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Shamanism and You!

Given the influx of changes, Shaman Freja Redrain is hosting another 'open hours' for House Redrain's Path of Shamanism. What is known thus far, or what the spirits have decided to be let known, will be discussed along with practices and relationships with other walks of faith as they stand (currently).


July 7, 2017, 8 p.m.

Hosted By



Victus Prism Halsim Khanne Marian Drea Margot(RIP) Darren Shard Fergus(RIP) Arianna(RIP) Sameera(RIP) Gian Eilonwy Skald Kieran Yasmine



Arx - Ward of House Redrain - Stone Grove

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

1 Redrain novice guards arrives, following Kieran.

Shard apparently does notice, because she stops, and stares narrowly at Skald, for a moment giving him all of her attention. She doesn't return the smile--smiling doesn't seem to be a thing her face really does, at least not often--but she does look him over carefully, head to foot, and it's only when Arriana whispers to her that she glances briefly away, giving the other woman a somewhat bewildered glance, and a shrug. "Ehm. Fine, but neither do I." She doesn't sit though, at least not yet.

"It isn't my fault your chambers are so damn easy to break into..." the Shaman mutters to Victus as an aside. Seated upon the altar indian-style, Freja is in her Northern scouting leathers of glacial hues. A monstrous albino bear headdress, missing one eye, hides her dark curls. She waits for any lingering souls to arrive before she raises her voiceout over the crowd
     "Now." she claps her hands together and begins, "Shamanism in short does not recognize any named deities or figures. There is no 'Spirit of the Air', 'Spirit of the Seas'. They are separate from the spirits of the dead, being more tied to the enviroment and nature. They do not always take on human like qualities, they can either be well..their own being or the spirit of a place. A grove or field that holds memory, echoes it. Now, there are many differing paths - we do not fall into place with as much organization or pecking order as the Faith." A pensive pause here, " But my path is that of the Elders, one Redrain has been following for as long as memory recalls. Each House has their own leading figurehead to direct the faith of those lands, that House, but we have seen a recurring practice to follow House Redrain's own ways of Shamanism sometimes when the knee is bent for vassalage. While I act as a Shaman alongside my aunt Drea, High Shaman of House Redrain, I will be answering your questions now since we now have a ...basis of sorts to work with." She drinks from a flask. "Alright. Ask."

Stepping into the grove proper, Halsim, for once, wears a rather plain looking black tunic. His usual black robe gone as he starts to look over those gathered. Prism and Skald both get a long... if very neutral stare from the islander. After a moment of that, though, he moves to sit near the outer edge of the crowd. Plenty of space for it, right?

Prism laughs as Skald pretends to be rocked by her shoulder-bump, and kisses him on the cheek. As Freja calls the gathering to attention, her silver-eyed gaze turns to the shaman.

Sameera slides her eyes to Arianna and to her a VERY slight upwards tilt of Sameera's lips is given. Someone Sameera knows. Though, snce Arianna is quick to be talking to someone that's all that is done. Not that Sameera approaches many people first unless there's a plan in mind for what she wants to do.

Fergus snorts. Everyone is going to keep going on about that fucking bed. Never going to live that down. "It's the last fucking thing that Marian is getting for a long ass time." he growls. "Though I'd probably pay sixty large for someone to toss my brother around. Be well spent. Freja gets a flat look. "No, you were right the first time." The large Sword grunts heavily, moving aside as his sister starts to give her speech, maybe looking more like a guard so everyone behaves. Skald does get a bit of a glance, which seems to make him look a little more pensive before going back to scanning the crowd.

Walking in, Eilonwy keeps to the back. The curly haired woman finding a tree to sit under and watch the Q and A happen curious and looking over all the faces.

Kieran meander sinto the Stone grove after the event has started, being his fashionably late self. He scans the crowd and snerks to himself at a few of the faces, before venturing forth to find a place to sit. He pauses when Freja speaks, listening intently, then, once question time begins, he renews his search.

Skald nods at Fergus, and gives Kieran a quiet, "Hey kiddo." Then he listens to Freja, nodding along. Or nodding to a beat in his head.

Arianna gives a thankful nod to Shard,"Thank you. I were right ahead of me for most of the way here. My name is Arianna by the way." Looking to Freja, the young woman seems wholly focused on what she is saying. A nod here and there as she recognizes some of it. In all honesty, most of it was new to her. Upon spotting Kieran Ari gives him a wave and a wink, peering back to Sameera and gesturing for her to come closer.

