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Shadows and Light: Scouting the Shadowood

Marquis Kael has sent out the call: Volunteers are needed to scout the next stop on the press into the Shadowood. Seeking those interested in investigating the site for a forward operating base within the Shadowood. This mission is likely to be dangerous; the Shadowood is a dark, nefarious place full of the worst kind of Abandoned.

This is the first episode in a very, very long arc that will be run biweekly or monthly for the next 6-9 months. We are keeping the sessions 3-4 hours each. Participants do not have to attend every session, and can jump in and out as they need. But this is an extended story. Trying to keep participants to 6-8 per session, Keaton and Keaton allies get preference.


April 19, 2020, 8:30 p.m.

Hosted By

Reigna Kael

GM'd By

Reigna Kael


Cristoph Alis Drake Veronica Amari Iroh Kastelon(RIP) Rane(RIP)



Outside Arx - Oathlands near Oakhaven - Ezara's Retreat

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Welcome to the Shadowood! Or, more accurately put, the outskirts of the Oakwood forest. Then again, where does the Shadowood start and the Oakhaven begin? That question may never exactly have an answer. What is set up however are numerous towers. There are simple watchtowers, towers that have been manned with the loyal soldiers of Oakhaven, and strongholds of arms. They are all buzzing with life, an energy, as several parties have been put together.

The purpose of these parties? To advance into the Shadowood, to start the scouting progression, so that a push can be made in a direction. The eventual goal? For the evil that lurks within to be smited, of course. There are numerous whispers about what exists within, everything from some massive evil that is currently waking up, to a corrupt Seraph that seeks the destruction of a member of the Keaton Household, and any number of ghastly beings.

Everyone has their own reason of being here of course. Or perhaps they were in the area and sought to simply join in on adventure when familiar faces were spied. After all, who does not enjoy going into the wood that is known for its vile inhabitants? Surely it is not all that nefarious.

The trees reach high overhead, limbs twisting into each other to create a thick canopy and create an eternal shrouded landscape even when the sun hangs high in the sky. There are no visible pathways, just a stretch of forested land, but still. A man and a horse, single-file, might make it through most areas...

Why is Cristoph here? Well, why not. Somewhere close to a year or so ago, he showed up and wanted to see some towers. And today? he's doing that exact same thing. He's sitting on his horse, a fine palomino destrier and starting up at one the towers. To no one in particular he decides, "These are very fine towers that Marquis Keaton has had erected. Possibly the finest towers in the entire Oathlands. I'm going to have to ask him for the plans." And then he gives his horse a little nudge and joins in with the traveling party. Tower appreciation can wait for another day.

Alis is here to smite, plain and simple. Her motives rarely vary; protect the innocent, slay the evil, wield her flail and smashy smash. But also.... "Why yes, those are very fine towers." she agrees, from atop Sir Arugula. He hasn't had an adventure in awhile, and he was starting to try to bite other horsies on their way out of the stable. It was time.

Drake Wyrmguard is only just now working with some of the folk here for the first time. He considered a scouting mission such as this one an opportunity to prove his mettle in a place outside of the training grounds and the Champions arena. There he's known for the joust, and he prefers to adventure mounted for as long as the woods are clear enough for a horse. His black horse blends a little into the shadow of the forest. He rides with his helm off and his blades at his side. Keeping aware of his surroundings, while trying not to stare too much into the darkness.

This isn't the first time Veronica has been in the Shadowood. Even so, there's something about it that always strikes her nerves, sending a tingle of something between worry and anticipation down her back. She arrives on the back of a compact mare, cantering up to join the party with the light thud of hoof on forest debris. She's wearing light leather armour rather than plate or chain, probably to facilitate movement in the forest's thick, overgrown depths, and has a sword at each hip.

She glances up at the towers as Cristoph's and Alis's voices carries back to her. "If it stays up when the wind comes through, that makes it a good tower in my eyes," she calls up to them, falling in beside Drake and offering him a friendly nod of greeting.

Amari has been decidedly quiet and withdrawn on this outing, but that may be understandable given she's rumored to be the member of the Keaton household singled out for destruction. Maybe that's why there's a certain hesitance to stand close to her, that or she's just giving off an unfriendly air as she sits atop her dapple gray Duskshire warhorse, Bandit, in full plate all sleekly contoured rubicund finished to a rose gold sheen. Her enormouse pair of dogs, Barf and River, pad along with her, and Marigold the pygmy goat is balanced on horseback behind her like she belongs there or has just gone unnoticed somehow. She is small.

