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Written By Belladonna

Jan. 27, 2017, 9:37 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

I was championed today by Lady Niamh Greenmarch of the Champion's guild. She fought Baroness Kima Saik, who stood for Duke Hadrian Malvici. Both women fought incredibly well, and the Sentinel favored my cause.

Duke Hadrian has apologized, and he has retracted his insult. I consider the matter settled, and will hear no words spoken against him on the matter. The Lyceum must stand together in these coming days, and solving these sorts of problems in the traditional way allows us all to do so.

Thank you, Champions.
Thank you, Duke Hadrian.

Written By Valencia

Jan. 27, 2017, 9:16 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

So many I am worried about. My uncle Niccolo, Max, Luca, Azne, Asger, Gavin are a few that spring to mind.

Niccolo and Max bring me most pause right now. Especially Niccolo. Gods, if I lose him...

And yet I feel unable to help. And if I cannot help, what use am I?


Written By Valencia

Jan. 27, 2017, 9:12 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Yet another thing dear to me taken.

It begs the question just how much more I will lose before the day is done.

More importantly, how might I arrest this most unhappy and unwanted trend.

I am fear I am about to cease being so very gracious about losing such things.


Written By Felix

Jan. 27, 2017, 9:11 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Niamh

Oooooh. She's slender and blond and with no lack of sass.
Praise the Grandmaster! and her wonderful...axe.

Written By Angelo

Jan. 27, 2017, 9:08 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

It is days such as these that remind me of the wheezing of your chest, your painfully wet coughs, the blood spatters on your sleeves.

Written By Alarie

Jan. 27, 2017, 8:36 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

I made a fine seasilk dress in an austere Thraxian fashion. It was put up in a fashion show that was held by the Whisper house. At first, I seriously doubted myself and my abilities. With the current frown upon the more somber fashions of Thrax, I was worried that my creation would be disregarded. I was wrong. I am glad to be wrong! It seems the dress I created was a great success! Now I am eager to see how well it fares with the upcoming auction. I spent quite a bit of money investing into that dress.

Written By Alarie

Jan. 27, 2017, 8:33 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Halsim

Halsim is an inquisitor and an alchemist. He has recruited me to help in some of his endeavors, calling me his assistant. I am unsure of him, actually slightly terrified of him. That said, I do believe he has Thrax's best interest at heart. I am but a seamstress, but I will help him with whatever I can to aide our house and the compact from these rather terrible things coming against us.

Written By Alarie

Jan. 27, 2017, 8:30 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Max

Count Maximilian Darkwater. It seems that I have developed a rather deep respect for this man. Perhaps it is his smooth talking. Perhaps it is how he holds himself as an honorable, fearless leader. Perhaps it is how he speaks to me in respectful ways, not dismissing me and valuing my input. He is now my liege, my patron and I have sworn fealty to his house.

Written By Cybele

Jan. 27, 2017, 8:02 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

It will take some time, Sister Sophie Valardin has said.

But with my engagement in the Physician's College and my love for Lagoma, she has agreed to start training me so I may one day call myself Mercy.

I look forward to learning more.

Written By Dominic

Jan. 27, 2017, 7:47 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

I got what I want. Bounty is void. Now you know I am here and now you know why.

Written By Lydia

Jan. 27, 2017, 7:16 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

I must come up with a good name for a monkey.

Not Tails, that seems horribly uncreative.

Written By Leona

Jan. 27, 2017, 6:49 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

So that is done. Rymarr is now the Lord Commander of the King's Own. A surprising number of people showed up for the ceremony - I suppose it isn't the sort of thing that happens very often, after all. Perhaps they'll see another peaceful passing of the sword in their lifetime; perhaps not. Someone asked me if it felt odd to not be carrying the sword of the Lord Commander, but I just smiled. My hand will always remember the weight of it, and perhaps one day I will wield it again, but power is not at the heart of what I crave.

Besides, I still have the shield.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 27, 2017, 5:49 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Merek

It was nice to spar with someone today. I meet Mister Merek Black, my cousin's new patron. He's skilled but I didn't realize how fast I am. I should have eased up. I will run out of challengers if I keep up like this.