"Yeah, question." Victus raises a hand pensively as his lips curl downward. "If Spirits speak to you and other shamans, why are these stories rare outside of the north? Do Spirits like Northerners the most? If they should be all around us, then the measure of disbelief doesn't seem like it makes a whole lot of sense. Granted the Pantheon can get pretty chatty to the right people, but I'm under the impression that there's a hell of a lot more spirits than there are gods."

Ender, a Silver Gyrfalcon arrives, following Marian.

Gian turns a hesitant look around the gathering, setting the butt of his polearm to the ground and leaning on the haft, he regards Victus with a short chuckle at the Prince's question. He looks toward the woman at the altar, curious to hear the answer.

"Shard," the woman replies flatly, but, now that the event is underway, with at least a small amount of quiet. At least her voice isn't overly loud to begin with. Her eyes are on the speakers now, only occasionally drifting to latecomers as they enter.

Bear, an giant dog, Squee, the Flying Squirrel, Brigid arrive, following Darren.

"Gawkers. Well. I should have put on something cleaner and not mud streaked." Freja wiggles her toes in her boots. "Moving on in this lesson. Rituals! Yes, Rituals. We do have ways to beseech our spirits and ask for their 'intercession' and aid. As Shamans, we are mediators between this world and theirs. There is the...mundane self, and the true self, the latter being that which breaches the divide. Now, you can't just go and ask for a new pair of slippers because the cat hacked up a hairball on yours." A beat. "Well, I guess you -could- but don't expect a response. Nothing is free, and for every boon asked there is a price to be paid via ritual. Sacrifice. It can vary, dependent upon the wisdom and gravity of guidance that is being asked of the spirits." Her eyes shift to Victus as he asks his question.
     "There are other Shaman I have seen, of the Shav tribes. It is not confined to just our Northern lands - we just happened to be better at keeping the old ways." She shoots him an impish smile. "Remember, this practice far predates that of the Pantheon."

Marian slips into the gathering, running late because she had some duties to attend to ahead of time. She finds herself a quiet spot, close to her intended, Fergus.

Darren slips into the grove quietly and without attempting to bring any attempt to bring attention to himself. There is a glance to Freja up at the altar as he finds himself a place to stand and listen.

Yasmine tilts her head to the side as she listens, dark brows lifted. While she's not smiling, that might be taken as disrespectful, there is an open expression on her face, eyes wide as she listens, though the edge of a grin curves her lips at the mention of shav traibes that practice Shamanism as well.

Kieran looks to Skald with a crooked smile, "Still working on pet names, I see." He flops down near Arianna once he spots her, "Hello, fellow troublemaker," then goes quiet as Freja fields questions and explains some of the rituals.

To Arianna a look is given and around her Sameera looks, likely weighing how close to people she is. Finally she makes a decision and moves to join Arianna. The Stonewood lady is part of Ariel's new(ish) family. The slight jeweler considers the question. For once, of her own accord, Sameera offers input, "Lady Khanne Halfshav says I am a Shaman. I approached her on discussions of such tings. I know her." That said the little jeweler falls silent once more, quite content to just stay beside Arianna.

"So it's only Shamans that get to hear ghosts? 'Cause they're special or 'cause they're trained?" Victus goes on with arms crossed over his chest, gruffly raising his voice above the procession so he might be heard. "And what are spirits to the Pantheons? Do Gods recognize 'em? Are they on the same... ahhh..." He snaps his fingers a few times in contemplation. "I don't fuckin' know, plane of existence? Reality? Where are they in juncture to us?"

Siggi, a small lynx cub arrives, following Drea.

"Not only shamans get visions." Fergus rumbles. "At least, I don't think, Freja could say for sure. I got one, once. Spirits, deity, who the fuck knows. It was something. They weren't too eager to explain. Sometimes you get lucky. Or unlucky, whatever the case might be." A roll of his shoulders. The woman he happens to be marrying tomorrow shows up, giving a nod to Marian, an unsaid offer to stand next to him.

"The Gods are the sun, air, sky, and ground beneath your feet. The Spirits are the trees, the animals, the flowers, the pieces of this world inbetween," Marian offers to Victus who has worshipped both religions, "One doesn't have to exist without the other. At least that's how I see it."

"I believe what was said is that they have their own realm, separate but connected to ours." Halsim points out.

