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The Reckoning: The Stand at Sanctum

The forces of the Reckoning move on Sanctum, attempting to destroy the ancient city that held through the first Reckoning over a thousand years ago. Now the knights of the Oathlands rally once more.

Steel bends, honor holds.


Jan. 22, 2024, 7 p.m.

Hosted By

Apostate Alis

GM'd By



Ronja Kael Kastelon(RIP) Keely Alexis Edris Thea Ryhalt Emma Lenard Mattheu Ann Eshra Athaur Kanean Clover(RIP) Jaerith



Apostate's Dynamic GMing Room <OOC Room>

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Kastelon wields Steadfast, a diamondplate recurved longbow.

Lenard wields Epilogue, an oathlands style alaricite blade.

Ann wields Spirit Bear's Touch - a set of sharp rubicund finger talons etched with intricate patterns.

Cato, a stealthy non-descript man arrives, delivering a message to Thea before departing.

Sanctum has been rallying its forces since the news of the invasion began, with a mighty host responding to House Valardin calling its banners. The defenses of Sanctum have been steadily reinforced, and as domains have fallen, others have put a great deal of effort into bleeding the demonic horde. Oakhaven was turned into a trap that cost Azazel's legions, as have others that have slowed the approach as they could, buying time for Sanctum to be reinforced and refugees to try to flee for the safety of Arx.

But if Sanctum falls, so do most of the Oathlands. And all who travel on the roads would be doomed.

And so they have prepared. As the horde inches closer, there's a commotion on the walls, as scouts report that they believe the enemy may be making better time than normal. That there's movement in the treeline.

It turns out it IS the treeline. Hundreds of trees, their roots moving like feet, are marching forward. Treants called to battle. With them come hundreds of sylv'alfar, the scattered survivors who have lasted through the Elven War, avoided Legion's curse, and have returned to the world once more. They remember the Promise of Oakhaven, and an oath. Sanctum cannot be allowed to fight alone.

And so they come, forming up with their human allies one more time.

The trees are a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. There's cheering on the walls as the sylv'alfar and treants arrive, but preparation for battles continue. Azazel's horde is coming, and the first reports are in of their impending approach.

There is a little time yet. Last preparations. Last speeches. Last minutes to fight.

((Intro poses, and if people choose to, they can do hard checks for leadership, war, or other social skills to add a victory point bonus to the army. This round is pre-battle, and failed rolls do not result in damage, but do subtract from any overall bonus. Rolls are optional here.))

Alis checks command and war at hard. Alis is successful.

Kael checks command and leadership at hard. Botch! Kael fails completely.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely fails.

Ann checks intellect and diplomacy at hard. Ann fails.

Ronja checks command and manipulation at hard. Ronja fails.

Lenard checks command and leadership at hard. Lenard is successful.

Eshra checks command and war at hard. Eshra is marginally successful.

Athaur checks command and leadership at hard. Athaur fails.

Ryhalt checks charm and propaganda at hard. Ryhalt marginally fails.

Edris checks command and leadership at hard. Edris marginally fails.

Where has Ronja Sandreef been the last few years? Oh, around. You know how it is. The former pirate captain (not that we talk about those things) might never have accepted her father's offer to join the nobility, but that doesn't mean she's going to sit out the apocalypse. She's putting her captaining skills to use, though siege warfare is much different than sea warfare, and as she's giving orders, she finds herself completely distracted by the marching tree line. "Fucking hell," Ronja blurts. "In front of all the gods, I promise to never needlessly break a branch again."

Alexis checks command and leadership at hard. Alexis marginally fails.

Thea checks intellect and war at hard. Thea is successful.

Kanean checks command and leadership at hard. Kanean fails.