Written By Eirlys

Jan. 27, 2017, 5:47 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Went on a mission today, a personal one but still fun. I got a present for my brother. I hope he likes it! I even had help picking it out! I can't wait for him to see what we picked out. I think he will love this present!

Written By Ainsley

Jan. 27, 2017, 5:14 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

It's funny, in a frustrating and maddening way, how what you think will happen doesn't. What you think should happen the opposite happens. What do you do when your own thoughts challenge your ideals? The ones you've held for your entire life? Dear to your heart this is the way of the world. Only perhaps there is a different way.

If my life is a battle then the field is full of chaos and more enemies than I can hit at once. I must continue to throw myself into the ring and raise my blade. I must hone myself in every aspect of life.

Written By Merek

Jan. 27, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominique

I met Marquessa Dominique at the Training Center and we had a sparring match. She is skilled with a weapon, and definitely seems to have some ability with combat. I hope to talk to her further in the future.

Written By Dominic

Jan. 27, 2017, 4:10 p.m.(10/11/1005 AR)

Dear W,

If it is true you killed my sister because you mistook her for Copper, know that I will hunt your ilk until either all of you are dead or someone tells me what the fuck happened. Ten-Thousand silvers to the one who brings me the head of a Red Warden.

Written By Valery

Jan. 27, 2017, 12:57 p.m.(10/10/1005 AR)

It lately feels like everything I like or touch gets spoiled...

Written By Rowan

Jan. 27, 2017, 12:53 p.m.(10/10/1005 AR)

Baroness Kima is the Sword of Southport, and Lady Niamh is the Sword of Greenmarch, and more over, the Grandmaster of the Champions. Whatever my thoughts on this custom of the Compact, a duel between two of the best sword arms in the city is sure to be worth watching. I have no stake in what two Lycene houses argue between themselves, and one fighter is a friend, while the other my sister. Blood will have to prevail in where I place my wagers and who I root for.

Don't fuck it up, Niamh.

Written By Rowan

Jan. 27, 2017, 12:40 p.m.(10/10/1005 AR)

Two men rowed a small boat around snake infested waters, for there were no safer waters to fish and their families needed food. As luck often goes for those of little option - for only bad luck sees them in the predicament in the first place - things went from bad to worse. They lost their poles to strong fish. They lost oars to the weeds.

On the shore of the waters, two other men spoke and laughed between the themselves over a picnic, with no notice of the boat men. The boat men called to shore, but the shore men were too busy to hear.

The men in the boat tried to paddle with their hands, but were seized upon by the snakes. When the boat men called again, one shore man took notice and laughed, "That was stupid! There are snakes in the water! Why would you do such a thing? Just come to shore, everything is fine here!"

The boat men tried to explain their plight, but the shore men had returned to their revelries, not understanding that the boat men's situation. While the shore men enjoyed themselves, the boat men tried to make the best of theirs. They argued ways to get to shore. They fought in the boat for desperation, and knocked small holes into the hull in the process.

Water flooded their stranded boat, and the snakes gathered around to wait. Their hands were swollen and bleeding. They called again to the shore, and the shore men took notice again, to condemn them putting holes in their boat. The boat was undoubtedly sinking, but they could not see the snakes or the wounds, did not understand their situation.

The men on the shore threw the boat men their spoons.

The boat men became angry, they resented the spoons they were given, but they did what they could with them. The boat continued to fill and sink. When the boat was nearly full of water and snakes were starting to slip through the holes, one of the boat men jumped out, and tried to swim to shore. Facing the snakes seemed more likely to him than help from shore. The other was certain that help would come from shore, and stayed in the boat, furiously bailing out with his spoon.

The shore men grew concerned with the splashing of the one trying to swim to shore, and stood to watch as he was overcome by snakes. "Why would he do such a thing?" they asked between themselves. To the man left in the boat, they called, "Have no worries! We will save you!"

"We should throw him a rope," said one shore man to the other. "A bucket would serve him better," said the other. And so they argued between themselves how best to help the man left in the boat, but it was all in aid too late. The man in the boat had been bitten long before, and was already resentful, and by the time the shore men had made up their mind, the boat was nearly sunk.

Looking between each other, the shore men asked of each other, "Do you know how to fish?"

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