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"The Secret Lounge" Grand Opening!

Seeking a night of songs, fine wine, and tavern games with real prizes?
The Secret Lounge is officially making its presence known to Arx!

Refreshments from the Emporium of Curiosity will be served, so if you
haven’t had a chance to taste Zakhar’s special treats, you can’t afford
to miss this opportunity!

We also have Savio Pontelaeus and Egon Maw providing entertainment
through poetry and song- but that isn’t all!

Once bellies are filled and ears relaxed, we have prizes for those able
to out-think or out-luck their opponents in Pirate King!

Be sure to take a moment to look at some of the fabulous displays in the
showroom from local vendors and artists- after all, the whole point of
this establishment is to promote Arx’s artisans!

Who?- Everyone!

Where?- The Secret Lounge, in the back of Kathrite’s Showroom,
just south of the city market.

When?- 4/8/1015 AR, (Late afternoon to ? on Monday April 19th)

Why?- Prizes, entertainment, free food, games, Tor wine.

Prizes?- A pair of cupridium weapons on display at the showroom now,
and a fat purse of twenty thousand silver!


April 19, 2021, 4 p.m.

Hosted By



Egon Graziella Maris Savio Orland Apollo Denica Lianne Samira



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Kathrite's Showroom - The Secret Lounge

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

3 Thrax Guards, an ostentatious curator named Sivas, 1 Thrax Elite Guards, a reserved assistant named Stojan arrive, following Denica.

Tonight is finally the night. The Secret Lounge is making itself known to Arx, serving up samples of the local brewers and bakers to help promote their businesses. A sultry woman stands behind the bar to serve drinks and make idle conversation while the owner tries to provide structure to the chaos. Since there is no coin exchange it is impromptu and service is heavily based on manners or charm.

Zyxthylum is moving about the room, tending to guests and showing off the prizes for the evening. He leans heavily on his cane but wears a grin that should split his face. Polite and amiable, the time spent with his tutors has changed the man into a perfect host.

Siri, an attentive apprentice, Paris, a charming mercenary arrive, following Apollo.

Fajra, Apollo arrive, following Lianne.

Apollo takes A favor from the Secret Lounge from Guests of the Grand Opening.

Denica gets A favor from the Secret Lounge from Guests of the Grand Opening.

Orland checks dexterity and legerdemain at normal. Orland is successful.

Orland is wearing stained-glass spectacles, is behind the bar with his sleeves up, and has a rolled haze stick tucked behind his ear. It looks like the lordling Amadeo has come here not as a Lordling, but as Zyxthylum's friend to sling drinks, in the fanciest ways of them all. A bottle pops over his shoulder to the excitement and thrill of an early arrived guest, to pour out a pretty green liquid into their glass - Absinthe probably.

Whether it's the vibrant violet eyes set within his pale visage, or the rather fearsome set of serpent-themed rubicund plate armor that he's wearing today, the big, war-torn sellsword is a rather easy man to pick out in a crowd. Perhaps that works to his advantage tonight. Maris seems to be playing the part of security, a big, blade-touched hand resting absently on the sword hilt that protrudes from the weighted scabbard at his hip. Those deep purple orbs soak in every detail, shifting each guest as they enter the lounge. For the most part, his expression is unchanging, thin lips pursed.

Lianne gets A favor from the Secret Lounge from Guests of the Grand Opening.

Graziella arrives with a shimmer and a sashay in her duskweave ball gown and matching accessories; hints of silver, gold and glass beads catch even the lowest lights and reflect back with a glittering that accompanies her every movement. Atop her head is an intricate tiara with a moon expertly painted on duskweave, the full moon sits nestled her in braided updo. She removes a cloak and mauve coat that might be too warm for spring but the complimentary color pallet screams Outfit - must be worn as a set. She tucks her coat and things away out of sight in a nook behind the bar, smiling to Orland as she does, "You make a rather believable barkeep, is this your first time?"

Orland has joined the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

A Whisper and a Marquessa. Maybe the secret of the Secret Lounge wasn't kept well enough; that sort of attendance might make things distressingly /legitimate/. Apollo is escorting Lianne more or less properly, too - except he's leaning close, murmuring something to her that is probably somewhat less legitimate, if the slant of that grin of his is anything to go by. His eyes light first on Orland, since he's behind the bar, and he gives the lord not a bow but a lift of his chin, a fond softening to his smile.

The young Thraxian princess wears a bright and giddy smile on her face as she enters, flanked by her two assistants. They provide stark contrast from each other, but allow the young woman to stand out between them. Denica is whispering quietly to Sivas as the two take in the details of the establishment. Shuffling her bouncing skirts with expert fingers, she ushers them into the room and scans it in hopes of seeing someone familiar. "I'd love a drink," the young woman says to her entourage, cheeks already rosy, and her celebratory spirit intact. There is a silent tug-of-war between the two assistants to determine who will get the drinks, with the subdued one winning in the end. Stojan makes his way to the bar, while Sivas finds himself drawn to the shiny trinkets, gesturing at them as he whisper something excitedly to Denica.

Orland finishes the fancy pour which is long poured from the top of the bottle caught, with a deft movement to cut the flow of liquor, passing it off to the adoring fan with a little wink to be placed just so, to ensure they'll come back for another round. At this point, he settles the bottle down and replaces it back on the row of bottles behind the bar. The other barkeep is there just as well, it's merely a measure of extra hands make light work. He hitches his hip into the bar as Graziella smiles to him, "Ahh Princess, would you be delighted to know that no, this is not the first time? But to serve you, it would be. What would you have? Plenty to mix, plenty to pour?" He lightly wraps the top of the bar as he leans there, eyes finding Apollo alongside the Marquessa. Apollo is greeted with an upnod in similar fashion, a side slanted grin, and eyebrows that pop up in quick successsion. Like a distinct, hello you. Then of course, his attention shifts back to Graziella.