In the days leading up to the battle, Sanctum has not forgotten her roots. The people of the Oathlands have not forgotten their Faith. The Seraph of Sanctum has been requested by the Valardin leadership to lead a Vigil, with all in attendance from the faithful knight to the steadfast farmer-turned militia. The nobility, the martial leaders, they too are in attendance. They take breaks from their war councils and their meetings to pray - for after all, Sanctum is the birthplace of the Faith.
There is no shortage of individuals that speak a few words during the prayers, that seek to rally and strengthen resolve. Amongst them is Marquis Keaton, no stranger with his more Orthodox leanings. He speaks with a blade in hand of duty, of honor, of the ties that bind vassal and liege, lord and commoner. He speaks of the gods, of course, and the importance of times such as these. One thing can be said and that is that he speaks with conviction, a steady calm that he attempts to share with the crowd. Still, he is one voice amongst many. To be fair... Kael has had better speeches, and perhaps he sounds better when not standing near some sylv'alfar that have come with him from Oakhaven.
Toward the end though of the Vigil, when the warning cries go up that attack is soon too commence, the devout part to allow Highlord Alis Valardin of House Valardin to speak.

The time has come.
Kastelon keeps his eye upon the approaching horde with a grim look, his bow in hand, quiver already at the ready beside him. No other emotion - simple determination - remains upon his face. A breath, and for but a moment, he takes his eye off what is approaching, to look at those who stand ready to defend Sanctum against what is to come. And then outwards again. With not a word from the Keaton huntsman.

"People of the Oathlands, hear us now!"

Alis, //flying// over the battlefield atop what looks to be a smaller (proportional of course) dragon she can be heard to call Irony, gestures towards the gleaming white walls of Sanctum with her wielded flail. She allows even, for a moment, her own continued awe at the sight of it to shine through while bidding everyone to drink in it's majesty.

"Inside those walls are friends, family, strangers. And yet they all share one thing in common; they are the innocents we have sworn to protect. They are those we must stand in front of to shield them from the dark. It matters not where they are from. What matters is that WE remain strong in our duty and fight with honor to defeat the sea of evil that marches towards us. It is no ragtag group of misguided fools, or charlatans seeking to lure us into temptation. This is an amy of abyssal creatures that want to devour everything and everyone."

"But Sanctum survived that first Reckoning where they attempted the same. And in those dark times the people of our lands made a pact. We made an OATH. Here and now I say to those of the sky and those of the wood that the Knights and Soldiers of the Oathlands are here to fulfill that oath. It is not just our duty to do so, it is our //honor// to do it. This is what we were born to do. The birthplace of the Faith itself SHALL NOT FALL. And I say to the enemy. WE SAY TO THE ENEMY"





The words echo across the sea of armored bodies stretching out before the towering white walls of Sanctum, endless ranks of soldiers stand ready, weapons glinting and clean for the last time this day.

In times like these, in places like these, no one can entirely consider themselves a non-combatant. However, there are those whose strengths are best served without blades and arrows, such as Mercies and field medics, members of the Faith, and many of the other behind-the-scenes moving parts that keep such large forces in mostly one piece.

Just behind the front lines, Marquessa Keely Keaton directs the expansive camp of Helpers, as she calls them, bracing themselves for the coming conflict. Spacious canvas tents emblazoned with the Mercies' insignia house cots and supplies, ready to receive the inevitable wounded. Roaming patrols of white-robed healers check their stocks of bandages, salves, and other medicinal tools, while teams of litter bearers stand at the ready to retrieve injured soldiers from the battlefield.

The Marquessa herself is as ready as she can be in gleaming white armor that seems to gleam just a little gleamier than other white-armored individuals in the massive crowd, and once enough of the Mercies have firmly reassured her that they know what they're doing thankyouverymuch, she steps out to linger just behind the Helpers' last line of defense.

Just in case.

Alexis is resplendent in alaricite, with Wyrmstooth slung over one shoulder, moving along and doing her best to give orders. Sadly, while she /is/ the Sword of Blancbier and the current Paragon of the Gold Order, there's a limit to her authority here, and better people to listen to. Eventually, the second-smallest warrior gives up and grunts, shutting her greathelm and moving onwards towards the High Lord of House Valardin, to listen to her speak - and be appropriately impressed by the dragons.