Skald looks around, like he finds all this intensely fascinating. "Huh. Got all kinds of ideas, right?" He asides to Prism. "That's neat. I like that. Independant thought."

"Ghosts are not spirits. Two different things." Freja clarifies. "It is my belief that you have to be 'called' to be a Shaman. Sure, any ol' jo schmoe can try it and definitely pay your respects to the Spirits. But, I am no seamstress. I simply don't have the talent or knack for it? While there may be the natural inclination, inherent in the soul for one to be called to be a Shaman, there is always training and fine tuning. I didn't just pick it up one day. I've been Aunt Drea's apprentice for many, many a year now." Freja waves her hand through the air. "They are here. Promise." She snaps her fingers and points to Halsim. "That, remotely, yeah."

Prism bobs her head along with Skald. "Independent," she says. "Anyone can be anything. No such thing as destiny -- only human will."

Darren cants his head over to Prism and Skald, offering a light smile before he returns his attention to the others gathered. He does not offer his own thoughts currently, he merely listens.

"If we're interested to learn to be shamans, is there a way to start that training?" Eilonwy asks out and shrinks down a little against the tree she's claimed to lean on.

The Lady Arianna found Freja's manner endearing, she was direct and didn't beat around the bush. Smirking a little bit, she looks to Sameera, Shard and Kieran whom had all congregated together. It was most definitely an interesting topic, but Ari felt completely and utterly lost. Spirits and Shamanism. Raising a hand slowly, she waits to be called on.

Victus is quiet as he contemplates that answer for a moment. Eventually his expression softens, a bit more satisfied. "Eh, okay." He rolls his hands behind his head and takes up a very ungentlemanly but comfortable posture.

Shard crosses her arms over her chest. While she continues to study the people as much as anything else, she's also clearly listening. Arriana gets another strange glance.

Margotslips in quietly, and without any fanfare, lingering near the enterance to get her barings.

"Sure. Find the Shaman of your House, approach them, ask for training and help." Freja offers to Eilonwy. "You don't have to follow my path. The problem a lot of people seem to have is thinking all of this is more formalized and black and white than it really is. The truth is, the Spirits are going to do whatever the hell they want - sometimes they'll scream their fucking answers...great, that. Looove me a cacophony, and sometimes they'll just be silent no matter how much you ask."

Freja points to Arianna. "Shoot."

While a bit late to the gathering, Drea makes her way into the grove. Steel grey hair, half braided back and decorated with feathers and beads. Smiling warmly as she noted the large group that was there.

Arianna clears her throat and nods,"So...the spirits speak to you. Is it in your mind? Or do they speak a language? Are they omnilingual? Or do you just speak....spirit speak or whatever?"

"Fickle. Wouldn't know what that's like at all." Fergus rumbles, elbowing Marian a little at the joke, keeping his expression completely. Oh, he thinks he's such a riot.

Gian notes a raised hand being acknowledged and exhales in relief. He then raises his own hand.

Serenity arrives, following Khanne.

"Depends! There isn't a certain language....given all sorts of Shav tribes have their own Shamans, it would be awful tedious to make sure we all spoke the same language in order to speak with them." Freja says.

Khanne has joined the benches.

Drea has joined the benches.

"They have ways of making themselves understood. If you have ways of understanding. Nothing's perfect, eh?" Skald adds to this, and while he doesn't raise his voice, the drawl carries.

Victus says in Northlands shav, "Would they understand the usual Northlands shit the best then?"

"Just blurt out your questions. I'll get to them. No need to raise your hands - I am in no way a formal teacher and if you piss me off, you'll know it." Freja promises with a cheerful smile. "Ask away, you." she nods to Gian.

Arianna crinkles her nose at the answer, she wanted to say something more but she noticed Gian had his hand up. Though Kieran seemed to say something that caught her attention and she nods slowly. "Oh." Looking back to Freja with a grin so wide, her eyes closed she nods once. "Thank you!"

Margot clears her throat lightly and steps in further, moving towarsds the High prince of Maelstrom.

Marian nudges him back with her elbow, "Shush!" She gives Freja a sweet smile and then glares at her intended to be more serious. After her point is made, Marian offers, "Got to listen, watch for signs because spirits don't have any patience for ignorant or self-absorbed folks."

Gian chuckles, then raises his voice to inquire of Freja in a thick, lowbrow Lycene accent, "With utmost respect, Princess: are shamans sorcerors? You spoke of sacrifice in return for boons; to my ignorant ear this sounds much like blood magic, and I would ask you how they are different."

