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Written By Sameera

May 11, 2017, 10:35 a.m.(6/11/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ariel

Great help in the efforts for my village. Coldreach will, hopefully be grand. Her auction should go well.

Got a silk outfit at her want. Not sure what I think of wearing it.

Written By Gailin

May 11, 2017, 1:42 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Not sure when or why things became so complicated, though these days they seem to be getting more so with each passing minute. When ones skills are solely in martial combat and strategy and tactics how do you put yourself to use in other ways? How do you feel of use in any other way than defense of your house and kin? I know these things are important I just wish I had other skills.

Written By Aureth

May 11, 2017, 1:09 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I'm better with my hands.

Written By Serafine

May 11, 2017, 1:03 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

If tomorrow is coming, you ought to stick out your tongue. It's just good manners.

Written By Mirari

May 11, 2017, 12:55 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

I... think that Baroness Kima's lion adopted my cat tonight. Great. Now he's going to think he's a lion.

Written By Esoka

May 11, 2017, 12:24 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Gild is a goddess I've always honored, but in a distant way. My heart is with the forests and wilds of Petrichor more easily. But after the siege, and seeing how the city of Arx rose up in defense of all her quarters, I feel driven to Gild's guidance now in a way I never have before. There is beauty in the cities and roads and structure civilization and charity provide. There is much to rebuild. I hope I helped a little. All honors to the Iron Guard and everyone else lending a hand in the reclaiming of good order of life in this sprawling, strange, wonderful place I call home for a time now.

Written By Aureth

May 11, 2017, 12:09 a.m.(6/10/1006 AR)


Tonight, there will be starlight. The air will taste sweet when you breathe it in. When you sleep tonight, you may dream.

Tomorrow, there will be dawn to burn away the morning mist. The city will wake with noise and color and life. There will be people everywhere, going about their lives, trying to rebuild, creating memorials to those we have lost, finding new ways forward.

Taste your food. Feel the cool water against your teeth. Notice the fabric against your skin.

You're alive.

I can't even muster petty irritation for the thousand idiotic things I heard or read or saw in the past few days. And I've seen plenty. But I can't do it. The world is alive. The city breathes. The Pantheon lives. Loss may have happened, but we are alive to grieve, to live on, to _remember_.

Life goes on.

And I love every stupid fucking banal moment of it.

I'll be pissed off again next week, no doubt, particularly if people keep saying stupid shit -- as people are wont to do -- but for now?

Tomorrow is coming, and I love it.

Written By Thena

May 10, 2017, 11:56 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

I suck at social gatherings. Gods, do I ever suck at them.
I miss the cottage in the woods where everything was clean and simple and quiet, and no one could creep up on me except for that horrible dog who belonged to our nearest neighbors, and no one cared if I couldn't come up with an elegant turn of phrase.
I miss Petrae. I miss my old life but it's gone.

Written By Tikva

May 10, 2017, 11:46 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

I am recovering well from the injuries I took in the Battle of Arx, and yet when I sit down to try to compose a song for the end of this all, I find that my pen is fallow, my ink drying in the inkwell.

I am tremendously proud to have served with the archers on the wall at the Seawatch Gate. I can close my eyes and feel the energy of them around me, hear the beat of our boots against the wall, hear the scream of our arrows as we sent volley after volley at the enemy. I can feel the pounding of my heart as we watched them come, silent and inexorable, up the ladders. We cut them down and still they came. We shot them down and still they came. I felt as though I could fight forever. I was struck down, and a lady I don't know saved me; I was cornered, and the Valorous Few came to my aid, their leader grinning and cackling like a madman, and that gave me new heart to fight on.

I remembered sitting in the medics' tent with Lady Aislin, getting my blood all over her hands. I remember as we watched our comrades fighting without us, as I coughed blood from my throat, as I wanted _nothing_ in the world but to be out in the thick of it again, riding adrenaline, fighting for my oath, fighting for my people.

In that moment, I didn't think about everything else I have to be fighting for, to be living for. I could think only of how I wasn't out there, shooting them down. And in that moment of selfishness, I almost lost it all, because I came at the enemy again before I was ready, as soon as the healers finished bandaging me, I charged to the fray, and I was too stiff, too slow, and the next thing I knew the great monstrous dark thing was falling atop me and then--

The next thing I remember is a healer talking to me, I don't remember her name, a woman I don't know. I can remember how wasted I felt, like every muscle and bone I had was only pain and all of my blood was spilled already and this walking thing was only a shell of Tikva. Esoka was there, though, and she helped me get to the House of Solace.

It's a little dim. I remember whining a lot.

I remember ... whining a _lot_ ... about a promise I couldn't fulfill.

They've freed me from this sling now, and I played a little concert tonight with the fingers of both hands. It's nice to have my hands back. It's nice to have my body back. It's nice to be Tikva again.

I still have a promise to fulfill ... or two ... or ten ...

But I don't think this is a song. Heroism is worth a song or two or ten, and yet the words don't come. The music doesn't form. These aren't lyrics. This is a history.

I'm alive. Perhaps I shouldn't be. I hope this is a lesson I am never callow enough to forget.

