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Written By Alarissa

Nov. 12, 2017, 11:30 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

I am disappointed. I have yet to be poisoned by you, in a fun way.

Written By Bianca

Nov. 12, 2017, 11:18 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Damon

7/25/1007 AR:

I am not often an affectionate woman nor easily turned to an emotional state. Even in my younger days I was this way (to which Mother Mercy Sophie can ruefully attest and I continue to be grateful for her grace and patience), but it wasn't until the passed few years that I found myself adverse to actual physical contact. I have attempted to dissect this alteration in my being and have come to the realization that there was an exact date in which my natural inclination toward the reserved became all the more severe.

9/10/1005 AR, the day of the memorial service for Lord Damon Wyrmguard.

I have not spoken of Damon since that day beyond "thank you" in regards to the numerous condolences granted. It was not as if I wasn't given the opportunity. In specific, I wish to thank Lady Khanne Halfshav, Marquessa Lianne Pravus, Princess Valencia Redrain and of course Princess Sophie Valardin for actively offering an open heart and attentive ear (to which I foolishly rejected at the time). Now, in the hopes of adhereing to my own request to the Compact for documentation, I think it might be time I finally come to terms with his loss.

My parents passed when I was very young and being an only child it was lonely and difficult growing up. That is not to say that Marquis Denis didn't do what he could to ensure I was provided for and felt embraced by my family, but even though Dominique, Damon and Desiree often invited me to come play with them I never quite felt like I belonged. To be honest, I was not an active child in general and I am prone to sunburns so it should be no great surprise I was drawn to books rather than wooden swords.

I would sit beneath the apple tree in the inner courtyard at the Blancbier estate every day and read. That was my form of play time. I remember the first day Damon began joining me.

Uncle Danton had come to visit. If I remember right, it was so that Beaumont could meet some of the more prominent Knights of Blancbier. In any case, Isabeau and Sophie had come along and all of the cousins were running about the halls playing. I remember them running by me through the courtyard a few times in a rumbling cacophony of giggles and stomps. Sophie, no older than four at the time, of course implored me to come play... but even then I rejected my sweetest cousin's invitation.

It was after a few more passes back and forth that to my angsty surprise Damon broke free from the pack and came to confront me. I remember it clear as day.

"Why won't you come play?" He asked, pointing his makeshift stick/sword at me with all the accusation and demand a six year old could muster.

"I want to read." I replied frankly.

"What are you reading?" His tone was agitated, sword tip falling to touch the cobbled ground to be dragged as he moved to sit beside me.

And that is how our friendship began. Every day, Damon would sit with me beneath that tree and read a new story no matter how off-putting I was and eventually my resistance ended and in my acceptance of his diligent company I finally felt a connection to someone. I felt as if I had a brother. Granted, Damon sometimes brought out the worst in me. He was mischevious and sly... and fearless. I can't count the amount of times we were reprimanded for some silly or stupidly dangerous thing we did. He always knew how to convince me. Even when I argued against whatever clever prank he had planned his reply was always the same: "... but won't it make a wonderful story?"

It always did.

I could go on for pages and pages about my surrogate brother/cousin. I love him and I will always love him.

With that, the most prominant emotion I felt the day of his memorial service and long after it was anger. It overwhelmed me. How could he leave me alone? How /dare/ he?

It was the anger that prevented me from speaking to others. I was ashamed of it and that day the part of me that was Damon went into hiding. I had to be strong for my family and for the ventures that Damon had supported. I had to get to work. In locking away that piece of myself I lost the will for social interaction and replaced it with a duty to a greater cause. I do not regret that decision, but I do regret not understanding that the part of me that was born from my friendship with him didn't need to vanish. It was easier that way, yes... but it's not what he would have wanted.

I am still angry about his loss, but moreso my helplessness to prevent it. Looking back I think that was truly what caused my rage, but I was blinded by my pain and indignance to see it. In time that will fade even if the pain of it never truly will.

Today, I choose to release myself from the chains of his loss. I release Damon and his memory... but I know any time a risk arises and I need to choose how to move forward I will hear that white haired little boy ask, "... but won't it make a wonderful story?"

Written By Reigna

Nov. 12, 2017, 11:05 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Zerric

I met a fellow Scholar the other day and his love of the written word delights me to no end. it is so delightful to find in another the same passion that drives you. We have plans to go to the Great Archives and I cannot wait to see his face the first time he looks upon that spectacular ink-laden vista. The knowledge held within those walls is truly a spiritual thing. He also is patroned, it would seem, by the delightful Princess Valencia Velenosa who is inspired to start her own library. Marvelous and well met, Zerric Memphit!

