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Written By Dagon

March 19, 2017, 2:45 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

From the forward camp, winter,

Lord Grimhall is a traditionalist in every way I am not. He is a Thraxian, without doubt, and I suspect with little compromise; why should the sea compromise with the land, when it can just as easily rage against it?

But I want him to know, and Margot too perhaps, that should I die, it will not be from a predisposition to heroics or glory or even chivalry.

Should I die, it will be from a selfish thirst for recompense for the last fifteen years, and a distrust of those who say they will seek it for me. But, we are only as good of men as we pretend to be.

Would I were a better actor.

Written By Agnarr

March 19, 2017, 2:29 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Vena

Owe you a match, I reckon.

Written By Denica

March 19, 2017, 12:30 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

At first, seeing her seeing me struck a chord of anger. The longer I walked away the more I was certain there would be a time where I must pause and let her address me. Her boots crunched in the snow as she arrived at my flank, and then I was under her cloak, pressed to her chest; all about her was warmth, a cocoon to draw me out. Her hair had a scent so very familiar. My fingers greedily grasping at her was familiar, too: an echo of memory. In that warmth I recalled my heart from its long sleep, and with it came all of its burdens. The crushing weight of foreboding. The ache of loneliness. The desire for succor.

I wanted little more than to command her to take me away. And yet, here I remain, chasing black visions. If I read them right, Oblivion lies near.

Is it not more wise to meet it at the sides of those loved, than alone? It is a burden of my hope that I think that it isn't inevitable. Thus, I remain.

Jayus, you are my heart and eyes: guide me.

Written By Silas

March 19, 2017, 12:03 a.m.(2/13/1006 AR)

(written very poorly, in almost illegible handwriting)

today was fun. i ofuhtg prince edain in the arena at the goledn hart as part of a small tournament evetn and after a close matcrh he ended up beating me. it was because he took the red armor, ni'm sure of it.

went out to the main hall and participated in the drink contest even though i wasn't a judge. met some swell folksk, got a little tipsy, but all in all a great nighto. princess valencia, princxe luca, and prince cicenro did a wonderful job!

also i kizssed a girl and i liked it.

Written By Alis

March 18, 2017, 10:22 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

So intelligent, but with no real nudge in any direction where he can apply it. Perhaps if he is dragged along to enough war camps, it will encourage him to decide quickly so he can stop being hauled along with the troops!

Sorrynotsorry for being one of those at fault for your current predicament. But I promise I will find a good bottle of wine to send you when we return from the latest battle. :)

Written By Alis

March 18, 2017, 10:18 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

I find that thinking about planning a wedding in the same way one might plan a war works remarkably well.

You find the most advantageous place to engage the battle (say your vows)
Plot the best route to get your troops (guests) there.
Determine in advance what pitfalls and traps may be waiting for you (who is going to be unhappy, and people to avoid inviting)

... why are you looking at me like that?

Written By Karadoc

March 18, 2017, 9:53 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

I blame Kima.

And Calypso.




Why oh why did I agree to this?.... I've no place on a battlefield, or anywhere near one.... I don't want to be here. I shant be here. if I close my eyes hard enough, after all the bottle is gone... I can almost pretend I'm back in Southport... Or Saikland.... But... Each time I wake, it's to the same damn tent...


Morning comes too soon. The bottle's opened too late. And is gone far too quickly. At this rate, I'll run out before we even catch sight of the enemy. Oh what a miserable trip home this will be.

If any are reading this, and you 'truly' love me... Send wine.


Written By Karadoc

March 18, 2017, 9:48 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcelia

My dear youngest cousin... Oh how you've grown.... The lessons you've learned... How to annoy, cajole, careen through hearts and minds of others.

It brings tears to my eyes. Of joy, and laughter...


Written By Juliet

March 18, 2017, 7:55 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

War approaches. I've found my place.

Places. I've got a multitude of duties here. Originally, I thought I'd be tending to logistics - looks as though I may be returning to that, for at least some of the time.

I've also gotten generous aid from friends and faith to ensure I won't face this coming battle unprepared.

I've looked into some of the rose-tanning techniques used by the Apothecary college. Providing leather that is both soft and flexible, yet durable. It's remarkable, really.

Still, even leather wears on me, too heavy for someone not used to it. Maybe the solution is to wear it more.

Written By Isolde

March 18, 2017, 7:24 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

In the Lyceum, the Thirteenth became the god associated with Last Rites, evidently when whatever shenanigans went on that took the Queen of Beginning and Ending from us. It is something I hold in somber regard, even with most of the compact turning to Lagoma, Mistress of Change. I think there is a place for each in our thoughts on Death. I would like to see the Faith embrace them all, for death is the greatest of changes we face in our lives, and the Thirteenth separates us from the lands Beyond, be he guardian, shepherd, or what we have yet to relearn. The Queen of Beginning and Endings seems obvious, and all seem to have a place in providing comfort, and ushering a soul into their next fate. It is a concept I hope to have the luxury to explore more, but for now, as I work with wounded soldiers, and they need comfort in the transition, if all else fails, I keep in my heart, my mind all three, that the soul knows peace.