Iroh served with the huntsmen in Oakhaven, so perhaps he was a natural choice to come along. Dressed in his leathers and with his bow in hand, he travels with the party and keeps a close lookout for anything that might try and lunge at them out of those woods. He looks around for a moment. "Fine enough to bring warning." Iroh comments. He doesn't appear afraid of these woods, far from it. However, he is cautious about where he steps and who might be watching.

Iroh checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 7 higher.

Amari checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 27 higher.

Cristoph checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 15 higher.

Rane checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 15 higher.

Veronica checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 4 higher.

Drake checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 13 higher.

The deeper they travel into the Shadowood, the more distinct it becomes. There is an aura in this place, an unease that settles like a weight at the nape of their necks. A cold brick in their bellies. The horses feel it too. Tails flick, ears side to side, in a display of controled nerves. The underbrush is winter-dead, dry and crackling under hooves. There are a few different paths to take, some wide enough for two horses to travel side by side, several others tight enough to allow for only single file riders. The choices are there, which will be picked?

Kastelon checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 10 higher.

Kastelon is riding through the woods nearby, quiet. He has a bow over his back and a sword strapped to his belt. A wary watchful air settles about him, but his posture is smooth and familiar with the surroundings. That aura of deep unease has him growing sharper.

Alis checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 26 higher.

With the towers fading behind him, Cristoph lets his mare fall into place next to Sir Arugala. He spends much of this part of the ride chatting away to Alis, whether or not she seems super interested. As different paths begin to show themselves, he looks around a bit with some interest. One path seems very good and he sort of lingers near it and looks to Amari, she lives around here.

Having ridden in customary silence, the baron swept his gaze around the Shadowood and kept close to his cousin Amari. With each passing clop of hooves, the air felt more and more oppressive and when they came to one particular fork with a wider path to make for easier travel. Without much direction or noise, it seemed the natural path to go and so, he clicked a heel softly against the belly of his gelding and off they went.

Drake, not the highest ranked warrior here, nonetheless realizes that the path is going to split. Noticing that Cristoph has also seen the clearer path that he has spied, he nods in that direction, toward him. "We could split up, but we should probably stay together down the clearest route."

Veronica eyes the narrower paths with deep suspicion. "I don't like those choke points either," she says, gently flicking her reins to turn her mare's head towards the path indicated by the others. One hand is freed to pat the mare's neck, calming her nervous fidgets, and she glances back to check on Amari.

Alis is always interested in what the excellent Duke of Artshall has to say. Or, at least, she can pretend to be! Plus, they can square away boring business until something interesting happens. A nod is given, chinwards, towards a wider path. Wide enough for two horses to ride side by side at least. Hopefully it's the same one that other smart people are pointing out. "I like this one."

Kastelon's eyebrows draw down heavily, and he offers his own perspective, but without any emotional investment. "Higher ground could mean a vantage point from which we can see more of the forest." It appears his foreboding expression is just what he looks like when concentrating.

Iroh apparently prefers to go on foot, so on foot he remains. He looks around a moment before his attention shifts to the northwest. "That way, specifically. It has a sharp incline, but if we have higher ground, we can have a better idea of what paths we ought to take."

"Better to be caught where we have room to maneuver." Amari agrees with the general sentiment while pointing down the wider path. Kastelon's comment is considered, and Iroh's with a neutral expression. "There's little to see but trees. Is anyone a good climber?" Because like she said, there's plenty of trees.

Kastelon shrugs with a roll of both shoulders, and concedes to Amari with a bow of his head. He squints with a frown into the trees around them.

"I'd prefer not to split apart, I'm not familiar enough with these woods to find anyone if they start to scream," Cristoph comments, casting a glance to Alis. As others also seem to like the same road and the Keatons in hand like the road, he turns his mare down it and also chooses this path. He definitely shouldn't climb a tree in all that metal.

Drake raises his hand slightly. "I'm a good climber, if you'll watch the horse." He's in leathers, so a bit lighter than the more heavy-armored knights. He pulls the horse to a stop. "Want me to get up and get a look around?"

Alis looks around, before shrugging. "I'm not a great climber, but if I took off some armor 'm probably light enough to toss up one of those trees?" she offers. Because of course she does. "Fortunately, we have other volunteers!" Thank you Drake. "I tend to agree with Duke Cristoph about splitting up. That's always how people die in the horror books."

Part of the oppressive quality of this place is the silence. With no wind singing through the branches, and only an infrequent and mournful squawk of birdsong, the sounds of their own voices, the steps of their horses is unnaturally loud. As they linger, trying to choose directions, the silence only grows.