Graziella takes UNICORN SPIRIT from a simple cloth bag embroidered with the phases of the moon.

Zyxthylum is a bit overwhelmed currently. He may be a crafter, he may be ambitious, but he is not ready for this kind of juggling act. Thankfully he has plenty of help and so his staff shoe him off to tend to the guests.

He bows low to the sudden influx of guests, his stringy hair falling forward to sweep the hardwood floors. "Greetings my Lords, my Ladies, your Highnesses." He makes a broad statement. Welcome to the Secret Lounge. We have a magnificent night planned- please make yourself at home and be sure to grab a drink and a treat. We have Master Zakhar to thank for so much delicious food!" He leans heavily on his cane, the little goblin face cheery from its perch on the hunched shoulders.

Lianne's brows loft at the Whisper's whisper, a look which might read as amused inquiry, an unspoken 'is that so?' It might, on the other hand, be challenge. Maybe both. Whatever that look, it's paired with a hint of a grin and a murmur in kind. She follows his attention toward the bar, a bright smile offered toward Orland, a dip of her head for Graziella. And, well, a curious look all around, so much to see, not the least of which are those lovely little trinkets of winged things trapped in resin, a small delight which has her tugging Apollo to the side momentarily so she can snag one. Briefly. Dead things make for poor conversationalists most of the time. It wouldn't do to linger there.

Graziella reaches into a white cloth handbag and pulls out a while bottle with swirling purple letters and the silhouette of a Unicorn on the outside. "I've procured a rather rare bottle for the party, wonderful in the warm weather... perhaps better suited to summer buy my sweet tooth was calling out for it." She nudges the bottle across the way so that Orland can pour, "Let it flow freely, I'll likely leave the remains here in the Lounge to be sampled in the future."

Graziella lofts a smile in Apollo's direction when he enters alongside Lianne and his remarks about the lounge get a reserved smile from the Princess as she watches them with lidded eyes for a little /too/ long.. certainly too long to polite or normal.

Eventually, once she has a drink in hand, the Pravus Princess makes her way over to greet the duo, "I'm so delighted you two could come out and support my protege... isn't he a doll." Trailing off adoringly as her gaze drifts Zyx-ward and she sends him a tight lipped smile and a little wave.

Savio wields Sympathy from the heart with many bones.

Savio is here, wielding a strange sort of instrument called... something impossible to pronounce. But it can also be called Sympathy from the Heart, and indeed the instrument has a strange, haunting sound, but heartfelt -- warm and inviting, background music for the party that will not interfere with conversation, while the musician himself seems, perhaps, a bit lost elsewhere. Perhaps lost in the song itself. Orland is the personable one of the pair today!

Sivas pickets up one of the favors and brings it back to Denica to show her, he offers it to her but she shakes her head. "No you keep it," she tells him, and his smile inches higher. "If anyone is familiar to me, it is from a time I was less coherent," she murmurs, seeming to be lost in a crowd of strangers. Denica's hands rest on the billows of her skirts, head tilted ever so slightly to the side. Rather than socialize, she seems content to blend in for now, rather taking the time to notice the details of the room. Denica points out the piano to Sivas, while Stojan is securing them their drinks. "I wonder if someone will play for us," she says quietly, lips barely open as she murmurs her words. Then Savio's strange instrument emerges and Denica turns her attention towards him, her eyes focus on the instrument, looking rather interested in it now.

Orland, settled behind the bar, still with that hitched lean, keeping an eye on those like Denica who may be moving in for a drink, waits with baited curiosity for Graziella to turn up with a fabulous UNICORN inspired drink. "That is by far, the best thing I've seen since burnt toast. And trust me, I saw burnt toast the other night." He smirks and reaches for a bottle opener, taking it gently and cracking it open. He pours some in a few glasses and nods to whoever was closer to Denica, if not Denica themselves, on top of offering a glass to Graziella, Apollo, and Lianne. "A delightfully fizzy drink with a raspberry undertone. It's a vodka fusion," he notes after taking his own little sip of it, that he had poured into a shot glass. ONE for the bartender!

Oh, Apollo wants one of those, too; he takes one, tucks it in a pocket. His attention is caught up first on Orland's return greeting; it evens out his smile. Graziella's attention draws a momentary flutter of a smile, but when it lingers, the shape of it grows, slowly, and stays. There's a murmur to Lianne, and he almost seems like he's going to drift toward Graziella himself, before he realizes the Pravosi princess is on her way herself. Instead he offers a bow, a bit of warmth for her. "Glad to, your highness. I didn't expect to see you here - but I only became aware of the event some hours ago. So busy these days. You've much to be proud of, mm?" He glances toward Zyxthylum, gives him an approving nod - lifting brows when Orland comes around with drinks. "Thank you much, Lord Orland. I must say the colored glass suits you." He lifts the glass toward Orland, has a sip.

Lianne issues all of a quiet, agreeable, "Mm," for whatever Apollo answers in turn, seemingly satisfied. Her attention follows Graziella's toward Zyxthylum curiously, having never actually met the man in person. Perhaps it's rude to stare as she does, her verdant gaze markedly studious, but there seems neither shame nor disgust in her attention. Only curiosity, tinged by the warmth of her words as she answers, "It's been a genuine pleasure to work with him, a true delight to know there are others with sensibilities not far removed from my own here in the capital." She ducks a nod toward the proprietor before returning her attention to his patron. "It's good to know those with such unique voices can find such fine support among the peerage." Already, though, her attention is drifting, turning toward the soft music in the background, Savio's playing meriting a moment of consideration, how that odd instrument works, how the sound doesn't quite match whatever expectation she might've had. But, oh! There are drinks, the shift in Apollo's attention drawing hers toward the bar as well to pluck up that offered glass and likewise lift it toward the bartender in wordless toast.