Written By Isolde

March 18, 2017, 7:15 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Beginnings and endings.
It seems an appropriate time for these things.
Difficulties, joyous things, it is an interesting thing, these beginnings and endings.
I find it utterly impossible not to embrace this return.
There is utter beauty and heartache in beginnings and endings.
I do love a good duality.

Written By Frederik

March 18, 2017, 6:37 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Sara

Steelharts tend to die, especially the ones who go out to fight. Due to this Frederik's more then a little protective of Sara, especially after the deaths of her mother and brother. Despite that, the Steelharts have a long history of military service, and Frederik knows a dog of war can't be caged.

Written By Valery

March 18, 2017, 6 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

I think everything smells like smoke in my room, now...

Written By Waldemai

March 18, 2017, 5:47 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Lady General Calypso suggested that I should get my butt away from the forge for a while. Did I say suggested? Well, when you patron "suggests"... With all of us heading to the front soon, a Rite to Gloria seemed like a good idea. I went to the main training center downtown and challenged all comers. It turned out there were some very nice people willing to help me out there. I remember (and I don't remember much, since I didn't win many of those duels) a Mathias, and a young woman named Umay, their friend Agnarr, and a woman named Esoka. There was a lord and lady there, too, but I never got introduced. So I fought the duels, and learned that I need to get out of the forge more, for training and exercise, or I'll never ever win a duel with anyone. But with luck the goddess was pleased with the fact that we tried.

Written By Valencia

March 18, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

The Golden Hart opens tonight and I am filled with a mix of emotions. I feel such great excitement, joy, anticipation, apprehension, amazement, dread, sadness and so much gratitude and hope…. so much excitement, gratitude and hope. My head would be swimming if I did not have so much work to do.

It is strange to see this day come. Soon we will open our Hart and we will begin to do all that we can to raise the spirits of the people and support for good causes. I am told again and again that these things are needed more than ever now and I am determined to do what we can to help the people of the realm. And, with good grace, hard work and an abundance of luck, we shall welcome all of Arx into our Hart as well. It is my deepest wish that all know that they are welcome here.

It was a long journey, one far from done, and not one taken alone. I am so grateful to those who have walked with me, cared for me and loved me so much. To those who have supported me and without whom the Hart would never be. I do not know what I did to deserve such kindness and I pray that I will make them so very proud and find way to replay their kindness.

It is a strange night. One that I hope will set a good, strong course for success for the Golden Hart and all that she stands for and hopes to do, and perhaps in a little way for me as well.

With life, love and luck…. and a warm, full heart.


Written By Dulcinea

March 18, 2017, 4:05 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Dear Me,

Everyone is riding out and it's so alarming. May Gloria bless and keep them.

I met the most charming man, just before he departed. He does seem in every way the soul of modest, knightly virtue. To him a gave a favor, asking that he carry it not only for himself, but for all who are departing to fight so bravely. Would that I had a hundred thousand such tokens.

Now I must go back to reading about axes. And weapon designs and runes and symbols and things.

Because reasons.

Tedious, tedious reasons.

I think I shall ask Lourche to bring all the brandy again. It helps to keep him busy.



Written By Caelis

March 18, 2017, 3:49 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

Under her direction I lead our ships. Under her directions I fight. Lady General.

I'm amazed at how she's grown. She's so fierce and tough. I chased after her as a child and I feel little has changed. There's so much to admire in Calypso.
I have every faith that she will see us through many battles in the days to come and as long as she is my general, we'll see it through just fine.

Written By Caelis

March 18, 2017, 3:45 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

This week has been a whirl wind. So many things happening....and not happening. So much to plan for. I feel like only recently my birthday passed and I am ages older. In all that is happening somehow I have managed to have some fun. Perhaps I should visit the training rings more often.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Caelis

March 18, 2017, 3:45 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

This week has been a whirl wind. So many things happening....and not happening. So much to plan for. I feel like only recently my birthday passed and I am ages older. In all that is happening somehow I have managed to have some fun. Perhaps I should visit the training rings more often.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Dulcinea

March 18, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Simone

Dear Me,

Every member of the family that welcomes me back, I feel more complete. Soon I'll be whole. I'm so happy!

I've missed me.

Also Simone. I've missed Simmy so very much. And now I can forgive her, which is lovely. I had a horrible pain in my heart.

Unfortunately, our last visit was too brief. Lourche brought all the brandy just a fraction too late, and I had to make him put it all back.

It was a /lot/ of brandy.

More soon!

Happily Me,


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