Breaking that ominous silence, is, in the background, a weird roar. Or is it a squeal? It is some merge of the two. The direction seems to be from the west. There is a burst of birdsong and a rustle of wings as a flock takes to the skies.

Iroh turns his head in silence. "....I imagine, whatever choice we make, we cannot linger here." Iroh tells his companions as he hears the roar. He has his bow ready, he reaches for an arrow, though since he sees no creature, he doesn't draw the arrow quiet yet.

"Yes," Veronica says slowly. "I'd like ore information about ou surroundings. But I don't like those noises. I'd rather we don't get stuck with one of us up a tree and someone else fettered with two horses." She rests her hand on the hilt of her rubicund blade, and peers off towards that sound. "i'd feel safer knowing what's making all that noise."

"I absolutely hate whatever that was," Cristoph says firmly when the roar-squeal echoes its way through the trees.

Drake checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 25, rolling 14 higher.

Amari gives a quick nod to Drake, "Please. Let's have a look before we fully commit, if you'd like. I'd hate to split up as well so let's be sure of the course." With the oppressive atmosphere, she can't help but look around with concern. "Let's arrange ourselves defensively. We could be set upon while he's up the tree."

Drake doesn't make a big production out of it. He dismounts the horse, and goes up to a sturdy tree, then grabs onto it and starts climbing up. True to his word, he's quick about it, not held down much by the burden of heavier metal armor, though he still has his leather winter coat.

Kastelon shifts in the saddle, rising slightly in his stirrups and looking in the direction of the noise. He nods at Amari, and nudges his horse into a short walk to protect an unprotected flank of Drake's sturdy tree. There, he draws his bow and sets an arrow to it, waiting with watchful and silent patience.

Kastelon wields an Oakhaven-style longbow.

Alis deftly tugs the reins of her warhorse, to move him into a position more suitable for defending those who aren't mounted. And, swiftly unhooks the flail at her side so that she can wield it in hand. "On the bright side, that didn't sound like something less than natural. At least, not yet it didn't."

Iroh wields Chimera, the composite alaricite longbow.

Frowning, Veronica takes Drake's horse's reins, gripping her mount between her knees so she can draw her sword with her other hand. Turned outwards to the forest, with Drake's tree at her back, she squints into the dark forest. "From your mouth to the gods," she says to Alis, by way of hopeful optimism.

Veronica wields Heart of Oak.

Alis wields Reckless, the unrepentant diamondplate flail.

Drake checked perception + survival at difficulty 45, rolling 12 higher.

"Use your ears, and don't stare at one place. Keep sweeping your gaze back and forth." Amari quietly suggests to the group, following with an explanation, "They can probably move like shadows, barely visible - like the Black Hound could. I imagine anything else spawned in these woods can do much the same." She watches her own horses ears twitch back and forth, and keeps an eye on her dogs for either giving any sign of alert or warning. They do have much better senses.

"Perhaps it's an angry bear," murmurs Kastelon dryly as his gaze scans the dark and ominous woods.

"Or worse, a hungry and angry bear." Alis adds, with total innocence.

Drake gets a look around from the treetops. It takes him a bit of time to get a good view, but then he scrambles down again. He hits the ground with a light thud, and dusts off his hands, rubbing them together to get off a few bits of stray bark. "To the west... about two, maybe three hundred yards, there's a clearing. But there's some motion over there. I... think that's where that sound is coming from."

There was a nod of his head while he was already in the process of looking for moment or the flicker of shade. A hand rested idly on the hilt of his sword while he waited for what other treacherous things might make themselves known in the woods.

Veronica passes Drake's reins back to him, ears pricked. "I say we go take a closer look. Either it's an animal we can ignore ... or ... it's not." She wraps her hand around her own reins, and her horse takes a couple of nervous steps forward, then back. "Either way, it's information we need."

Iroh forms a defensive ring along with everyone else, his eyes shifting along the treelines while generally staying in the direction of the sound, thoug hhis eyes do wander to see if any trickery or cleverness is being undertaken. He is ready to make a shot. "And if it is an enemy that we cannot overcome with what we have?" he asks Veronica curiously as he continues to keep his sights looking for this monster.

Alis scoffs. "Bite your tongue. There's enough badassery here to kick a lot of ass." she points out, sounding offended at the idea that there is a monster they can't beat. Fffft. Even Sir Arugula makes a disagreeable noise.