"Oh, what a perfectly terrible thing to do to bread.. I rather like bread... and burned food is the only sin I can't abide.." Graziella agrees in her airy intonation, absent-minded and aloof, following the flow of conversation from Orland right back around to Apollo and Lianne.

Graziella takes another tight lipped sip from her drink and then in an off handed aside she adds, "Proud, certainly? Would it have been easier if I'd a proper tutor in my own time?" Her large blue eyes have a polite glassy quality even though her voice is cold, "Perhaps, but we can't look upon history with any ill intent.. why, that's how you get grudges. I'm happy to say... /everything/ worked out in the end." The overly naive innocence that colors her last two sentences is anything but sincere and that dour expression she loves to wear slowly surfaces after another sip of Unicorn Spirit.

Graziella glances back out to the room as Lianne's attention drifts and she comments in her own absent minded way, "What truly haunting music... it reminds me of the sea.." And she drifts away to watch Savio play in silence.

Graziella checks charm and performance at normal. Graziella is successful.

Zyxthylum is a doll alright. The kind of raggity doll your mother throws out when you are with your tutors. Relying on the one thing he does have- charm- he keeps himself out of the trash for now. As Savio begins his first set he makes a point to walk by to give the musician his own bottle. He shouldn't need to be running to the bar when he is performing after all, so quietly he sets it within reach and moves off to talk to more guests.

Orland seems to be killing it behind the bar so he makes his post near the game board, setting out the prizes and inspecting it to make sure all the pieces are there. When he is sure things are ready he makes the announcement, "Those of you wanting to throw your hat into Pirate King: We have special rules for the night. Please get a drink and a bite to eat, and we will start the first game early!"

Savio thanks Zyxthylum for the bottle, the appearance of which seems to have reminded him that there are other people here. "Who gave you all permission to be so beautiful?" the bard asks the guests in his warm, fond, lilting accent. "As we are set to begin festivities, let me welcome you here on behalf of our kind host -- welcome here to the Secret Lounge and the Kathrite Showroom, where you are warmly welcome, now and always." With that, his voice joins the music in a song!

"You're welcome here inside this space
In the sweet strangeness we embrace
Among creations one of a kind
Be known and safely speak your mind

Drink with us and sing with us,
When the world outside's a trial --
This is a secret sanctuary
Come in and stay a while

Here in this interstitial lounge
Rare vintages and tastes abound
If you've been lost among the throng
Relax, partake, know you belong

Drink with us and sing with us,
When the world outside's a trial --
This is a secret sanctuary
Come in and stay a while

Displays of artwork greet the senses
Let contemplation soothe your stresses
For all life's tension needs unwound
Come escape the world with us at Kathrite's Secret Lounge."

Savio smiles. "Make sure you attend well the rules of the game, I hear there are prizes!" Playing continues quietly, instrumental alone again!

Denica has a quick drink, and seems quite capable of doing so smoothly. Though as the game is announced, her expression changes to one of disappointment as Stojan reminds her of another appointment and her conflicting priorities. The young princess smoothes out her dress, and draws her attention towards Zyxthylum and offers him a smile. "What an intriguing place and congratulations on your opening. I hope to pop by soon, when time allows," she says, as way of her introduction and departure. There isn't much else to do before leaving, her presence having only barely registered. Sivas and Stojan take their position at her sides, as she makes her way out.

3 Thrax Guards, an ostentatious curator named Sivas, 1 Thrax Elite Guards, a reserved assistant named Stojan leave, following Denica.

Orland tips his head to Apollo, "Thank you, Savio got them for me." He assumes the colored glasses being the one on his nose rather than the one's he is passing around so everyone has a drink. "Marquessa, a pleasure to see you again," he inclines his head further before he nods to the bar, "I best get back at it." A half raised eyebrow at that before he pauses long enough to consider Savio and his music. Dawh. Okay. WORK. Work fun work. Bartending is fun. Graziella is met with a nod, "It was a terrible sin. Not even the birds would eat it." Another pause for Savio, as well as a little whistle and clap.

Apollo checks charm and performance at normal. Apollo marginally fails.

"I try to save estimations like that for the /end/," Apollo offers, good-humored enough though tinged with a bewilderment he can't quite mask. "But I'm glad you've found your way to good things. Ah!" His attention is tugged along by Lianne's, and he turns to listen to Savio sing, no pretense to his appreciation. His got Lianne on one arm and a glass in the other, so he can't applaud, but he does lift his voice: "Bravo!" And attends the rules of the game, though - before Orland slips off, he offers, "Absolutely delicious. So fizzy!"

Apollo has joined the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

Lianne has joined the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

Lianne's, "And you," for Orland might be a lead in for something more, but the barkeep has other business to see to and the bard's song commands attention. She, likewise, doesn't have hands for proper applause, but neither has she any appropriate exclamation in her. Only an appreciative smile and another celebratory swig of her fizzy drink. With a tip of her head in toward Apollo to murmur something, she slips her arm free and settles at the bar, turned partially away from it that she might take in the festivities, consider the attendees. Did she catch a pair of violet eyes among the gathered crowd? She sips thoughtfully, keeping quiet for the moment.

Graziella applauds warmly with one hand against her goblet (*tinktinktink* of star iron against glass) for the ballad-jingle that Savio performs and hails, "Creative as ever, I adore it! A perfect adverTEASEment, I /so/ hope that criers and bards sing it in the streets outside and the crowds come running.." She says these things and although she wants success for her protege there is a momentary reflexive grimace in her grin when she speaks the word 'crowds' with honest disdain.

The Pravosi Princess makes no showing of excitement when the game is mentioned but she does refill her glass and quickly takes a quiet seat near the boardgame. She sends a warm encouraing smile to Zythylum as he begins to gather folks for the fun. As she settles in she seems to hear something Apollo says and coyly adds, "Why? It is the end, silly. I've nothing left to learn, not about tanning... anyway.. I'm learning archery next." Nod.

