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Written By Dawn

Aug. 19, 2016, 11:53 p.m.(5/6/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

The reputation of Thrax is fearsome but look beyond the tales of deeds done by their menfolk, and one hears of the elegance, poise, and understated charm of their ladies. Lady Margot of Tyde exemplifies these ideals. She bears a unique position and heavy responsibilities with all of the grace one could hope for.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 19, 2016, 12:31 p.m.(5/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Caprice

Rumors swirl around Mistress Caprice as being quite renown with her work, and I hope I can see some of it one day soon. I was introduced to her by Princess Isolde as part of her business proposal - a collaboration of sorts, and I'm rather excited about working with her to see what the two of us can create. She knows her trade well, and I think I could learn a thing or two.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 19, 2016, 12:28 p.m.(5/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

A warm and charming Whisper; she came into my shop just before Princess Isolde had departed and requested a bit of work. Left quite a good impression, I must say. Very kind and generous - I don't think I met a Whisper before, so that was new.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 19, 2016, 12:25 p.m.(5/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

I had the pleasure of meeting Princess Isolde one day - a meeting planned after she wrote to me expressing her interest in a potential business proposal. Considering my curiosity was piqued, I could not very well turn her highness down. Very friendly and sociable noblewoman, I found her most kind and amicable - and she has a very, very shiny mask. It was very enjoyable to socialize with her, she's very outgoing so it was easy to speak freely. I look forward to working with her.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 19, 2016, 12:17 p.m.(5/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

One of the slim few of the Redrain House that I really can't get along with - granted when I try, it typically ends in disaster. I thought Rohkir was a bit uptight and stuffy, Fergus just takes it to a whole other level. I'm not sure he has a sense of humor, at least not the kind I subscribe to. Seems to get along more with nobles than he does people like me, which is good for him, I guess. He's still a prickish asshole. Gods forbid I ever try to be sociable with the man, I might lose my head in the process.

Written By Ida

Aug. 19, 2016, 11:07 a.m.(5/5/1004 AR)

I DID it! Oaths, I finally managed to gain the skills with which to work high quality steel. Pricey stuff, like whoa, but the profit from such things should start to pay for the materials. The first weapon I fashioned is Duke Arn's warhammer. We had already discussed the design, back when it was going to be made of standard steel. When I gained the skill, I sent word to ask if he'd prefer the better metal and, as I suspected, he did. Said he'd love to have the opportunity to be one of the first to receive something crafted with my new skills. Just for that, I made sure I did his first. It will probably now be one of my favorite crafted weapons because of that.

Written By Kima

Aug. 19, 2016, 2:31 a.m.(5/4/1004 AR)

Does life hold for us any lessons, friend? With respect to you, I am sure that there are many. Here is one I have learned today: serious people will never stop waging their war on joy and pleasure, since they are both relentless and tireless.

Pen down, and think on that.

Written By Silas

Aug. 18, 2016, 11:04 p.m.(5/3/1004 AR)

Thanks to the generous Duke Velenosa my bank account isn't so pitiful any more. I made sure to give Acacia credit where credit is due.

Lady Dawn has extended an invite to me to partake in a Market Day she intends to plan soon. It looks like I'll be chopping up a lot of wood!

Game Night will be a good break, I think.

Written By Ida

Aug. 18, 2016, 11:21 a.m.(5/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

Duke Arn Telmar is not someone I know particularly well just yet, if I might ever. His Grace, Prince Edain, asked me to make sure the general was properly outfitted not long after the latter's arrival in Arx. I quickly learned that the duke is a direct man, when he visited to discuss the commission, with seemingly little patience for dancing around a topic. His reputation marks him as a man of import, of course, but what impressed me was seeing him in conversation with Prince Edain. I have every faith in His Grace, but knowing that Duke Arn has his back is comforting. Watching the general with our prince has lead me to like and respect the man, little that I truly know him.

Written By Larissa

Aug. 18, 2016, 10:47 a.m.(5/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

I have met with the Prince Inquisitor a few times now and each time I am left with a mix of feelings. None the less, my hopes are high with this one as I believe that we may need each other more than we realize one day. Let us hope that we can each see beyond the thin veils that hide us...

Written By Silas

Aug. 18, 2016, 3:16 a.m.(5/1/1004 AR)

Decided to go with a bed for the raffle prize. Hopefully whoever wins it has somewhere to put it.

Bank account has pretty much run dry.

Will finish Duke Niccolo's fancy couches before the deadline.