Sameera notes Darren and wiggles her fingers in greeting to the High Lord that is marrying Donella. For Sameera it is totally not Donella marrying him. Yeah. She totally copied Arianna's greeting.

Shard stares at Arianna for a few moments, and then blinks a few times. "Err, /no/," she says. It's quiet, but not as quiet as the whisper just a moment ago. Her gaze goes to Skald, looking thoughtful, and then Victus.

Khanne slips into the grove quietly. She looks around the circle of stones with reverence before she walks softly towards the benches. She listens, closely, to all the talking around her but remains silent for the moment. She comes as an observer to this particular gathering, and arriving late, seeks not to intrude.

Arianna blushes once more, the sting of embarrassment in her cheeks from whatever question Shard just answered. Though she follows the woman's gaze to Skald and then Victus, and then back to Skald. Then to Sameera for stealing her signature gesture of hello! Bringing a hand up to cover her mouth she leans close to Shard and elbows her gently, wiggling her eyebrows towards Skald and saying something under her breath.

Margot looks up at Victus with an utterly exasperated look that is almost affectionate in it's 'and this is my life now' quality. Sisters ad mothers every where know that look.

Victus shrugs to his side at Margot as the pair exchanged some hushed words, the Prince staring at her like she just grew an extra set of heads.

Prism is not known for glaring. It might even be unheard of! But she does glare, lucent, at Arianna, at that eyebrow wiggle. And then looks abashed right after, tucking her gaze away, a flush coloring her fair cheeks.

"Spirits do not abide blood magic. It's a good way to anger them," Kieran notes to Gian. "At least from what snippets I have heard." He then waits for Freja to correct him, if he is wrong.

Shard looks mostly baffled, and a little annoyed at whatever is being whispered about. Or possibly just the elbowing.

Skald slips an arm around Prism's shoulders and gives her a (gentle, so gentle) squeeze, though hs pit-dark gaze is sliding between Freja and Gian.

Darren offers a light wave and a smile in Sameera's direction, though he does chuckle at the brow waggling to Skald. He leans to murmur something to Skald quietly with a smirk.

"Did a gnat land on your brow?" Freja asks with a pause, eyeing Arianna after he brow wiggling. A shake of her head and she refocuses after a pull from her flask. Gian gets a long, unblinking stare from the Redrain before suddenly she barks out a laugh, slapping her knee in amusement before snapping her fingers and pointing at him all with the same hand. "I was -waiting- for that inquiry! See, all of this going on lately. Now, I myself did not know and given the Spirits....muddled methods of missive deliverance at times, I beseeched them and waited. Oh, nothing quite like being woken with the answer after you had just dozed off. Perfect. BUT, I digress. No. We are not magicians, we are not sorcerers. Would you call your Lectors and Priests that? We make sacrifices....yes, it angers it, but it does not kill them. It goes against one of their few rules - an abhorrence of 'cannibalism'. They frown upon this, seeing it as a semblance of it."

Margot shakes her head slightly at Victus before her attention turns back to the Shaman's thoughtfully. "Are there any special daily rituals or prayers that shaman's enact?"

Fergus moves to open his mouth suddenly, but then sees Marian, almost watching him. Deciding this isn't the time to give his sister crap with a snarky comment, he shuts his yap again.

When the heavily armored woman of ethereal beauty gives her a glare, Ari's eyes go very very wide. For a second. Then of course she is mortified when Freja calls her out. So what does she do, laugh softly and nod. "Yes. was a bee." Without missing a beat, she starts waving her hand around in the air. Though of course she facepalms and shakes her head, turning to look at Kieran with an open mouth and slapping him on the arm. Before anyone else can notice. She laughs again. "Got it."

Prism looks suitably reassured by Skald's arm-shoulder-maneuver. If his gaze is on Freja and Gian, hers is on the rest of the people gathered, passing from face to face, from body language to body language. "Sorry," she mouths to Arianna.

Her question answered, Eilonwy slips out, keeping to the back.

As Kahnne enters, Drea moves to sit down next to to the woman on the benches. Nodding to each of her children, Darren and Kieran. And then her nephew, Fergus and Marian. And of course her niece, Freja, though remains quiet, not wishing to interrupt her.