Savio is overheard praising Zyxthylum: A lovely host with an establishment everyone must visit at least once.

Falling silent for the song, his impossibly wide grin threatens to split his face as Savio sings. It is really the kind of touch silver cannot buy in a place like this.

After he finishes, Zyxthylum places the dice in his knotted fingers and raises them so that everyone can see. "I will take care of the silver going into the pot and there will be a special prize each round for the winner! All you need to do is roll these dice!" He places them on the table and collects the writing utensils to keep score. It seems like this is a game about building a fictional pirate fleet and then crushing your opponents for gold and glory. If you can make it to the end, not only do you take the pot, you also win a special prize, what looks to be cupridium weapons.

Zyxthylum walks about the room offering the first five ship tokens each navy starts with. They are not particularly intricate but the novelty is there. "Now you can name your fleet if you want but you don't have to!" He adds a little flavor to the game. "Your first round you will not be able to take ships from players- instead I will give you them from the box. After that- it is anyone's game!"

1 Culler Boatswain, 2 Culler Midshipman arrive, following Samira.

Maris leans a thick elbow against the bar, the quietest end, violet gaze still slipping over the crowd though less intently than at the beginning of the event. He seems bored, perhaps lost in thought, pale-scarred fingers absently plucking at a couple of metal rings along his swordbelt. When the orders aren't too much, Maris gets Asha's attention: "A drink, love. Vodka, straight." And when she finally returns with it, he goes to nurse that glass of clear in a big hand. His only company tonight, it's a very sad thing.

Apollo's brows loft at that answer, neither bewilderment nor smile disappearing. "An interesting perspective, your highness. Do enjoy your archery lessons." And he gives a slight lift of his glass before turning and - oh, that murmur from Lianne. He finds her at the bar, and slips over to sit with her, taking his token. "Hmm!" he wonders, at the rules. "A Fleet of Questions, that's mine."

Lianne attends the rules for the game and, alright, takes a token of her own. She'll play. "I wonder which that leaves me," she croons to the Whisper, angling a sidelong smirk his direction. "The Armada of Contradictions?" Brows loft high as she regards Apollo more directly, a glint of mischief in her eyes. Just a moment's distraction. Then she's looking back to the strange gentleman running the game, waiting for a cue to follow.

Clad in a billowing cloak despite the decidedly balmy spring weather, Samira Culler arrives in a rather undignified fashion, hasty strides leading her into the lounge. Mumbling curses under her breath, she heaves a sigh before remarking peevishly to one of the Culler toughs who shadows her, "What happened to you helping me keep my head on straight, huh? At least it doesn't look like we missed the entire thing." She stops so abruptly that her companion nearly collides with her, but he appears unruffled by the artist's moody ways.

Samira's eyes narrow, curiously sweeping the surroundings on the hunt for familiar faces while also trying to ascertain what she may have missed.

Graziella shoots Lianne a look when she mentions the name of her armada, "How fitting!" She hails and there is a knowing sharpness to the corner of her smirk as she looks down at her own token and decides, "I think I shall call mine... The Fleet of Stolen Dreams. It sounds very scary.." Except, in her airy small voice it sounds /very/ silly. She smiles down the way to Maris when she sees him and calls, "You aren't playing, Maris?"

Orland checks dexterity and legerdemain at normal. Orland is successful.

Another action packed flip of a bottle and pour going on, followed by a secondary shake shake rattle rattle of a drink being mixed not stirred. As it is, the Amadeo finishes the round of drinks with a wipe of his sleeve against his forehead. His gaze shoots to the game going on over there, mildly curious.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Zyxthylum before departing.

Maris s raises a hand and wiggles a few thick fingers down Graziella's way, thin lips quirking ever so slightly at the corners to offer a faint smile: "No, your highness. But I wish y'luck in the game to come." He draws in a warm breath and sets the brim of that glass to his mouth, absently drawing in a sip.

Passing more ships out to the newcomers Zyxthylum begins, "Alright, to see who will go first, give me a number between one and a hundred! Those that wish to sit out just wave a hand when I come by!" The people working tonight are not excluded. This is not a proper restaurant, it is okay to shirk your duties for a game after all. Maris's bored expression gets special attention with an optimistic smile and eye contact. Maybe his true love is somewhere here in the collection of merchants and nobles?

He stops briefly to recognize Lianne formally after Asha taps him on the shoulder and whisper in his ear. "My Lady!" He exclaims, "So nice to meet you face to face!" After a moment he adds, "The bird box draws many connoisseurs, we are so happy to have it in the showroom." With that though he is taking a question from a random guest and must return to his duties. His hand trails in a wave as he goes off to address the issue.

Orland has left the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

1 Ivory Shields, Philippe leave, following Orland.

Lianne bows her head toward Graziella as if accepting a high compliment, her expression nothing but soft in answer to those sharp edges in the princess' expression. A quiet breath, and she croons, "Equally fitting," for the third fleet named, genuinely pleased, as if all is right with the world. Her attention drifts curiously toward the bar at the question turned that way, but returns promptly at Zyxthylum's exclamation. With bright smile and prompt nod, she answers, "I'm glad. It was a delight to construct and a fitting price for my prize. I'm working on a possible poem for your consideration." Samira's arrival earns her curiosity, a smile turned toward the Culler, a--oh. Where'd she set her glass? No matter. There are boats.

Apollo's brows leap at that third named fleet, but on instruction, he calls out his number - thirty-seven. Samira's entrance draws his eyes, and a smile, effortlessly warm, and he lifts his drink her way before drinking a good bit of it, attention turning to Lianne and Zyxthylum. There's a curl of confusion that lights on his face; a bird box? says his face, querent turned on the Marquessa. Fleet of questions might have been a fitting name.