Callum and Jon are big fans of Acacia now...

Need sleep. Zzz.

Written By Caprice

Aug. 17, 2016, 11:32 p.m.(4/28/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

A seamstress from the North. The Princess introduced me to her in hopes of collaborating between the styles. I've seen some of her work, and it was well sewn. I'm anxious to see what we'll be able to create together.

Written By Caprice

Aug. 17, 2016, 11:31 p.m.(4/28/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Jacinthe

The Whisper and I have now met on quite a number of occassions. I have taken a liking to her, she is quite different from her cousins. I feel we are becoming fast friends. I do so hope that she likes the dress I've made for her.

Written By Acacia

Aug. 17, 2016, 2:31 a.m.(4/26/1004 AR)

Preparations for the People's Choice is well underway. While I'm merely organizing it for those more esteemed, and naturally for the good of those in the Boroughs to whom that bit of the profits is going to, there's a certain satisfaction found in the little things when pieces start to fall into place. Every one of the Great Houses, aside from House Grayson, have thus far extremely graciously promised to have some sampling to contribute and there should be an engaging number of varieties available. With things as they currently are, it's understandable that House Grayson would be occupied with other honorable pursuits, but having their participation for good will all around would certainly keep things interesting. Perhaps they can find someone willing to take to the task for them.

[A missive has been appended, sealed in less than an hour later.]

There seems to have merely been a slight and understandable delay. Members of all Houses have now granted their participation. This should be fun.

Written By Caprice

Aug. 17, 2016, 12:24 a.m.(4/25/1004 AR)

Today I had the opportunity to meet with Prince Gareth Grayson. I'm not quite sure what to make of his Highness yet, but he's asked for a commission and has promised a handsome sum. I do believe that he doubts the gifts that Jayus has blessed me with, as he mentioned the necessity for quality several times over. My quality, of course, can never be called into question and I will show that to him. But I do so look forward to putting more of my work out there on display.

Written By Donella

Aug. 16, 2016, 11:21 p.m.(4/25/1004 AR)

I have the opportunity to meet all manner of interesting people in Arx, as I navigate the planning stages for our Genevieve's wake. Such is the case with the artisan, Master Denon Whisper, who is crafting an exquisite piece of sculpture for the banqueting table. We spent an evening going over plans in great detail-- who knew so much forethought went into *art?* I've also never had a man insist on my palpating his bicep before. I wonder if the gentleman is quite sure he isn't THAT kind of Whisper. Anyway, he mentioned that I might pay a visit to the studio to view the work in progress. Would that be scandalous, I wonder? To go where Whispers whisper about things? Either way, I am satisfied that my wishes are understood.

Written By Fergus

Aug. 16, 2016, 8:14 p.m.(4/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Redrain something or another. She also owns a shop in the city where she makes clothing. She is a bit of an annoyance, not that Fergus has anything against a free spirit, but she takes it to a level of annoying that Fergus cannot spend much time around her.

Written By Jacinthe

Aug. 16, 2016, 6:05 p.m.(4/24/1004 AR)

Such tales are told of southern decadence and I will admit here for posterity that I've always been interested to discover how much is rumor, how much truth. To my delight, I had the honor and the pleasure of that discovery courtesy of her highness, the Mirrormask Princess Isolde and the Sword of Lenosia, Talen Artiglio. I was fortunate enough to be invited to an intimate private party by these worthies, and there I learned that tales do not do Lycean hospitality justice. Sensual spectacle of the sort that was on display would probably shock those of more delicate sensibilities but I would counter those ruffled feathers with a simple truth:

We cannot take our own measure in every aspect, every facet, without facing all that life might offer. The highs, the lows, the comforts and the temptations... they exist not just to temper us but to teach us of ourselves.

It is not an opportunity to be missed if one is so fortunate as to earn an invitation.

Written By Larissa

Aug. 16, 2016, 4:28 p.m.(4/24/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

An unexpected and unplanned evening spent at the Hundred Cities Inn made me the acquaintance of this dashing, dangerous Admiral. I could not help but be flattered by the words and attention he bestowed upon me, nor intrigued by his ideals that have undoubtedly been tainted by the time he's spent upon Thraxian waters. I also cannot help but to be wary of him, as I must be with so many I meet these days. To be sure I shall be keeping an eye upon him...

Written By Silas

Aug. 16, 2016, 2:59 a.m.(4/23/1004 AR)

I have devised my own card game to present at Game Night.

This will either go swimmingly or incredibly awry, but I'm still dreadfully curious.

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