Kastelon nods to Veronica. He listens to the opinions of the others, and appears to agree with Alis as he remarks, "There are quite a few of us."

Those fearsome sounds, they continue on in the distance. Is it one animal? Two? There does seem to be rather distinct separation as the volume increases.

"We shouldn't just barrel down on it," Veronica says, perhaps trying to take the middle way for reasonability's sake. "But if it's something we can't beat with what we have, we definitely need to know about it. If that's the case, we'll just have to run, and come back with reinforcements." She does not sound at all embarrassed by this thought. Running is only cowardly if there's another choice, after all. Though Alis's belief gets a brief little grin, her main focus is still on the forest.

"I hate both of whatever those are," Cristoph says as the volume starts to increase and it begins to sound like there's more than just one. He frees his sword from its sheath and nods in agreement to Veronica's recommendations. "We should probably see what it is, as Lady Veronica suggests."

Drake nods to Veronica in thanks, and climbs back atop his horse. He's all in favor of moving forward to see what in fact the commotion is.

"Scouts first. Stay in sight." Amari suggests, but otherwise she seems on board for just getting this over with and seeing what the noise is all about, and what's making it. She makes to join the group nearer the back, if only because she's not the least bit stealthy.

Iroh checked intellect + war at difficulty 25, rolling 26 higher.

Kastelon checked dexterity + stealth at difficulty 25, rolling 5 higher.

With clear and obvious signs of reluctance, Veronica drops back to Amari's side, frowning at the trees ahead. Her eyes flick restlessly back and forth, but it seems no matter how much she'd like to, she doesn't have the lightness of foot to risk giving the rest of the scouts away.

Alis does her best to be ready for whatever they're going to find out here; a wary eye cast towards the shadows of course. But, her grip on the flail is tight, and the destrier is actually kind of used to this sort of thing.

Kastelon dismounts, leaving his horse behind so as to be more silent, and moves through the woods like a hunter stalking a deer. His bow is at the ready and his footsteps placed down carefully, in spots where the winter-dead underbrush is unlikely to be disturbed with a loud crunch.

"Very well." Iroh finally relents. "I prefer being the hunter instead of the hunted, anyway. Okay, listen, I have a plan. Everyone, I need us to fan out and find cover. Place yourselves so that nobody is alone and we can advance without being too far away, and our numbers too spread out for the enemy to realize we have the advantage." Iroh himself picks a rather thick looking tree to take cover behind. "Advance slowly, don't make noise, don't scream, don't lunge until we all have a clear shot. We don't know how many there are or how big they are or what weapons they might have. Be prepared, and wait for the moment to strike."

Drake dismounts when Iroh suggests stealth. It's hard to be stealthy on horseback. But they can slowly approach the clearing walking the horses, at least until it gets too close for that. He has a good sense at least of about how far away it is. He starts to advance slowly as instructed, and when they get a few more yards in, he ties his horse off at a tree.

Reigna GM Roll checked perception(4) + survival(4) at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

The Sword of Keaton perks up visibly at Iroh's suggestion: She prefers to be the aggressor when push comes to shove, herself. She slides off her mare's back and wraps the reins around one hand, creeping as quietly forward as she can. She is careful to stay back from the scouts, keeping to the side and undercover so any mis-steps of hers hopefully won't draw attention to anyone further forward than she is. Moving this way, she keeps pace with the others, from tree to tangle of undergrowth back to tree, as they move forward.

"Brother, I'm shining like the noonday sun and I click clack with every step in this armor." Amari points out with an amused smile, "If you're at all stealthy, go ahead with Iroh like he says. I'm going to stay mounted, and charge in when the battle starts." She has a lance for that. "Scream when you need me."

Don't lunge!? There's an unmistakable moue of disappointment from Alis. But, having led before, she has also learned to follow orders just as well. And, while she can't exactly hide at the moment. She will be careful and cautious and advance slowly.

Cristoph clears his throat when Amari makes her point, "I'm afraid I suffer from the same. I've never been known for my stealthy movements, I'l stay with Lady Amari and join in the charge if we ended up needing one."

"Very well then, Duke Cristoph, dearest sister, you can be bait." Iroh smiles at them. "and, if we get in really big trouble, you two, and anyone else who share the same situation, can bet he muscle and run support for the rest of us. Strike hard, strike fast." Iroh suggests.

Somewhere up ahead, there's a shout from Kastelon. "CHARGE!"

Kastelon checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 60, rolling 14 lower.

Kastelon checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 4 higher.