The novelty door into the 'Secret Lounge' cracks ajar, the pivoting iron of the door hinges rolling over smoothly as it fully opens. Egon slips past the threshold of the niche with his hands shoved into his pockets; he saunters on down to where those who have come to the grand opening are gathered. Tucked under his arm is a rolled-up piece of crumpled parchment -- one which he retrieves, unfurling it and reading over the contents a few times before then folding it back up and stowing it away. Wherever Zyxthylum happens to be, it is to him that he wanders.

Zyxthylum has rolled 1 100-sided dice: 68

Graziella sits up a bit taller and her brows leap up her face when she spots Egon enter the room, she reaches up with one of her glittering arms and waves in his direction. She sees that he is with Zyxthylum at the moment so it just a wave of greeting and then she turns back to the game, trying to follow the rules but hopelessly lost in her imagination, "My pirates wear dresses, even the men."

Boats? This serves to distract in the best way, prompting a subtle shift in Samira's mood. Curiosity replaces her irritation at nearly missing the event due to her penchant for losing track of time. "The Shadow Fleet," she announces to no one in particular, the words followed with a decisive nod. She sends a quick grin toward Zyxthylum, genuine if somewhat apologetic for her late arrival. Lianne receives a casual dip of her chin into a nod of greeting, the familiar Guildmaster at her side offered a brief smile in return. She meanders toward them, eyeing the surroundings as she walks. "What are our illustrious fleets to be doing? Or has that not been announced yet?"

"Better mobility," Lianne suggests of Graziella's imaginings. "And vastly more dramatic." Looking to Apollo, her lips part to say something, but nothing follows until she tilts in toward him, a few whispered words preceding a slightly more audible, "I'll show you on our way out." That thought draws her eyes toward the door, toward Egon, who earns an easy smile, a nod of acknowledgement. To Samira, she suggests, "Sailing the seas in search of other ships to loot and sink?" It's definitely a guess.

Apollo meets that answer of Lianne's with a lifted chin, agreement, and then turns attention back on Samira. "That does seem the properly piratey thing to do, mm? It's called Pirate King, the game. I don't imagine there's a runner-up." A bright grin follows, head tipping to listen to Lianne, a murmur of response on its heels.

Dice clatter across counters and tale tops. Some patrons even use the spiral staircase to find the order in which people will go. Some people cheer, some people curse, it is an amalgamation of reactions and expressions. To accommodate the number of people, the games have broken off into different sections with different staff keeping track of the rules.

Zyxthylum puts his friends and acquaintances in his own group, leading the introduction. "Fed up with the imperial taxes and tariffs, a revolution among Arx's captains has taken place! With the promise of riches and freedom, many find it hard -not- to get roped into a life of crime!" After setting the scene he goes on, "Everyone will roll in the order I call on you, your first round you cannot take ships from other players. You will instead get a fresh ship from the box." Shuffling around with his ink quill, he begins to record the names of the fleets with no lack of enthusiasm.

"Corpselight Navy," is the declared appellation for Egon's imaginary flotilla, and it is immediately stated after Samira calls out 'Shadow Fleet' as the title her squadron of ships will go by, perhaps belying a sense that his vessels would probably beat hers if the self-satisfied tone camouflaged in his prosaic voice is anything to go by. Graziella is proffered a prim, almost militaristic, bow in response to her greeting wave and so is Lianne. To Apollo, there is a polite inclination of his head. When Zyxthylum starts up the game and sets the scene, his attention is held rapt, and, for now, he lapses into silence, waiting and watching to see how the game will progress.

Whatever it is that Apollo whispers her way has Lianne smiling, but there's no answer in kind. "A fearsome lot," she murmurs of their assorted fleets, though hers is certainly among the more tamely named. The scene set by Zyxthylum earns a nod, the theme more than reasonable to the ruler of a march founded by a pirate queen. To the man at her side, she teases dryly, "The first question: how will an Oathlands fleet far among islanders." It isn't an actual question.

Apollo looks around, ship token palmed, hand with it pressed to his chest as if to say, 'who, me?' There are no Oathlanders in piracy, are there? He gives Egon a smile and a lift of his chin, waiting his turn - though he might be mouthing 'Corpselight Navy'. Perhaps he too is feeling tame.

"Oh, good. Either way, it sounds like a proper excuse to be ruthless," Samira remarks after the various guesses at their fleets' objectives. Dark eyes flit toward Egon as his name is announced just after hers, the lift of her brows seeming to issue the silent challenge of a competitive spirit. Attention returns to Zyxthylum so that she may listens attentively to the instructions.

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1

Samira has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Graziella has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Graziella has a pleasant expression on her face and she glances around the room from one face to another as people talk and she attempts to follow the game by ultimately focusing on Zyx with her token in one hand and her Unicorn Spirit in the other. Sip.

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Egon has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Zyxthylum's instructions filter in and out amidst the general din of the room; Egon hears those relayed words, weighing them with a thoughtful hum as he rocks back and forth on the wooden soles of his feet, impatient and restless to get the game started. He has his ship token on hand as well, and it is idly fidgeted with as he waits for the next steps to be discussed.

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6

Lianne has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2

Zyxthylum greets Egon with soe special recognition, "You made it he exclaims!" Taking a brief respite from the game. "I hope we will still get to hear your poem. Perhaps just after this game if you are up for it!" At of any form tickles him so much he almost forgets to read the conclusion.

"The Shadow Fleet may be the first pirates to forge an alliance but they don't seem to have much luck on their first voyage. A ship is captured but in the chaos one of their own sinks, leaving them is generally the same place as before. Hit heavily with tolls, the best they can do is keep their head above water this round."

"The Corpselight Navy follows, faring about as well with losses and gains, however on the captured ship they find a treaure! A piece of the map to Pirate's Cove, where it is rumored a secret treasure is hidden. Some say it is a place where a corsair can claim riches not of this world.."

"The Fleet of Stolen Dreams on the other hand not only managed to capture an extra ship without a loss, they also found pieces of the map to Pirate's Cove. Perhaps this will lead to a naval showdown between the rival pirates? Maybe an alliance?"