Gian nods aside to Kieran, "Heard the same, myself. S'why I'm confused and asking.." he notes quietly, intent and thoughtful as Freja gives her answer. "Again, I mean no disrespect, and ask your pardon if I blunder into offense, but... yes. I would call what the priests do magic. And angering a spirit but not killing it to get what you want sounds like sorcery, just not..." Shrugging as he can't find a better word, "Not as bloody."

Arianna checked charm + manipulation at difficulty 15, rolling 31 higher.

"If the spirits detest blood magic as you say..." Victus raises up with a serious look on his face for the first time that evening, his fingers intertwined as he moves his gaze back onto Freja directly. "Then this may seem more political than spiritual, but surely, they can't be none too pleased about the Nox'alfar's presence in the city? Unless they are like the faith and make exceptions to the rules in these special cases? I'm curious at where the line is landin' there."

Sameera just seems more and more confused by the actions of the companions she is with. And the things being said.

"I believe Princess Freja meant blood sacrifices anger them," Darren clears his throat, speaking up just a touch. "Not all sacrifices."

Skald pipes up again. "You can call it whatever you want, no skin off my back," the tattooed man notes, "But that doesn't make it magic. There's divine will that can rearrange the stuff of your reality, but it's not magic like people do. You can't teach a god or a spirit a spell. That formula stuff is just for people."

Marian smiles at Khanne and Drea, giving them nods as Fergus manages to reign in the comments. She laces her fingers in his and then brings his hand up to her lips so she can lightly kiss his knuckles.

Arianna mouths back to Prism with a shit eating grin on her lips,"I meant no harm." Then of course Victus' statement catches her ear. Hot damn that dude just let the Faith have it. Of course, she was also a firm believer they had their moments of hypocrisy, so she just crosses her arms and quietly mhms.

Shard stares at Arianna. Whatever the other woman is saying, it's successfully distracting her from the overarching conversation. There's even a little redness around the tips of her ears. She looks exasperated, and she also looks, rather sharply, toward Skald. Then back to Arianna, with a narrow look.

"It varies from Shaman to Shaman. I have my own seasonal rituals, daily prayers, that I tend to but that is by no means an indication that Lady Khanne, Ysbail, or Lady Signe do the same thing. That is a very general thing where each path can be highly stylized and personal." Freja nods to Darren, "Yes, that. Not all sacrifices...I did say that if you ask a boon be prepared for sacrifice." Her eyes shift to Victus and it is on him her eyes remain for a long spell (GET IT?!). "The Spirits have abandoned places before. If they are angered by their presence, they'll make it known. It is not as if they are bound to remain where they are unhappy."

Khanne continues to listen to everyone, her brows arching on occasion when something said catches her interest, for one reason or another. She smiles at Drea as the Redrain Shamaness sits beside her, whispering a soft greeting. "It is good to see you, Mother Bear." Otherwise, her eyes follow watch person that speaks, misty-greys seemingly in constant motion as the conversation moves swiftly all around the Stone Grove. Spotting Marian's smile, she gives a nod and a smile in return.

Gian gives a bow to Darren, "I thank yoyr Highness for that.. but again, I am too ignorant to see the difference, and ask your patience." He turns his attention to Skald peering in hard thought at the words. He settles on another bow, not knowing the man. ""Very well.. mortals must rely on ritual and sacrifice. Sorceror and Shaman, is the only difference how far the magician goes?"

"The gods and their seraphs don't cast magic," Prism says, after Skald. "They /are/ magic. Woven from the same thing this world is woven of."

"Freja, perhaps you could describe to people what you mean by sacrifices? So they have examples of what you mean," Darren asks, offering an encouraging smile to his cousin. He walks over to Drea afterward, and pecks her on the cheek.

Skald shakes his head at Gian. "Nah, man, if you appeal to gods or spirits, that's 'beseeching'. It's asking something made of magic to help you out. It's not manipulating the stuff yourself."

Khanne pipes up then with a gentle voice. "For myself, I call them offerings, not sacrifices... if that helps."

Margot nods to Freja greatful for the answer. "Thank you. What is the polite way to address a Shaman? Is it Mother or Father? Brother/Sister? Shaman? Holiness?" Etiquette. It's important.

"What do the shamans do if spirits are to leave a place they are unhappy being?" Victus raises a brow. "Is it frowned on to tread on places spirits won't go? Are you meant to follow them? Or is it free to choose?"