Written By Belladonna

Nov. 12, 2017, 10:57 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

It comes up quite regularly, and I know there is some gossip about it.

My husband is in Setarco, both to be with our son and to oversee all of our military actions. There are a great many threats on the horizon, and we have found it effective to be addressing the threats facing our Duchy and the Compact this way. Not all moves can be easily managed from Arx, and there is a great benefit to be had from one of the rulers of a domain being present consistently. While I have quite effectively run my island from the Compact's capital for quite some time, there are benefits to having boots on the ground.

No more, no less. We are not estranged, nor having any particular difficulties with our marriage.

Written By Mae

Nov. 12, 2017, 10:42 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

My hero,

I do believe it is the disciples of Mangata might oversee bridge building in Arvum. If not them, then the Knights of Solace, for certain.

Best of luck!

Written By Sparte

Nov. 12, 2017, 9:48 a.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Sometimes the right decision isn't the one people want to see made. How do you mend a bridge when it was cut from the other side?

Written By Bliss

Nov. 12, 2017, 8:47 a.m.(7/25/1007 AR)

Yesterday morning, with the first rays of dawn starting to touch the flowers strewn along the path, I walked to the altar of Limerance. Yesterday, I answered the Ten Questions of Faith before the priests of the Pantheon and dedicated myself as a Devotion of Limerance.

Yesterday afternoon I spent more hours than I knew were possible learning to review marriage applications and questioning merchant's sons and daughters to ensure that they entered these contracts of their own free will.

Today, as a Disciple of the God of Courtly Love and Fidelity, I announce that I am giving not just of my time in clerical work to support the Devotions. Beginning today I will take only those clients who seek a Champion that seek to defend themselves against accusations of infidelity or defending their love. I will take only what coin is required to pay for healers or mending armor, and any other coin collected as a Champion I will donate to the Fatih.

Written By Ailith

Nov. 12, 2017, 8:03 a.m.(7/25/1007 AR)

Holy Services Sermon
Day 25 of Month 7 in 1007 AR
Palace Chapel

Why pray? What power can prayer -- words hold?

These are not uncommon questions people face especially when direct action is favored over prayer during times of crisis. And why wouldn't it when the results are immediately seen? Why pray some ask when the Gods may not hear, will not speak with me, or are not going to answer? It appears to be a futile effort.

I must have been six or seven. I didn't know much about the world and my parents would drag the whole family to services every week to this small crumbling chapel. That day, everything hurt. Blight had taken our harvest and most of the community was struggling. My brothers and sisters were crying and cranky, pinching and punching each other because they couldn't understand why their empty stomachs twisted and hurt. Mom and Dad were trying to hush them like many of the other families were with their children. And there was the Seraph talking about prayer and how the Gods listen. I wanted to punch him in the face.

I realize that's a bold statement especially coming from me. But it had been days since I last saw even a crumb, dirt wasn't filling my belly anymore, and all the endless whining was getting to me. I wanted to cry and scream like my brothers and sisters. Then this Seraph talks about words of make-believe. We had been praying for weeks and nothing was happening. We still were starving.

Just when I was about to get up and teach that Seraph a lesson with my fists, I saw one of the well-to-do kids near the front of the chapel munching on a blackberry tart. I lost it. I marched right to the aisle and could hear parents, mine included, gasp as the Seraph bright as the summer's sun smile kindly at me and set a hand to my shoulder.

As he guided me back to my family, he took a loaf of bread and broke it into pieces, sharing them with my brothers and sisters, my mother and father, and me. Then he broke another loaf and did the same for another family. He continued to do this while never once pausing his sermon. In between those bites as tears stained my cheeks, I felt relieved and renewed. Much of what he said wasn't listened to. I was a child and that loaf of bread was answer to my immediate prayer for food.

That tiny derelict chapel became a safe haven. When we'd leave services, the community was rejuvenated and strong enabling us to face another week of hardship. Our chapel became a place of solace and our prayers comfort. We could rely on the Faith and Gods being there for us.

Answers may not always be immediate or obviously from the Gods but if we are patient, we can endure.

Written By Talen

Nov. 12, 2017, 6:11 a.m.(7/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Inigo

You're back? Swing by with your Duchess for dinner at the Velenosa estate sometime.

I promise the only thing you'll be poisoned by is alcohol and that it's not fatal, only fun.