"The fleet of Questions has a successful virgin run. Managing to take a ship without any skirmish and secure the goods on board the merchant vessel. As Apollo reads the previous captain's log, he also discovers a heading for the Cove."

"Now comes the Armada of Contradictions. Perhaps not the most combat hardened lot but known for their silver tongue with their ironic name. With a diversion they manage to sneak three ships out of an imperial port with a drop of blood spilt! They may not have found any treasure, but they have certainly gotten a leg up on the competition."

Graziella cheers when her fleet is announced and she turns to Egon, "We've found a map! Should we have an alliance or would you rather we war?" So polite and spoke with usual delicate disconnect from reality as she blinks a few times and abides in warning, "I have /very/ scary dress wearing pirates stolen from the Dreams of lost men and women." She takes a sip of her fizzy drink and adds, playing up, "Very scary but very reliable, you should work with them lest they steal your dreams and your treasure. Afterall, I have more map pieces.."

Apollo, cheered by the results, nudges Lianne with his elbow after his first round of rolls. He drains his drink and turns at the bar to get another. Once it's in hand, he turns back, listening to Graziella - then he lofts a finger. "Set a course for the Cove!"

He's probably heard people do sailing. At... some point. Well, points for enthusiasm - and a good hand at dice.

Samira listens with rapt attention, snapping her fingers as luck does not appear to be on her fleet's side thus far. She lifts her ship to eye level in order to... check for sound construction? Glare at the imaginary crew? Who knows? Still, it's clear she's listening to Zyxthylum's narration, gaze flitting from person to person. "Make no major waves at first, let them underestimate you," she remarks aloud as though this has been her tactic all along.

"Even in piracy, he's a diplomat," Lianne observes of the Whisper at her side, an approving look angled roughly his way, but there's enough going on that her focus doesn't linger. With her navy now the largest, she might not have the capacity to go underestimated and instead poses, "I'll accept bids for alliance," with a look cast between Graziella and Egon.

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 3

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Graziella has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Samira has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Samira has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Samira has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Samira has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Samira has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

"Looks like we did," Egon states in sober reply to Graziella's spirited acclaim, reaching up to scratch at the hollow of his cheek as if he were actually giving some serious thought to the decision and its possible consequences. For a moment, when she proclaims that he should work with her crew lest something less than ideal happens, he looks as if he were going to wave off any possibilities of an alliance between them. Nibbling at the bottom corner of his lip, the young man's shoulders rise in a lazy shrug, muttering, "Alright. We can form a pact and work together I suppose."

Egon has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

Apollo has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3

Egon has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 3

Egon has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Apollo has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Apollo has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Apollo has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Apollo has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Apollo has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Egon has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Egon has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

"I forgot how enthusiastic you can be.." Graziella mmrs to Egon and then cuts a look aside to Lianne, "If you're disinclined Egon... I'm rather sure the Marquessa could take the offer? If she were inclined, why, the three of us would be an unstoppable force."

"I'm just worried that you will backstab me is all, but I don't mind being in league with you, your highness. I just hope that you are honorable," replies Egon with characteristic dullness in modality.

Apollo's brows loft, sidelong, at Lianne. "Good Lady of Contradiction," he says, "your formidable fleet has impressed me, and I'd not like to clash at arms with it. Shall we partner against the terrors of the high seas?" This is clearly how one pirates. So pirate-ish. He drinks.

Damien Pierce - A Charming Assistant, Myfanwy Llanelli - An Alluring Lady's Companion arrive, following Mikani.

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 1

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 2

Lianne has rolled 1 3-sided dice: 3

Mikani gets A favor from the Secret Lounge from Guests of the Grand Opening.

Graziella takes A favor from the Secret Lounge from Guests of the Grand Opening.

Lianne considers the alliance of map-holders being forged, weighing the implied invitation there, against the more direct request from the fleet of inquisitive diplomats. It's not a swiftly made decision, but she does, in the end, nod toward Apollo. "Why focus on the pen or the sword when one can have both, mm?" She slides a look over toward the leader of the Shadow Fleet, brows arched curiously. Will she stand alone?

Graziella sends her best scandalized look of disdain Egon's way, "If I weren't so Setarcan I might take that as an insult." She wags a finger at him though and tsktsktsks before abiding, "I wouldn't backstab you, not for such paltry stakes... I'm an exceedinly loyal pirate- until given reason." She looks back over to Apollo and Lianne conspiring as she leans over to whisper something to Egon.

"Pioneers, sadly, often find all the pitfalls for everyone else. While attempting to take refuge during a storm, imperial agents managed to track the Shadow Fleet's crew down and put most of them to the noose. The remaining corsairs sneak back to the ships but only manage to sneak one back out to open waters. Not a total loss, they did manage to get their lead on Pirate's Cove."

"The Corpselight Navy lays and ambush for the Armada of Contradictions, managing to capture one of their ships in the chaos. Sadly for them two of their ships sank not long after but after making port for repairs, they have gotten another lead on the treasure."

"The Fleet of Stolen Dreams smells blood in the water, hearing rumors of the remnant Shadow Fleet's caravel limping its way back to safer waters. Wasting no time they set the trap, managing to not only capture the last ship, but the captain's log on board with yet another piece to the Pirate's Cove treasure."

"The Fleet of Questions meets catastrophe while trying to navigate their ships in the same storm that forced the Shadow Fleet to port. Playing their luck on open waters rather than a hostile port, they lose all but one of their ships. As they search for survivors, they find some locals that know about a secret place out over the horizon.."

"Setting up a blockade on a well traveled merchant path, the Armada of Contradictions does pretty well for itself. Not only do they capture goods, they also indirectly put themselves in the path of one of the Corpselight cogs. Unfortunately the imperial navy has caught wind of these brigands and has sent a detachment. While taking the rival corsair vessel they are hit from behind and loses a few vessels themselves, though ultimately they are in the best position to outlast their remaining foes."