"'Hey, you,' usually works," Kieran offers to Margot as an answer, chuckling a bit to himself, before quietly addressing Shard, Sameera, and Arianna around him, rollding his eyes at their quiet conversation.

"I usually say 'hey you'." Fergus asides to Margot, giving an idle grunt.

Oh my. Arianna looks mortified now. Whatever was being muttered seems to have caused her a small bit of discomfort. "Oh shit." Swallowing visibly, she tries to somehow make herself smaller. Her head swiveling as she looks for exits.

Gian dips his head again to Skald and Prism, visibly wrestling with the concepts. "Do I understand correctly that Gods, Seraphs, and Spirits are all magic by nature. Bargaining with them with sacrifices is done.. Are Demons simply evil spirits, then?"

"Alright. For instance...and if we are to get personal here, I was concerned for Farhaven once. It is truly the only place my heart lies, and I feared to lose it once. The sacrifice I made was offering the last trinket I had of my mother to the sacrificial fires - a pressed bloom, rare in the North." Freja says with a drop of her eyes. "That sort of sacrifice...see? I was beseeching for protection of my ancestral home, and thus sacrificed the last bit of ...well. Nevermind. More questions?!"

Whatever answer Shard gets from Kieran, it chases away some color from her face, and there's a tiny loosening of her jaw. She gives Arianna an outright dirty look. The entire thing doesn't last terribly long, but it's certainly noticeable.

"Shaman works fine. I mean, I have other titles, but Shaman works fine when I am working in that capacity." Freja explains to Margot.

Skald nods at Gian, though his expression is more thoughtful than encouraging. "That's pretty close, yeah. The little demons, anyway. The big ones are the reflections of the gods and seraphs."

"I call her pain in the ass." Victus muses aloud as he glances back to the gathering with a cheeky grin. "So how does one come to magic if you're only borrowing what other beings already have? Or... are, I guess. Is that question appropriate for this? I don't usually go deep."

Margot looks to Kieran and Fergus and offers a smile that is polite to the extend that it's unlikely she's ever put the words 'hey you' in together. "I see your Highnesses."

"Many demons do not think of themselves as evil," Prism says. "They think of themselves as ... orderly. They have so many rules." She chews her lower lip. "But their order is a cruel order. It hurts and it enslaves. They do not respect or honor the freedom of will."

Skald swivels his gaze to Victus. "Try being a god, or a spirit? If you want to learn magic, you're barking up the wrong tree. Gotta find a mage and ask them. This is a spiritual discussion." And then he grins, and turns a proud look to Freja. "Get it? Spirits?"

Fergus hadn't heard any of that. The fact that Freja had given up something their mother had given her. That makes him frown a bit more deeply than usual, and his eyes darken a touch. Even the hand that Marian had taken a hold of grips a little more firmly.

Gian looks a bit uneasy at Skald's answer, covering it as best he can with another respectful dip of his head. To Prism, he notes wryly, "Few folk ever do think themselves evil, Lady."

Prism gasps, alarmed. "A High Lord would never dare learn magic while magic is still illegal in his Compact!" she insists to Victus.

Drea wraps an arm around Khanne and gives her a warm one armed hug. Nodding to the woman's words. Lifting her head a little as Darren kisses her cheek, kissing his own back.

Victus rolls his eyes to that. "I like bein' me, thanks. I was just wonderin' where it all comes from, if the spirits and gods mix with it and that's what generates all the... weird shit." He struggles for a better term. "I guess I'm wondering if you gotta have a source if it just... happens? Do you -learn- how to do miracles or are miracles just a roll of the dice?"

Kieran snerks and shakes his head at the awful puns flying around. He looks to victus, "Beseeching is asking the gods and spirits for help. Performing magic is more doing it yourself. They're not really the same."

"Again, not my fucking fault I'm better at our war than -you-." Freja quips to Victus and sticks out her tongue before continuing to answer his question. "If the Spirits leave, we have ways of healing the lands, to try and make it pleasing to bring them back. Sometimes though, a place can just be...gone. As for magic? I wouldn't know. I only know I beseech the Spirits." Skald gets a scowl, "Oh, c'mon, I've heard better jokes from you."

Margot looks distinctly uncomfortable with the whole... magic discussion, in fact the lady even pales a fraction.

Yasmine remains perched in place, watching and listening, but, as of yet, not offering much in the manner of questions. Perhaps the explanations offered are enough to satisfy her curiosity for now. Each speaker, when the question is asked and then when it is answered, receives the entirety of the Ravashari's attention.