Written By Calaudrin

May 10, 2017, 11:24 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Despite serious self-doubts that I could pull off any kind of social event without something going terribly wrong (fire, riot, food poisoning, etc...), the Iron Guard's charity event went off without a hitch. We collected clothes, toys, food and other necessities as well a tidy sum of cash that we've donated to the Mercies of Lagoma.

I don't have anything eloquent to say. Except that I'm humbled by the turnout and I thank each and every person that turned up donated to our cause.

Thank you.

Written By Juliet

May 10, 2017, 10:47 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

After months of siege, stepping outside the city walls was a delight.

Sanctum was interesting. The wedding ceremony was everything I expected from the Oathlands. I'm glad I had good company.

The Telmarch is an interesting place, and there are some grand vistas from the castle walls.

Written By Merek

May 10, 2017, 10:37 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

I assisted with the Iron Charity a little bit. But I've just had too much on my mind with an unsolved case that no one can figure anything out about, in addition to other matters. You'd think after the siege, at least things would be a /little/ easier.

Written By Cassandra

May 10, 2017, 9:22 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Niamh

Meeting with Niamh was quite intriguing. She showed me her Hall and told me about her hopes for her Knights, few though they are. I am fascinated with what she intends to accomplish and I hope that I can assist her from my place with the Faith. If all the Knights of the Gold Order of the Dragon are as earnest and skilled they deserve my support.

I look forward to see what comes of it.

Written By Asher

May 10, 2017, 5:39 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Mira

There was a merchant in the Common Square recently who was selling things stolen from corpses from the siege. Not sure if he stole them himself, or if he bought them from people who stole them. I might have gotten him arrested and he wasn't at fault... He's obviously stupid, but possibly not his fault. Also bumped into Mira Matessi, and we hit it off; might have also gotten a request for a ring to be made, later on... Lucrative!

Written By Olivia

May 10, 2017, 5:31 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dafne

A somewhat odd girl I met in the bath house gardens, who turned out to be a Duchess and perhaps a former relative by marriage in some confusing fashion. It seems things can change very much in a short while, with her various relations giving up the title in quick succession until she remained to take it. I felt sympathetic for her, but realized my own situation is potentially not very different: I wish my siblings good health and long careers! We talked about plants and death, and apparently she writes... romantic fiction. Overall I liked her very much, save that she has a pet cat.

Written By Sameera

May 10, 2017, 5:29 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

The planning phase and gathering of funds to make the 'half way house' for former thralls is done. I even have a loose idea of how the village will look and hopefully workable exports for people.

Written By Asher

May 10, 2017, 5:12 p.m.(6/10/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

I saved his life, because it was my job, and he made me part of the family. More to it than that, but still. Not a bad guy.

Written By Driskell

May 10, 2017, 3:55 p.m.(6/9/1006 AR)

I've made an isle specialty of fish for Dame Sameera that I need to deliver to her, I know she hates things that are luxurious so this simple staple from my own isle ought to show that the simple things can be exceedingly amazing too. Perhaps it will give her an idea to use the fish she has in a different way.

The main secret to this is to have the freshest white fleshed fish one can get from the fishmonger or if you're feeling more islander, fish in the morning and catch it yourself.

The second secret is one has to use the absolute sharpest knife they have and wet it in cold ocean water before each cut to prevent shredding and flaking of the flesh.

Driskell's Isle Fish Alchemy
- Two white fleshed fish, filleted and sliced.
- 6 garlic cloves, chopped quite finely.
- Three pinches of salt, preferably from evaporated Grayson tears
- Two pinches of pepper.
- Three pinches of fresh coriander, chopped coarsely
- 1 pepper chopped. I keep the seeds in but some find it too hot, hence they aren't in the kitchen.
- A dozen Saffron limes, squeeze and strain to remove the pulp.
- 1 red onion, thinly sliced like Velenosan silk.

Combine and mix all the ingredients except the onion.
Place the red onion on top and let it marinate on ice for at least 3 hours.
Before you serve, mix it well with a quick toss and lay it on a bed of lettuce with thickly sliced avocado. I also prefer to cut the top of a coconut and add Darkwater rum to the water inside to serve with this.

Written By Gisele

May 10, 2017, 3:10 p.m.(6/9/1006 AR)

These are things not recorded in the histories:

The pall which lingers after a victory, when the survivors look at what they've fought for and see the wounds left by those battles; it hangs even in summer sunlight like motes of dust, inescapable. The ghost of smells clinging to hair and clothing of smoke, of rot, of blood and viscera spilled. The memory of how a blade driven into another body sends a shock up the arm. It's a jolt which prints on the bone and leaves the muscles tender, the palm stinging; like a phantom limb, that feeling returns in dreams and quiet moments. The look in the eyes of those who've lived, even when they're smiling. The places we go in our minds, pushed there by grief and the need to heal.

The sound of a city holding its breath and waiting, praying, for the next second, the next heartbeat, the next blink, against a chorus of fire and falling stone.

Written By Serafine

May 10, 2017, 1:41 p.m.(6/9/1006 AR)

Less words, more actions. Put your silver where your mouth is.

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