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Written By Deva

July 16, 2016, 4:42 p.m.(1/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Morrighan worked for my father, and he seemed to trust her a great deal. Most importantly, I like her a lot. She's bold, seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself. I'm glad she has aligned with Redrain, and I hope we'll be fast friends.

Written By Rohkir

July 16, 2016, 4:09 p.m.(1/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

I respect him; I always have for the things he does. I'm happy to help him with anything, and I hope at times he doesn't take my distaste toward how he acts to be more than it's hard for me to tolerate his ways, because I try so hard not to act like that's an effort, when you're moving on from grief. When you feel like you could have done something different to change it. Hopefully, given some time he'll come to see things my way. If not, he's still family. Just...a bit too serious, always. If not downright dour.

Written By Hadrian

July 16, 2016, 3:08 p.m.(1/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

My sister's dry wit, morbid sense of humor, and no-nonsense manner are impossible to miss if you are in her presence for any length of time. The same qualities that win respect from our soldiers can, at their best, be a reminder of the force that backs Southport's interests.

The pointed discussion of assassination at the Celebration of Arts wasn't diplomatic. It can be amusing to see people squirm, but achieving the objective is more important than fun at the expense of our peers.

But is it good that everyone be reminded from time to time that whatever threats they think to make, Calypso is already having fun preparing contingencies against?


I need to bring her to more gatherings that look like they will require more spice.

Written By Hadrian

July 16, 2016, 4:21 a.m.(1/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

What can I say about Prince Gareth Grayson? An Inquisitor whose family is always foremost in his thoughts. A man whose obvious scars may be matched by ones within. I doubt I'll ever know. When he looks at you, it feels like a man trying to identify a tool. The Inquisition's work must be as terrible as rumors say to strip the habit of humanity. He is difficult to read, so perhaps I romanticize it disproportionately.

Written By Kima

July 16, 2016, 3:52 a.m.(1/14/1004 AR)

The gala was, as I suspected, a true representation of what it is to be a Velenosa. Opulent. I could carry on with the adjectives, but I won't. To be brief, blessedly so, everything was done just right. Upon the ballroom floor fine men and women twirled about, dressed in their finest, looking like something out of a fairy tale. That, too, is no surprise - where wealth flows, just about anything can take on the aspect of fantasy.

Naturally, everyone will be talking about Duke Niccolo, and his saying-but-not-saying that any willing to shed blood has a chance at his daughter's hand. Or the consideration of a chance, at any rate. More, there will be more than a few that will also talk about how the announcement came as something of a shock to some. Of this I shall only say: no matter how old you are, your parents ever remain your parents.

Written By Hadrian

July 16, 2016, 3:50 a.m.(1/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Champion Bliss Whisper.

Charming, graceful, agile, and a scrapper. Be still, my heart.

Her dance was the highlight of my Celebration of Arts, though more may remember her from Lady Calista Fidante's Tournament of Roses. Her performance in the melee was nothing short of impressive.

Don't keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. From her manner at the Tournament, I suspect she can be quite saucy. That she is quite proper otherwise shows respectable self-control.

If I did not have Lady Kima, I would certainly have her champion my honor sometime. I wonder if I can contrive an occasion for her to accompany me, perform for me, and fight for me all on the same day? It's exhausting to imagine. Is her endurance up to the task?

Written By Gerry

July 16, 2016, 2:30 a.m.(1/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I had the great honor of being commissioned by the Lady Monique Greenmarch to make her some leathers. Without a doubt she shows her generosity and her kindness, and I cannot speak highly enough of her.

(Did you get all of that? Good. Let's see..)

Yes, she is beautiful and radiant and perfect, and never have I had an opportunity to work with anyone as..

(Shit, I'm out of words. Put in some flowery bullshit and we'll call it a day. Thanks!)

flawless and beloved by all as she.

Written By Victus

July 16, 2016, 2:26 a.m.(1/14/1004 AR)

I'm doing the Decathlon.

Sure, my archery is fair shoddy and I fucking hate jousting (and riding and horses in general), but that still leaves eight competitions in which I'd say I got a decent fucking chance to, if not win, then at least not look like a bumbling fucking moron. The only ones I'd be fair fucking disappointed if I didn't beat the rest at, would be the skiff and the grand regatta.

I'm a Thraxian. Sailing is in my fucking blood.

Anyway. I don't care for the fucking glory of it, and not for the fucking prizes either. Screw that. No, its the challenge that appeals to me. Three days of competition, of running and swimming and sailing and fighting, and most of all of hurting. That'll be fucking hell. Overcoming that hell, it'll prove something. To me.

Because fuck what everybody else thinks.

Written By Hadrian

July 16, 2016, 12:54 a.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

The Gala was everything I expected and a few things I didn't. Flowers, wine, dancing, respect for the deceased - expected. There were several statements with implications I found surprising, and some that were surprising in themselves.

Most of all, though, I believe Duke Niccolo surprised everyone with his announcement of a tournament. I was listening very closely, however, and I don't think he said what people are taking him to mean.