Damien Pierce - A Charming Assistant, Myfanwy Llanelli - An Alluring Lady's Companion leave, following Mikani.

"Add your ship to my fleet, Commander of Questions, and I'll name you my Pirate King once I claim the title of Queen," Lianne proposes to Apollo with a loft of dark brows and a cant of her head. And, yes, a little sidelong look toward the allied admirals on the other side of this make-believe sea.

Apollo hesitates, but - he knows these numbers; he flashes her a bright smile. "Done," he says. Leaning closer, eyes merry, he says - murmurs, really, but perfectly audible, if low: "I've heard tell of a secret place past where the seas meet the skies. A pirate queen knows no fealty but her fleet; shall we sail?"

The demise of Samira's ill-fated fleet earns a snort, a curt exhalation of breath from the artist. "Fleet of Stolen Dreams, indeed," she calls to Graziella with a wry smirk. She can't help but feel invested in the game's outcome now, despite having no more ships. Her attention remains partially upon the story unfolding although her gaze turns to the small ship in her hands. She holds it up to the light, inspecting it curiously and noting its details.

Graziella glances over casually and all too conversationally asides to Apollo, "Oh, I've been there... you can see the stars in the sea." Graziella ends up smiling with a silent reverie written into her browline as she drifts off somwhere for an intoxicated pause, swimming out of it her cup finds her lips first and then her eyes find the people around her. Taking a shy sip, she blinks a few times and tilts her gaze down into her cup when Samira says the name of her Fleet. "Formidable and fashion foward."

Lianne eyes Apollo as he leans closer, dark lashes dipped low, the precise set of her gaze difficult to discern for all but the target. Again, there's no prompt answer, thought given to the gentleman's proposal before she nods. A shallow thing, barely there. "What need have I for fortune when I've freedom and fine company." As if they might actually be going somewhere, she hooks her arm about his and looks toward Graziella. "The bounty belongs to the Fleet of Stolen Dreams and its Corpselight companions. We're chasing the stars below the ocean."

The win does little to change the placidness of Egon's comportment. The stillness of his mien and furrowed brow lend him an almost disappointed look at the outcome of the game. Victory is his and Graziella's, but nothing about it brings him outwards joy. It could be that it wall so easily won, or maybe it is because of how many of his imaginary crew he had lost to the treacherousness of the open waters. Whatever the reason, his facial muscles do little to betray anything more. He is static. "Alright. I guess we should discuss the cut of the spoils?" Those words are directed to the Pravus princess.

"Oh, you can have all the silver... I was just playing to win, I don't care about the coin-" Graziella admits with a shrug and then she sets her glass down and daintily wipes her fingers on a cloth napkin, the Unicorn Spirit was a sticky sweet sort of drink. Persnickety, she dips the corner of her napkin into a glass of water and cleans her fingertips as she adds, "I am curious if there is anything else though, I am such an admirer of Zxythylum's work."

"Crying out for an end of the violence against the merchant fleets, the people of Arvum have had enough. In some areas the banners are even called to hunt down and destroy the corsair scourge. Sadly the age of unified pirates has come to an end, but what became of our most notorious cutthroats?"

"The Shadow Fleet lost its last ship to the Fleet of Stolen Dreams, thus fulfilling their charter and taking the dreams of their to one day become the Pirate King. Although their names may end up lost to history, none are likely to forget the first renegade navy to sail out of the Compact in search of riches and glory."

"The Corpselight Navy fled to live among the Abandoned tribes. The knowledge on sailing they brought focused the tribe more heavily on fishing and ironically enough, began opening up merchant trade with the mainland some years later. Though they made no special mark, survival is its own reward in such a lifestyle."

"The Fleet of Stolen Dreams on the other hand could smell the change in the air. Upon hearing of the strength of the Armada of Contradictions they decided instead to put their map together and find Pirate's Cove. What they found was an aging monastery, long abandoned but not entirely empty. With the legendary weapons in hand they went on to forge a mercenary fleet and rejoin the Compact some years later."

"The Fleet of Questions may not have been pirate material but they knew when to throw in the towel. Captain Apollo lead the remnants of his crew back home to face justice and beg for Mercy. Luckily for them the Crown was offering amnesty for aid in tracking down the remaining brigands on the sea. Although mercenary work ill suited them, eventually they found peace working for the Society of Explorers."

"The Armada of Contradictions had become so large they were able to defeat the imperials at sea every time they were engaged. After several years of unsuccessfully capturing or killing the pirate queen Lianne, she was offered a place in the Compact. Swearing off her past life, she now enjoys her own little duchy at the borders of the Abandoned islands and the Saffron."

When Graziella is given arrows she smiles smartly and comments, "How funny, I just bought a quiver this morning... I am glad all my luck is pointing me to the bow. I've been long meaning to buy one." Graziella glances up from her prize when it looks like there is no coin for Egon to win and she casually unclips a pouch from her belt and hands it to him, "Here for your service on the high seas."

Zyxthylum checked luck + tanning at difficulty 19, rolling 49 higher.

Graziella puts A small quiver of armor penetrating arrows in exquisite leather quiver.

Lianne barks a bright laugh at the narrative she's given, Apollo's arm squeezed as she croons, "Argenta lives again." Her free hand gives a little wave as she adds, "Less all the demons, mm?" She angles a playfully suspicious look at the other admirals before looking to Zyxthylum with a dip of her head. "A fine game, well-narrated. Thank you."

Apollo gives a smile and a chin-up to Egon and Graziella. "Well played," he says. To Lianne, he says, "Apparently I'm not suited for mercenary work. I'll have to tell Paris, see what he makes of that." He's very much enjoying the drinks, and the company, and the games; the event needs no prizes to enjoy all of that.