On the heels of Kastelon's shout, the odder of those loud sounds -- the one that has the edge of a squealing rage sounds, before the thunder of extremely heavy hooves is heard. There is the sound of crashing, as several trees take heavy blows, branches shaking and more of those sounds of animalistic rage.

Drake hears the shout, as it's plain as day, and reacts with a wince. "Ah, well, so much for stealth, then, I suppose that's that!" He moves forward more quickly, putting his hand on his blade. He has two, but one of them looks as if it would be ill-advised to actually use, and that isn't the one he goes for... at first. Then he hears some kind of... crashing sound, and his hand falters. His second sword has a handle covered in thorns, and he grips onto that, sinking his hand around it even though it seems like it should bite. It depends on ... what it is, he tells himself.

Kael GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + stealth(3) at difficulty 20, rolling 17 higher.

"Too late for anything fancy. There's our scream." Amari notes before reaching up to drop her visor into place, heft her lance and press Bandit forward. Like Kastelon yelled, it's a charge!

Kastelon comes running back towards the group, dodging between two trees amid splinters of wood as something comes crashing right behind him. "It's a boar!" he calls. "Big one! Roast boar for all the cousins!"

Iroh checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 13 higher.

"I suppose that's that," Cristoph says and drops the visor of his helm. He looks surprised when the call from Kastelon comes that it's a boar, "Alright then." He readies his sword and sets out toward the sound of the big boar that's got stuff crashing.

Alis checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 30 higher.

Kastelon checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 25 higher.

Cristoph checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

Drake checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 3 higher.

Rane checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 28 higher.

Veronica checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

"No plan ever survives first contact." Iroh sighs, before he takes a look at what Kastelon is running from and he draws an arrow and knocks it into his bow. He takes careful aim...for as soon as that beast comes into view, he's probably going to let his arrow fly.

Alis likes to employ psychological warfare; it rarely works against animal creatures, for obvious reasons, but that doesn't matter. When the beast lets out a roar, she all but stands in the saddle to let out a counter roar, in a voice that is surprisingly not a squeak! Chaaaaarge.

Amari checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 22 higher.

Veronica is just about to spring to Kastelon's defense when he appears through the trees with his message of (relatively) good hope. She steps forward, sword raised, careful to keep out of the archers' line of fire. "Good job not making yourself its dinner," she calls to Kastelon, and follows Cristoph to reckon with the big beast.

It was a twig that did not come from that monstrous creature, but from behind the party. He turned and spun, blade out in an instant. "We're caught in a pincer.." Though he couldn't see what was behind him, he was utterly certainly there was. Goldenshade was gripped and readied as he called to the rest of his party. "Careful behind..."

Drake checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 10 higher.

Kastelon checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 3 higher.

Rane checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 9 higher.

Cristoph checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 7 higher.

Alis checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 30 higher.

Amari checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 5 higher.

Iroh checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 22 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 12 higher.

Veronica checked dexterity at difficulty 10, rolling 20 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 13 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 3 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 15 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 15 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 25 higher.

There's something alive in Kastelon's eyes as he pounds past the wall of charging allies, and turns to look towards the massive seven-foot-long boar. "I taste bad," he replies towards Veronica, unsmiling. The beast has beady red eyes and a pink-frothed mouth. Large gashes mar its side as if it was just fighting something else, and an arrow has pierced its nose. That new fashion's going to be all the rage among boarkind come spring. Then Rane's saying to be careful behind, and he turns in that direction, a new arrow plucked from his quiver.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 18 higher.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) at difficulty 10, rolling 13 higher.

Alis is just about to take a swing at the boar, when... she pulls at the reins and swings Sir Arugula around so that they can go... in the opposite direction? And it's just as Rane is calling out the warning. "Not for long." She hopes.

What was an oppressively silent place is now humming with violence. From the northwest, past Kastelon is a massive boar. At least seven feet long, it is the size of a cow more than a feral pig. A black bristle hide is gleaming with spilled blood, gouges mar heaving flanks and there is pure madness in its tiny, beady red eyes. It is charging after Kastelon, murder in its piggy eyes, its speed hindered by the press of trees. FIve inch tusks are red with blood as it follows its prey.

Behind the party, melting out of the woods are seven shavs, geared for a raid, leather and rubicund armor flashing, faces painted in dull reddish brown sigils, as they wield a combination of short spears and thick, heavy blades. They are clearly attempting a flank, using the distraction of the inbound boar to ambush the party. "It's the Heart!" The leader jeers, eyes focused on Amari, "Kill the rest, but keep that one alive!"