"Oh so it's a -war- now?" Victus grunts up at Freja with a cock of his head. "You're playin' a dangerous game if you wanna start callin' it a war. You want piranhas in your pillowcases? Because we got plenty of 'em." The High Lord's interest in the mystical hullabaloo is easily conquered by his own pride in the ongoing prank war.

"I guess it's important to ask. Not that I plan on becoming a sorceress anytime soon...but, when a human uses magic. /What/ or /where/ is it coming from? Primum? If that's the case...sorry...then does that not mean humans are also creatures made of magic?" Arianna tried to ignore the hushed conversation going on around her. "Sorry if this isn't a shamanism question, but I guess it's confusing when one is speaking of beseeching vs working magic."

"Piranhas will die very quickly in pillowcases, out of water," Prism points out, pragmatically.

Victus grins maliciously. "I know."

Skald just shrugs at Arianna. He's got nothing.

"So you are just ... punishing the piranhas?" Prism hazards.

"Shamanism is not magic. Spirits are not demons, are not the dead, nor are they the gods of your Pantheon." Freja recapitulate bluntly. "Yes. This is war. I'm winning. Besides, I have more shells." she remarks, studying some dirt under her nails. "The problem is...oh damn it." She glares at Victus. "But, moving on....any mor equestions?"

Khanne leans against Drea when the older woman puts her arm around her. A smile curls her lips slightly then, despite looking a bit stressed.

Marian gives him a squeeze and murmurs softly in his ear to calm him. She frowns as the discussion compares spirits to demons and then mages are mentioned, but she lets Freja address it since she knows more than her.

Darren leans to murmur something with Skald, sharing a chuckle under his breath and flashing a warm grin. And then, quietly, he makes his way out of the grove.

"Well no, the point would be the smell of decaying fish lasting in her room and her also being the one to clean it up." Victus makes some broad gestures toward Freja before the point of the meeting catches up to him. He raises his hand again, "Last one from me. Difference between spirits and ghosts being?"

Bear, an giant dog, Squee, the Flying Squirrel, Brigid leave, following Darren.

Shard gives Kieran the weird look, this time.

"Poor piranhas," Prism murmurs, shaking her head in a display of disappointment and empathy. "Shaman Freja! What woudl the spirits think of uncalled for and unnecessary fish abuse?"

Skald pounds the ground beside him with a fist. It leaves a divot. "Here! Good question!" He grins, encouraging and adoring, at Prism.

Kieran looks to Skald then to Victus. "Catch and release is the way to go when fishing." He then looks to Freja to see what spirits think of using piranha as prank material.

"Honestly, I think they would find his torture of me hilarious, but also maybe be upset at the poor fish's expense.." Freja makes a show of jutting out her lower lip in a pout at Victus. "It's a toss up! They may not think it uncalled for given all of the things I've done to him." Her eyes shift to Victus and she says, "The Spirits are of nature, ghosts are ...well the dead. The Queen of Endings is not a Shaman - if the two were the same she would be by pure definition."

Whatever Marian just whispered to Fergus, it makes him snort and then nod his head in agreement, muttering something in return to her.

Gian looks discreetly between the high nobles at their banter, with the look of someone almost entirely sure they're joking.

"I am not sure," Prism says, hemming and hawwing. She quicklky fills in the divot Skald leaves behind with a palmful of dirt and grass. "Should any other being be sacrificed solely for the torment of another? Of course, the Spirits can be very strange. Very."

"You steal my booze and throw rocks at me. The spirits are fickle if they don't believe it justified." Victus asserts with a wave of his hand. "If they wouldn't be going in her room, they'd be headed to the arms of Mangata in offering. Frankly I like to think that the good lady of the sea and the spirits around us can understand that it'd be a necessary sacrifice."

Drea was content to sit there listening and watching the gathered group, with her arm around Khanne. Giving the younger woman a gentle affectionate squeeze. The Mother Bear's gaze moving around from speaker to speaker. Smirking just slightly at all the bantering going on.

"And those are just the things you know about..." Freja singsongs to Victus. "Now, if there is nothing else to be posed? I need a stiff one." A beat. "Whiskey."

Skald snorts. Because that was funny.

Arianna takes two steps away from Skald's direction when he pounds the ground. Giving him a wide berth before she looks to Freja,"Probably another stupid question, but is there an afterlife for people who believe in shamanism? I mean in the lore, not necessarily can you confirm this."