It is poetry time! That is why Egon is here after all. After accepting Graziella's pouch of silver, he hops up onto the raised area on which the piano sits and draws in a gentle inhalation, chest pressing forward as he makes to ready himself for the recitation. Standing there, amidst the crowd that has descended upon the Secret Lounge during its opening, he begins to recite, his vocables possessing a dulcet and euphonious quality that wavers somewhat at points due to a peculiar rawness and lack of experience when it comes to stuff like this:

Sun-dipped leather skins and oiled Shark Fins
Bits and pieces. antlers stuck together by treacly adhesives.
Hazy lights; vivid colors of inferno orange wash the ceiling.
A mish-mash, a wonderful circus; it is a soul revealing.
The Secret Lounge: hearken, come, and take comfort.

Warm, not burning hot, but comforting -- inviting
Come along, drink and join in the piano song!
Travel here, in evening, morning, or in the gloam.
Rejoice, for The Secret Lounge is a second home.

Lyrics, paintings, song, dance, and poetry
In here, you will be surrounded by superb artistry.
Yes, here, amongst strangers, colleagues, and friends
It is to the Secret Lounge you should go, that I recommend.

Graziella beams out a smile with drunken zeal as she claps and agrees into the applause, "Sun-dipped leather skins and oiled Shark Fins... might be my favorite line of poetry this year. I can practically smell it, and its perfect." She nods her head encouragingly and never bothers to cut a look around the room to see who else is enjoying the poetry, "Inspired work."

Zyxthylum takes a low bow, graciously thanking everyone for indulging him. "It was my first board game! My thanks for your participation!" To Lianne he delivers a purse. "My Lady you had the most ships-" With a glance to Egon a Graziella with a smirk playing on his face, "Alliances don't count!" He chuckles then in a good natured manner and says, "But you found the secret monastery! The otherworldly weapons are -real- cupridium!" A hearty laugh now. "I hope you find good practice with the bow Your Highness." He says to Graziella. "Everyone else, you still have my gratitude for playing but as you know, there can only be one- or two- winners!"

After he makes his rounds and offers pleasantries he settles in to listen to Egon with a quiet sort of awe for his words. He remains quiet afterwords in contemplation, a strange sort of smile playing across his twisted visage.

Graziella is overheard praising Zyxthylum: The Secret Lounge was a smashing success.

Graziella is overheard praising Egon: Sun-dipped leather skins and oiled Shark Fins

"Something we can agree on, your highness," Apollo says, humor lighting his eyes. Of course the -tanner- would like those lines. He finishes off his drink, then rises, offers Lianne his arm. "Well," he says. "What a lovely event. Shall I walk you home, oh Pirate Queen? Pardon, pardon - Duchess?" He does enjoy the pretending.

Graziella is overheard praising Savio: He plays the inside-out bone horn better than anyone I know.

Graziella is overheard praising Orland: Bartending too! Wow.

Q-bert an Albino Possum arrives, delivering a message to Zyxthylum before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Zyxthylum before departing.

"Alas, no infamy or riches for the Shadow Fleet. Guess I'll leave the sailing endeavors to the more knowledgeable Culler seafarers." Samira shakes her head as if lamenting this personal failing of hers. A smile appears, though, pulling the corners of her lips upward to reveal the enjoyment she has taken in the game. "Thanks, Kathrite. That was fun and quite inventive." Full attention turns to Egon when he moves to recite his poem. Images, not words, are her area of expertise, but she listens with focused attention and nods approvingly. "Nicely done. Captures the feel of it."

Lianne applauds the poem and, again, dips her head in gratitude to the host. It's certainly been an enjoyable evening, if her smile says anything. That smile sharpens at its edges when Apollo adjusts her title, changing up the narrative just a little more. Finding her feat, she takes his offered arm and agrees, "With a brief diversion to visit a bird first, mm? Then off toward the horizon and its stars."

Apollo is overheard praising Zyxthylum: A lovely event with a fun diversion

Apollo has left the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

Lianne has left the The bar underneath the loft with silk cushioned stools.

Fajra leaves, following Lianne.

Siri, an attentive apprentice, Paris, a charming mercenary, Lianne leave, following Apollo.

Egon steps down from the raised platform and rolls up the slip in his hand, stuffing it into one of his pockets. "Ah, you did well enough, Samira. You died a somewhat noble death I think," he tells her with something of a smile playing on his lips: transient though in its appearance and departure. Offering one last bow to the departing Apollo and Lianne, his attention swivels over to Zyxthylum: "It was an enjoyable evening by the way. Thank you. I should be off for now."

Graziella stops by the nook on her way out, leaving the unique Unicorn brew with some of the staff to be sampled out until he was empty, "Such a lovely evening-" She dips her hand into her pocket and pulls out the snout of a tiny stuffed rat, "Mortyx got to enjoy the party too. Don't fret." That line is said in a softer conspirator's aside to Zyx as she pauses on her way to the exit. As Egon leaves she follows him out, all nosy and annoying as she hails, "Wait, I have questions for you!"

6 Ivory Shields leaves, following Graziella.

Zyxthylum dips his head and waves to the departing guests, stopping to thank Egon personally. "Can I actually hang that here is the Lair?" He says refering to the poetry. I'd love for everyone to have a chance to see that when they walk through the door."

"I suppose I should be glad that I at least went down swinging. Presumably." Samira flashes a wry grin at Egon, her slender shoulders lifting into a shrug. She waggles her fingers in a wave to Graziella, a curious glance spared for the stuffed rat, before turning to the host. "I should be going, but this was really nice. A fun event and a great space."

Egon halts in his march on out of the Secret Lounge, throwing a quick glance back over at Zyxthylum. The request to actually hang his poem is met with an easy-going, "Of course. This was written for you after all." Retrieving the rolled-up scroll, he hands it to the other man, murmuring, "You be well now, Master Kathrite." And then up and out he goes!

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