Alis checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 25, rolling 38 higher.

"Kill the rest but keep that one alive." Alis snipes, mocking the shav leader as she and Sir Arugula make another sharp turn in order to face him. "How about... cut off the head of the snake and the rest dies? Will the rest of you run when your leader falls?" She's going to find out, urging her mount forward and swinging out sharply with the flail to knock the shav leader back, spikes dragging along his skin enough to cause immediate blood loss and shock.

This is the time that the leader should be... leading. Doing something. Anything other than having his mouth agape and his eyes wide, bloodied spittle flying from his lips. Oh, he is alive. There is no doubt about that, but he staggers back and attempts to orient himself. He moves a hand, blade held fiercely and slashes but it is wild. Far too wild to impact anything. He tries, of course, but at this time he cannot do a single thing other than stare in shock.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Kael before departing.

Iroh checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 25, rolling 25 higher.

Veronica checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 25, rolling 25 higher.

Iroh looks at the boar as it continues to charge and he draws an arrow into his bow, firing it. Thing about this monster boar is...its hide is tough. His arrow goes straight for the face and carves a bloody groove through the monster'scheek, but its still charging, even as it heavily bleeds. He narrows his eyes for a moment then, but is prepared to take another shot if one of his teammates doesn't bring it down.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 28 higher.

70 inflicted and Alis is unharmed.

"All bark and no bite," Veronica growls, sparing a glance for the shav who's just had the wrong end of Alis's flail. Opening with a jab at Amari was clearly the wrong way to open. But despite her anger, Veronica stays locked on the approaching monster boar: The longer it's free to rampage, the more likely it is that it will drive one or all of them right into the arms of their human attackers. She follows Iroh's arrow with a vicious slash of her blade, dodging lightly away from the thundering hooves before she can be stepped on. The bull throws its head back and roars, blood raining from a gash in its chest. But it still hasn't fallen.

One of the shavs, seeing Alis so deftly send the leader sprawling, screams in rage and lifts her sword in an attempt to slash at Alis. Her strike skitters off Alis' armor and there is a snarl of frustration at the obvious lack of damage done to the Princess.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 22 higher.

55 inflicted and Cristoph is unharmed.

Another shav, this one with a horned helmet appears next to Cristoph's horse, stabbing at the Duke with the same ineffectual results.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 28 higher.

70 inflicted and Veronica is harmed for moderate damage.

While Veronica is busy attacking the boar, one of the shavs, this one with a ruby armband, moves up behind her and finds a gap in the Keaton Sword's armor slicing a bloody gash into her hip.

Alis is definitely not above making a rude gesture to the one that just attacked her. She tries to be subtle though. Honest.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 39 higher.

98 inflicted and Amari is harmed for severe damage.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 30 higher.

75 inflicted and Rane is harmed for serious damage.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + medium wpn(4) at difficulty 25, rolling 26 higher.

65 inflicted and Drake is unharmed.

Though there might have been the decree made that Amari was not to be slain like the rest of the lot formed, when the leader is staggering back this one particular shav (he has a bit of blue mixed across his forehead) advances toward Amari Keaton. He has a spear in hand, a hybrid sort of weapon that is small enough to be wielded in one hand, a sharp point with one edged bladed for the top third of the blade. It is the uniqueness that perhaps allows for a grand thrust, a strike upon the Voice of Keaton's torso.

Two more shavs materialize from the shadows, this time in front of Rane and Drake. The woman attacking Rane has a bloody-looking headdress and facepaint that emphasizes her pale eyes and she slices at the Moore Baron with a stubby shortsword, carving a gash into his side. Drake is not ignored, another, all black-clad shav moves towards him and jabs at him with a short spear, though the tip screeches along the Wyrmguard's armor, leavinga gouge but no damage.

Drake checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 25, rolling 27 higher.

Drake looks immediately to Amari. Why are they after her in particular? That activates a sort of protective instinct in him, but... surely the lady CAN take care of herself, as armed as she is. He guards her with a shoulder, but his hands reach, as if on instinct, for the thorn-spiked blade that he has at his side. He pulls it out. There's a moment where he has a flash of realization that this is the weapon he chose but there's not a lot of time to hesitate as the man has already struck him once, and lives are at stake.

He feels something bad, noxious, like the pulse of a heartbeat under his hand before he cuts the man down. The sword almost seems to glow a little when he strikes... or maybe, it's just the flash of blood as the weapon cuts into the man, who takes a knee.

Drake looks over his shoulder, watching his flank, realizing that even with that blow the shav isn't down and out yet.