Fergus checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 1 lower.

Shard is still quiet, but no longer whispering, as she tells Kieran in the blandest possible tone, "I kill people for money."

Prism pats down the dirt and grass once she's filled in that divot. Pat, pat. She doesn't acknowledge that it's funny. No sir.

Marian turns Fergus' focus to her and lightly kisses him on the lips, "'s done Fergus. No need to continue."

Oh no, Fergus can't let Freja get away with that one and *not* expect him to say *something* towards her. His eyes lighten up at the shaman's last particular comment, opening his mouth to say something to that aaaaand. Marian smooches him, which gets him to shut up. He grumps instead. "Taking the fucking fun out of everything.

"Shaman or Pantheon, The Queen gets them all. Belief in one does not mean there can't be belief in the others." Freja says, absent-mindedly touching left hand against her right forearm as she speaks.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Margot before departing.

Skald nods along, again - whether to Freja or a beat in his own ears is not clear. "It would be good to get some more spirits hereabouts," he muses.

Arianna slowly nods, crossing her arms and contemplating the conversation. "Thank you for this, it was definitely interesting." Giving a respectful dip of her head to Freja, she turns to look at the three standing with her and furrows a brow. "One last question Shaman Freja. I promise. The spirits don't like blood magic, clearly. Do they get upset about murder, executions, killing in battle? Anything prematurely ending someone's natural life span?"

Shard moves away from the small group made up of Kieran, Arianna, and Sameera, looking spikey and irritable. She crosses her arms over her chest as she goes, as if to complete the picture.

"They only truly care about cannibalism - it's their only true taboo. For them, it is the only crime among spirits. Spirits in their own law should not devour, or absorb, other spirits to grow stronger. That's the issue there - they also abhor abyssal magic, but who doesn't? The stuff is vile, a corruption." Freja says while rubbing at her forearm.

Prism shivers, quite by reflext, at mention of abyssal magic. She looks chilled straight to the bone.

Skald looks unperturbed. As usual. He gives Prism a quizzical look. "Know what else would be great? Fireflies. Late in the season for 'em, though."

"Well I feel smarter." Victus announces to Freja with a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. "I'm not sure I still understand most of it but some of it is a little bit clearer and I got a lot of new shit to work with on top of that." The giant of a man takes a stand and stretches his arms out wide. "But thanks, this'll be good to add to my spiritual repertoire."

Prism's eyes widen at Skald. "Do you want to see fireflies?" she asks him, earnest.

Drea snorted softly as she watched Freja, Fergus, and Marian. Though as Shard moves away from her small group, she glances towards her youngest son, Kieran. A slight lift of her eyebrow as she watches them. Though at the mention of Abyssal magic her lips press together in quiet distaste, though she does slightly nod in agreement at Freja's asnwer to the question.

"I would love some fireflies right about now. Or snow. But, alas. Is that all?" Freja checks one last time.

"Yeah!" Skald looks interested, nodding at Prism. "I remember this one grove deep in the woods where some nights, they'd be thick as a blanket, all winking in and out at each other like a buggy star field."

Gian bows a final time, "My thanks for your patience, Shaman," he offers to Freja.

Margot falls quite, listening again, a brow slightly lifted at Victust. Her head shakes just a touch before she smiles to Freja. "Thank you Shaman for hosting this enlightening event."

Hopping up from the altar, Freja nods her thanks to those that appeared and closes her eyes to offer her own prayer to the Spirits. That done, she reaches up to remove her headdress with a sigh.

Khanne smiles a little at Skald's recollection of a firefly lit grove. "That sounds beautiful..."

Prism raises her hands, palm-up, and one by one by one, a hundred fireflies wink into view, and then wink out again, in again, twinkling like the buggy star field Skald describes. "Some days," she says, "they'd shine bright enough to light up the darkest night."

Fergus gives a single nod to Freja. "Did a good job, Frey." he utters, sound at least, to him, impressed.

Since she noticed the look to Kieran as she had been going to speak with Khanne, Arianna turns her head to look at Kieran and shakes her head judgingly. Stepping away to move over toward Drea and her daughter. "Khanne! I didn't want to interrupt but, I wanted to say hi again. Do you think later I could have a word with you about all this. I have been meaning to thank you for the whole blight sitch."

Freja stares at the light of the fireflies, closing her eyes as a soft hum comes - a ghost of a melody of the archaic north.

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