Written By Calista

Nov. 11, 2017, 11:45 p.m.(7/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Inigo

It is so very good to have my Duke by my side once more. Welcome home from your visit to Tor.

Written By Corban

Nov. 11, 2017, 10:19 p.m.(7/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Ryhalt

For generations, House Telmar's navy has escorted House Farshaw's merchant marines.

We do so again now, in support of stability in Stormward and across the Compact.

May Mangata grant us fair seas and good winds, and Limerance allow us to speak true to the freed thralls we hope to assist.

Written By Aiden

Nov. 11, 2017, 8:33 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

The worst part about having a sick partner... is that you're likely to also get sick.

Written By Samael

Nov. 11, 2017, 7:30 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I saw my old friend, Joscelin, again today. It has been far too long! She is like my little sister from when I was a boy in Pridehall. It was just like old times. I can't wait to catch up with her again soon and to introduce her to Zoey.

Written By Samael

Nov. 11, 2017, 7:29 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

Samantha is like my niece and I'm very proud to see how well she is doing. I look forward to getting together with her and catching up. I have to meet her little baby, too, of course.

Written By Samael

Nov. 11, 2017, 7:27 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Zoey

My daughter is coming to Arx and I'm very excited. She is coming from Pridehall and the Grey Forest is very dangerous right now, so, of course, I've spared no expense in making sure she arrives safely.

Written By Aleksei

Nov. 11, 2017, 7:25 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

I urge my fellow Arxians to make the correct choice in submitting their votes to Sister Thena for the naming of her new ship. The correct choice being, of course, Peanut.

No, I am not bitter that he didn't get chosen for that plushie contest! Honestly how dare you. I am telling the Archscholar on you. Yes, the Archscholar _does_ listen to what I say!

Written By Sophie

Nov. 11, 2017, 2:18 p.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

I have donated some funds to aid in the restoration of Cedar Vale, which, in recent months, had been razed and near entirely destroyed by Abandoned raiders. I regret that I was unable to donate more. Nonetheless, I shall see what else can be done.

Perhaps dear Leola and the Lodge of Petrichor may be of assistance in the rejuvenation of the land and the restocking of its wildlife. I shall ask. For my part, at the very least, I will reach out to what remains of the Mercy chapterhouse there and see how I can best be of support and service in their time of need.

It seems so little, so I must remind myself that drops in a bucket add up. Alas, there are so many buckets in the world. I do what I can to fill them, but it never feels enough.

Should any reading this be so moved to aid in the county's restoration, I earnestly beseech that you speak with Lord Samael Bisland or Marquis Malesh Stonewood if you have not done so. Should my entreaty fail to inspire, then may Gild, Limerance, Petrichor, and Lagoma so move you.

May the Gods bless and keep us all. May our inner light ever continue to shine.

Written By Sameera

Nov. 11, 2017, 10:23 a.m.(7/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

Heroics in tents just sounds like a lot of difficulties. They are not very big.

Written By Magpie

Nov. 11, 2017, 7:51 a.m.(7/23/1007 AR)

Friends! Enemies! Acquaintances! Strangers!! Royalty, Nobility, and Commoners! Abandoned! Prodigals! Refugees! People of unknown status otherwise not mentioned!

Let us all come together and see this ship named 'Dame Thena Grayhope Lounge'!

If the name wins, I will give out FREE miniature carvings* of the ship at my shop AND I will make a model to scale for figurines to fit upon and sell it at a reasonable price.

Search your hearts for this charitable cause, it's only 10 writs per entry. Surely we all have a few of those kicking around. Send them to Thena with the message 'Dame Thena Grayhope Lounge' and you will have done us all a great service.

Also, if the name wins? I will be certain to break a bottle of the fabulous Prince Creston's Black Rum across the hull.

Thank you.

* While supplies last

Written By Quenia

Nov. 11, 2017, 5:46 a.m.(7/23/1007 AR)

The Igniseri family dinner is a grand time as always. I enjoyed meeting Princess Jaenelle Velenosa and Lord Aethan Kennex. And, in spite of all the suggestive banter and how it must have seemed, I also enjoyed learning a bit about the various ships from the Kennex boys; Lord Wash, Lord Ian and Lord Aethan.

I regret that I did not get to stay longer, and hope that Luis and Lucita were the perfect hosts after my departure and made sure to see our guests out when they were ready to depart.

I look forward to future dinners with each and all who came. I do hope, however, that I did not scare Baron Estaban Saik away from my cousin Lucita with my questions. I would be remiss, as a potential cousin-in-law, not to try to get to know the man a bit better.

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