Drake wields Love's Sorrow, a Thorn-twined Blade.

Rane checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 25, rolling 25 higher.

It was assumed that those facing the quite boar would be a good enough match for it and so Rane kept his attention on the multitude of new threats. Alis had tended to the leader thoroughly enough and he looked to the next biggest and baddest threat. Sword drawn, he kept it pointed forward and wasted no movement until it was absolutely time to send a slash to the throat or stab to the heart.

Cristoph checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 25, rolling 23 higher.

Cristoph finds the person trying to slice and dice him to particularly offensive at this exact moment, as chaos erupts around them. He maneuvers his horse back and then slashes down with his sword, aiming his blow at the enemy's shoulder, the one connected to their stabbing arm. "If you did't want us to steal the boar from you, you could have just said so," he growls out from behind the visor.

No lethal chance presented itself, but his sword cut through the air to severe his attacker's arm at the elbow, sending hand and shortsword alike flying off into the bushes.

Amari checked dexterity + ride at difficulty 15, rolling 79 higher.

Kastelon checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 20, rolling 75 higher. Kastelon rolled a critical!

Kastelon lifts his bow and nods towards Alis, arrow coming to notch and then releasing smoothly. It arcs through the air right into the shav leader's eye, piercing his skull and rocking it back. The fellow toppled over dead.

Reigna GM Roll checked dexterity(4) + brawl(3) at difficulty 30, rolling 18 lower.

Congratulations, shav guy. You played yourself. He gets his hit in on Amari, but Bandit who is both a) really big, and b) going really fast, slams him into the ground and crushes him under hoof with true enthusiasm. He was a feral from Duskshire after all, and those horses were absolute hooligans. There's the sound of cracking and snapping bones and that fellow is paste, left crumpled and oozing in the dirt as the knight of Oakhaven wheels her horse around to find someone new to introduce to lance, sword or hoof.

Timing is everything. And as Kastelon stops himself, dropping down to fire at the Shav leader and makes that kill, the thousand pounds of fearl boar tries and fails to stop his forward momentum to attack Kastelon. What ends up happening is the massive body skids to the side, tiny piggy hooves scrabbling at the ground to no avail. At the same time, Amari charges the shav, grinding the body under Bandit's hooves, as she pockets the lance, the tip moving just so... piercing the side of the boar and finding purchase in the gaping claw marks. The tip of the lance pierces the meat between the ribs, and the momentum carries the boar through, impaling it on the lance that is then pulled free of Amari's hands. The boar begins thrashing in its death throes, the heavy lance a new kind of weapon as the boar tramples around the field of battle.

Alis checked command + survival at difficulty 30, rolling 17 higher.

"That was almost rude you know! I had him!!" Alis huffs. Though given the lack of heat behind it, she's obviously not actually upset. In reality, she's taking stock of who's left behind. And, while it would be dishonorable to attack an unarmed opponent, it wouldn't be to help their retreat along! The rampaging boar is eyed, and while it may look and sound ridiculous, she combination of her shouts and flailing and riding around on Sir Arugula herd the beastie towards those shavs.

Alis checked perception + survival at difficulty 15, rolling 15 higher.

Amari checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 15 higher.

Alis checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 1 higher.

Veronica checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 23 higher.

Rane checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 25 higher. Rane rolled a critical!

Drake checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 2 higher.

Iroh checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 3 higher.

Cristoph checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 6 higher.

Kastelon checked perception + survival at difficulty 20, rolling 20 higher.

Everything happens so fast that by the time Veronica turns, stumbling with the wound to her hip, her red-banded attacker is already retreating in disarray. Veronica looks like she'd like to go after the group for a moment. Then she pauses, cocking her head.

"Hear that?" she calls in a low voice to her fellows, limping for her horse. "Sounds like people ..." she points south-east. "Maybe this was a diversion."

She pauses a moment to look up at Amari, frowning. "Are you all right?"

In the wake of the battle, when the sounds of fighting end, and the only sounds that remain are the heavy breathing of the survivors and the thunder of their slowing heartbeats, the silence returns, an almost painful pressure against their eardrums, the fading sounds of the running shavs, the thwack of Amari's lance against tree trunks, then there in that growing silence... a muffled moaning to the southeast.

With the voices and screams of their attackers dying, newly pitched sounds emerge from not from off and the former-commander turned in unison with Veronica. "Indeed. Is everyone else?" For his own sake, it was the first time that he realized his leathers had been pierced and blood flowed from his right oblique. It didn't seem to have slowed him down all /that/ much and thankfully must have been nothing more than a pure muscle stab.

