edward

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:33 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

The naval exercises were very informative and educational. Your stratagem was well executed.

Next time my Lord, I will win that small part of the encounter.

Written By Silas

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:28 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

The wedding was marvelous. I'm surprised the spiders didn't trigger a stampede of panic out of the Cathedral, though -- I've seen full grown men panic at the sight of the tiniest among them!

I danced with Aiden. He's much better at it than I am, even when he's drunk.

The medals and the Iron Cup for tomorrow's ceremony have been completed and now I have to determine how much I want to spoil our guests...

Written By Leta

Aug. 2, 2017, 9:13 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

Meowlarice eats spiders now and then, I've noticed, and maybe that's one reason elves aren't too fond of cats, as folk say. Well, some folk say it, anyhow, I wouldn't know. Can't say I much care for spiders either way. Mice, now, mice get in bags and spoil your food and gnaw on your things, but I never heard of spiders doing that. Can't stand moths, though. If spiders eat moths, that's a service well done at least.

Not that this interests Vellichor any, I don't suppose, but I thought I'd write something in today. Though maybe in days to come folk will wonder about such animals as we have now. I hear there used to be all kinds of animals that aren't around anymore, and maybe some day folk won't know what's a cat and what's a moth and what's a spider.

So, for future Scholars, a cat's got four legs and a spider's got eight and a lot more eyes than a cat. Moths have wings and they'll eat your finest wools and such if you let them.

Written By Fiachra

Aug. 2, 2017, 8:29 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

He was to be a surprise. My dear sister decided to gift me with a 'baby' owl that I could train to hunt. Said baby owl was, in fact, a fully grown pygmy owl of maybe six inches, dubbed "Vex" by my wife due to the perpetually grumpy expression that he wore. If only any of us had known that it was more than just his expression.

I am no novice to training animals. Yet, in turning Vex into a companion capable of delivering messages, I have had to deal with the following gems:

* He has delivered more than one message to the Iron Guardsman statue in the city proper.
* He has stolen maple bacon from Prince Edain after delivering a message to him. To be fair, no one can blame him for this one.
* He has stolen various pieces of clothing, notably undergarments, from washlines around Arx. If you were one of those victimized by the little menace, I apologize.
* He has engaged in several hissing contests with Alis, of whom he was particularly jealous. He even perfected his timing so that he caused her to fall off the bed once with one particularly piercing hoot.

His favourite way to show affection is to try and remove pieces of my closest ear. And yet, Princess Sophie had him eating out of her hand - quite literally - with a bribe of bacon jerky. And now, it seems that he has taken to a fascination with my unborn child, cuddling up to Alis' belly at every opportunity he is given to do so. It is... quite the image.

And when we were attacked, Vex was there, all six inches of taloned, feathery fury flying in the face of the man who dared an attempt on my wife. Covered in blood afterwards, proud of himself and strutting even as I cleaned his feathers. And I know that, son or daughter, our child has a fierce, brave companion who will do anything to protect them. And that makes all of the rest worth having gone through.

Remember My Companion.

Written By Edain

Aug. 2, 2017, 7:08 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

I noticed a goodly deal of discomfort with the spiders that were present during the King's wedding. Now my feelings on the Nox'alfar are well known and unchanged, so I won't repeat them here. But I will say that I feel like spiders are misunderstood and often not appreciated.

They are industrious and hard working, building their homes and their webs with precision, patience and with the appreciation for a good days work. When they are not building or hunting they are often very serene creatures. They enjoy their peace and their solitude, and the enjoy the quiet of enjoying what they've built. Honestly I find them to have more in common with hard working, humble, salt of the earth farmers and hunters and fishers, the best folk, instead of the creepy monstrosities our imaginations like to paint them ass.

One of my last memories of my mother was her taking 6 year old me with her to Lyon's Redoubt. I was running and playing in an orchard, swinging a stick around pretending I was my uncle Dayne. In my enthusiasm I knocked over wasps nest that was nestled to a low lying branch. Terrified of the wasps I fled... most got bored, but one was so filled with hate it kept giving chase and buzzing angrily around me until flailing wildly I trip over some roots and turned to look up at the incoming wasp, my widening eyes making it look far more huge than it really was.

Then it stopped midair, and started twitching wildly. I had not seen in until the wasps flailing made it catch the light just so that it had flown straight into a spiders web. The spider was on it faster than my eyes could follow and after a brief struggle the wasp started to loose strength and the spider was wrapping it tightly in a cocoon so it could eat the wasp at it's leisure. When it was done it just stopped and was perfectly still for what seemed like minutes, and I could have sworn it was just staring at me. Then it wiggled it's little pedipalps at me in a gesture that looked like a wave. My 6 year old mind decided this was the spiders way of saying "Don't worry buddy! I took care of that wasp!"

Since then spiders have been ok by me, and get a free ride to the garden in the off chance I find one where it shouldn't be.

Written By Shard

Aug. 2, 2017, 2:42 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

So that's a King's wedding. I get that they don't usually contain the glittering spiders, but a fairly short ceremony that was mostly to the point? I thought it would go on for hours. It was the party afterward that went on for hours instead, and I can get behind traditions that prioritize like that, even if parties aren't exactly where I do best either.

I had orders to sleep until noon, but I still have such a headache. That drink was worth it. So is this coffee.