He said that anyone who wished to marry Grand Duchess Esera must be willing to spill his blood for her. He said that he would not give even a moment's consideration to any would-be suitor who did not risk himself in his tournament.

Allow me to be direct at the risk of sounding gauche, gentle reader: he did _not_ promise or imply an offer of Esera Velenosa's hand in marriage to the winner of the tournament. Consider that for a moment.

Was that his intention, if not his words? I don't think so. It sounds as though he wants to recreate the partnership he shared with Duchess Carlotta Velenosa - and maybe he does. Any good man would wish the best for his daughter. It will certainly give proof to a suitor's dedication.

If it works out, it will be, as Princess Ophelia said, "so-o-o romantic." I hope it turns out as he hopes.

Written By Isolde

July 16, 2016, 12:13 a.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

I will need to remember to do something nice for Kima, Calista, and Hadrian. They kept me sane during the Gala. It was a kindness I can't even express, to be honest. I'm sure eventually I'll have time to grieve properly. Perhaps. But as it is, it was a lovely evening, even if I could sleep for days afterward.

Written By Bliss

July 16, 2016, 12:13 a.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

    Duke Hadrian requested that I perform at a Celebration of Arts for him. Never missing a chance to show off, and of course I enjoy the arts, I could not refuse (though I could not do it for free). I performed admirably, even for me. Praise for my work was abundant. Another poor woman, scheduled to dance after me, broke down on stage and ran off, certain she could not match my work. I felt a little bad. Only a little.

Written By Isolde

July 16, 2016, 12:12 a.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

We had Mama's memorial. I tried my best to make sure that it went smoothly, and for the most part it did. Papa announced his intention to have a Tournament for Esera's hand. I'll have to work with him to make sure we can... weed out the undesirables. I want Esera to be happy, not chained to someone stupid, but good with a blade. She needs someone to match her skill and intelligence. It's a tall order. I may just have unreasonable expectations. She's far too good for anyone but perfection.

Written By Rohkir

July 15, 2016, 8:55 p.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

It's hard to deny she's helpful. She's much more courteous than I first thought; now though, I begin to realize what that stems from, and that only elevates my concern. Perhaps I'm wrong; it hardly matters either way. She has been helpful though, and I don't forget the people who help me.

Written By Rohkir

July 15, 2016, 8:50 p.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

I hardly think I could have asked for an interesting balance of traits in a cousin, now that she's grown up a good bit since we last spoke. It's strange how much people can change in the matter of a few years. The greatest compliment I can pay her is that she isn't bound up in the past. She gets the idea; that though there is loss, struggle, and often grief, it's just as important that we keep on going without letting all of that negativity wear on us too much. It damages morale. We can't afford that in times like these.

Written By Rohkir

July 15, 2016, 8:37 p.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

Things took a turn not even I expected; how could I have? I'm fresh back from the wastes, and tired. I'm worn. Yet, there is never any rest for the wicked, is there? Onward I must go. I've upped my training, as it's time I improve some more. Sadly, I do not lack for trouble to be found. I cannot see these events playing out with a positive motion, no matter how I spin it. I'll need more coin, more efforts, and above all else, a few friends in high places in the times to come. Such a struggle, when everyone is always suggesting the other to be the one to cut you down at their earliest convenience. Oh, but she is lovely to look at.

Written By Deva

July 15, 2016, 6:11 p.m.(1/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Wolves are fiercely protective of their own, and Duke Halfshav is no exception. My father trusted him to lead our forces into battle, and it seems to have been well-placed. Vercyn has been a family friend for ages, and I quite admire him: he can hold his whiskey like a true northman, and his eye for strategy is second to none. I hope to learn a lot from him.

Written By Valencia

July 15, 2016, 3:57 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

Princess Deva is my fellow Voice within the Redrain family, and though I've never been fond of sharing the spotlight, I have to admit it's something of a brilliant arrangement. She's the voice of the untamed North, and I speak with the southern tongue so familiar to our allies. Between the two of us, we'll aid Darren in bringing the Abandoned to heel and showing the rest of Arvum a thing or two as well. Now if only I can get her to sit still and allow Lydia to brush her hair.

Written By Valencia

July 15, 2016, 3:52 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

Princess Freja is Fergus' sister, and the two of them are remarkably similar in disposition, though I suspect for markedly different reasons. She was once the Sword of Farhaven, I'll admit I'm a bit curious as to how Fergus wound up with the appointment instead. Perhaps I'll ask about it once I've gotten to know her better.

Written By Enzo

July 15, 2016, 3:20 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

This nobleman was most generous to offer not just more than decent tips, but also a possibility to become my patron. It's always a pleasure to be of services to kind and generous customers.

Written By Donella

July 15, 2016, 3:16 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

I visited the Valardin district, and met Prince Aurelian Valardin again, this time out by their cairn. At least they think it is a cairn to bury the follen from a millennium ago; who can say without looking? An interesting mystery, though for me to wool-gather about. It has a dragon sigil scratched into the slab, but it is so crudely rendered, I wonder if it is meant to signify something else? Apparently, I am "not the worst princess" that he has ever seen. I do not know whether I ought be offended or flattered. I think he meant it neutrally.

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