Drake is not going to chase down retreating opponents. He cleans the blood off his blade... a habit, but important for maintenance, generally. And then he hears that cry... listening for it, he keeps the sword handy in case it is a trap, but approaches with caution.

Iroh lowers his bow and immediately looks over at Amari. "Are you alright, sister?" He knows she took quite the beating there, moving immediately to her side. But then he hears the moaning. He turns his head to the southeast and a frown touches his features. He does start to approach that direction, instructing anyone with healing to care for the injured.

Alis looks down at herself, twists her head to look behind her, and winds up nodding once. "All good hre. That moaning sound worries me far more than the trampling."

Kastelon frowns at Alis, but the corners of his eyes crinkle as if it's actually a smile. At any rate, the sounds to the southeast distract him and he looks to Veronica with a nod. Amari gets an appraisal and now his frown looks concerned. However, he turns his gaze to watch Drake investigate, and follows quietly.

When the group advances - however many, there is a lone individual. A young man, late teens to early twenties, with the marks of acne still upon him that is bound and set against a tree. Bound how, you might ask? A cruel way, with his mouth muffled and arms tied. At his right hand a dagger is set to his palm, forced into the tree. From the blood, it looks fresh. This particular victim looks different than the rest of the shav'avari, dressed in simple cotton and leather fare, eyes wild with fright.

It's sort of hard to see anything with the visor in place, so Amari seems more than a little surprised to have her lance yanked out of her hands. She felt the impact, surely, but must have expected it to be a shav she hit and not one that was about to start thrashing violently on the ground like that. There's a squeak from inside the sparrowbeaked helm, then she's drawing her sword only to realize that the fight is won, the shav are fleeing and she's bleeding so badly that it's finally showing, and pouring in slow rivulets from beneath the scalemail that the tip of the shav's weapon managed to get up under. At the questions, she places her hand over the rent and applies pressure, tentatively and with immediate regret. "Ow." She presses again. "Ow. Yes. No. He stuck me." But, she waves her sword vaguely south-east, "Check on that- maybe they had captives."

With people injured, Drake finds himself wishing his brother Richard were around to tend to the wounded, as he has no skill for that particular thing. His eyes naturally drift to Amari who seems to have taken a bad injury in the fight. "You'll be all right?"

As the skirmish draws to its conclusion, Cristoph pulls his helmt and lets it sit in front of the saddle. He looks around at the bloodshed and then once it seems no one is about to immediately die, joins the rest of the group as they advance forward and finds the young man tied to the tree. "Oh, no." He swings off his horse and approaches him, pulling the gag from his mouth. "Hello, we're going to get you off the tree." Right? Right.

"Right," Veronica says slowly, obviously torn. "Don't die on us." She walks beside Bandit now, eyes swiveling rapidly between Amari and the sounds up ahead. "We're not leaving you behind here like idiots. Reigna would kill me. Can you keep steady on Bandit till we catch up to the others?" Yes, Amari is a full and capable adult. No, Veronica doesn't much care.

Kastelon moves to follow Cristoph, and looks around the trees with a suspicious frown, standing guard.

Once Cristoph has removed the gag, the gratitude in the boy's eyes is almost painful to see. "By the gods, thank you, thank you for rescuing me." The boy's voice is weak, cracking. "My-my name is Ahsero Tayo. Those damn Solaren kidnapped me from my home." He wets his lips and looks to those that are wounded, his brows furrowing. "Your people are hurt... and I know I need help. If you take me to my home, back to Ezara's Retreat, I promise you you will receive healing and the gratitude of my parents."

"No thanks needed," Cristoph replies to Ashero as he moves to undo any other bonds. He looks him in the eyes and says, "This is going to hurt." Then he yanks the dagger free from his hand without further ceremony. Sorry, buddy. "It looks like there's help to be had nearby! I'm going to suggest that we take it," he says, voice firm. There's a look sent over in the direction of the injured Keatons.

Amari flips her visor up and tries to smile reassuringly, like she's fine and tis but a scratch. She's just a bit too pale in the face to pull it off convincingly. "Nothing a few stitches won't fix." She says, while not falling out of her saddle. See? Totally fine. Though as she rides on, with Veronica, she looks between the Swords and thinks to ask, as if this is the extent of her medical acumen, "If one of you could find me some cloth, I'll just fold it up and press it there to keep my blood inside where it should be. Until we reach... Ezara's Retreat?" She did catch some of that.

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