Written By Shae

Aug. 2, 2017, 2 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailith

Good treats to have around for animal friends:
Dried Meats
Green Beans
Pumpkin Balls, I make these for the hounds.
Biscuit Treats, same as the above.
Oatcakes with Berries, good for horses and the like.

Written By Skapti

Aug. 2, 2017, 1:31 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

Fucking mainlanders and their fucking sea puns.

Written By Ailith

Aug. 2, 2017, 12:30 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

With the changing of seasons, I must find time to rearrange and prepare the Chapel Office. All finally seems to be in order.

The medicines and herbs which have become rancid or old have been removed or reused for alternative purposes; this reminds me to meet with the Sisters of Mercies and Physician's Guild. The last summer's candied fruits are replaced with autumn's blackberries; I may need to visit the shops for any local seasonal fare. A bottle of strongmead thanks to the kindness of a Duke joins the few other bottles when certain comforts are needed in counseling.

Now to find treats to store for when animal companions join with their human friends for a visit.

All in all, I hope it's become more a place of comfort.

Written By Orazio

Aug. 2, 2017, 12:27 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

Allow me to state, first off, that I claim no facility in such endeavors, and will likely make a poor shore-ing of this one. Still, let's sea what we can make of it, shell we? Woe be-tide those of suspicious nature; I do not do this because I am fishing for compliments, nor because I am angling for praise. Perhaps I am just trying to be onboard with water the kids are doing these days, or maybe I'm just easily baited. Or maybe it's just because, while I have a deserved reputation for being a bit crabby, I also like to remind folks that I have a sole, just like everyone else. I cod-sider this to be an act of devotion, in a way; an unshellfish gift to the gods. Imagining the faces of others who read this is just an enjoyable side benefit.

Written By Denica

Aug. 2, 2017, 12:15 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

"I accrue sketches of my person, like Prince Victus accrues scented letters."

(Punctuated by a small spider drawn at the end of the quote.)

Written By Ailith

Aug. 2, 2017, 11:53 a.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

The ringing of the bells marked a new and hopeful beginning for Arvum. The light marvelously was witnessed and felt; I pray there will be lasting peace.

Written By Mydas

Aug. 2, 2017, 11:27 a.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

I could not attend the wedding, though I was given to understand the event was attended by a suitable number. Apparently I'll have to reassure the servants that yes, they may indeed kill the spiders they encounter within the walls.

Unless they break into a song and tap dance their way out of the grounds, I suppose.

Written By Lydia

Aug. 2, 2017, 10:47 a.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

I had a delightful time at Alaric's and Symonesse's wedding and reception, and by that I mean I spoke to almost no-one. I did get to see the King briefly at one point, and I think we might share a sense of humor. Rulers must have humor, I think, or they risk becoming tyrants. I don't think I'll worry about that in the least, in this case.

Written By Denica

Aug. 2, 2017, 10:09 a.m.(12/12/1006 AR)

(Tucked between the pages of her journal, and sprayed with a fixative to keep the colors from smudging - is a chalk pastel drawing of the Crimson Square's dueling grounds. The colors have been inversed. Any grass is now shaded in rusty auburn red and burnt umber, smudged out to look overgrown, each blade of grass appears to be overly long fingers that reach toward the center of the Square. The sky is a sickly shade of goldenrod mixed with yellow ochre, and the greyed out clouds are likewise pulled out thin - as though starved. The rest is all shadows: black, grey, and various hues of blue are layered over to suggest shapes hiding in those shadows that cannot be recognized. In the center of the dueling grounds where the shadows are light as smoke, there are the overlapping swirl and slither of serpents tied into one complicated knot.)

Written By Thena

Aug. 2, 2017, 8:53 a.m.(12/12/1006 AR)

What a beautiful wedding.

Written By Calarian

Aug. 2, 2017, 4:48 a.m.(12/12/1006 AR)

Today, I was the spectator of a historical event in the form of the wedding of our King Alaric and our Queen Symonesse. It can sometimes be reassuring to see major events go without trouble -- so unflawed from its original concept that one can dare-call it perfect. I am happy and pleased with the efforts put into making this union materialize -- and I am humbled by the generous words our lieges said as to my service to the Crown. Your Majesties, the pleasure of service has been mine. I also salute and echo the royal speech, that this is the start of a new era.

Today, I also made a new decision in my life and it has given me a sense of renewal which I hadn't felt in some time. I feel dilligent in not letting myself drowse again into letting this happen in the future -- this whole matter which has brought many of us so much pain. But now my pain is hidden and replaced for hope. I feel aligned with the speech of the King. It is the start of a new era, both for the Compact and for Myself.

Long Live the King. Long Live the Queen.
Long Live the Crown.

Written By Saedrus

Aug. 2, 2017, 1:58 a.m.(12/12/1006 AR)

The wedding was an absolutely magnificent feat; the Cathedral was breathtaking, her Majesty, Queen Symonesse was simply awe-inspiring and of course, His Majesty King Alaric was perfectly befitting such regal station. The Legate of Concepts spoke brilliantly, and their vows were truly touching.

Her Majesty's spiders are the most incredibly creatures, and they actually applauded -- though one lost its footing I believe. Incredible.

It is a beautiful start to what will soon be a new year, a brighter one than those gone before it, I hope.

Long live, and Gods' bless, the King and Queen of our Compact.

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