Maybe that's why she's not doing so good - she has been staring at the dragons with no small amount of undisguised joy.

The Prince-Consort of Sanctum stand proudly at Alis' side, looking out over the land that will soom be swarming. His dark eyes study the shadows that gather, before looking around at the dear friends and stalward defenders making ready. He has participated in the vigil, his head bowed and half-hidden by the cowled hood of his cloak. When she speaks, however, there's no small degree of pride, and even adoration, as her commanding presence washes over the crowd.

"STEEL BENDS! HONOR HOLDS! OATHS ENDURE!" His voice rises with the rest, his gaze lingering on the Princess of Sanctum for a little longer with a quiet word mouthed to her as she is above them, before he bows deeply to her, perhaps one last act of courtly respect and devotion, before he lowers the visor on his helm and turns to face the horde.

But when hundreds of trees advance first, he lifts his visor to call out in wordless thanks, a cry of delight and joy and humble gratitude that pierces the restlesslness and anticipation of a hard and bloody fight. Of course that also means that those nearby might actually get a better *look* at him. Verdant green skin, leaves present curling along his eyebrows and in parts of his beard. It's a distraction, but he does relower his visor quickly.

Thea has preparing and the moment. Well---it's hear. High Hills army is ready. She stands with her men, watching. When the trees start WALKING, she momentarily blinks. "I'll be--,"she starts. But she shakes her head, ready to advance.

Ryhalt has not been able to sleep or rest much since Westrock Reach fell and not even coffee can truly sustain a person that long. He's beyond exhausted but doing his best to be an inspiring presence to the remainder of his people as they help Valardin. In the last minutes before the battle, he speaks encouraging words to his people. Mid-speech his voice cracks and a page goes to run to fetch some coffee for him. He recovers his voice, but it wasn't as good as he was hoping.

Emma stands as tall as she can, cutting an impressive figure in her diamonplate armor. She watches as the tree line - it moves? Her eyes widen for a moment before glancing toward the high lady and high lord. If she catches the eye of either Alis of Edris, her head will bow respectfully. She says nothing, though - now is not the time for words from this princess.

Prince Lenard Valardin will be found among those guarding the walls of Sanctum. Wrapped in diamondplate and with blade forged by Dame Ida Ferron, the Hammer of the West, gripped in hand. Those he stands among have recited their prayers, given their fates over to the Pantheon, and now stand arrayed to defend the beating heart of the Faith - from a certain point of view. The arrival of walking trees and the sylv'alfar that accompany them leaves some gawking and Prince Lenard is among them. He shakes it off however to shout out, his voice carrying across the ramparts, "Peoples from myth and legend march to fight with us, our cause is righteous and just! Steel bends, stand strong! Scour cowardice from your hearts, honor holds!" He lets out a cheer, both for the approach of allies and for those standing shoulder to shoulder with himself currently.

When it's all said and done, his hand moves to rest atop the scale tucked away beneath his arm and resting against his skin.

The Rivenshari ships slip along river towards Sanctum to encompass where any fight might be upon water. A near barrier of the mighty floatila with bells singing and colorful sails pitched to the winds. Siege weapons loaded at middle of ships all ready to unleash a fury of bolts from ballista. Mattheu now upon the land with a strong force of infantry, Siren's Song drawn as he bounces in anticipation for the battle to take place. A million bells to sing their song around him from the full force of the Rivenshari fleet and army.

Ann stands with the floatilla ready when the call is made. She stares as those trees start to walk and join them. A very brief smile is seen when she takes note of that. Looking around at where the Rivenshari are and she nods to them as if to give them encouragement silently as she stands, waiting. Staying focused is key and she aims to be.

The river is teaming with ships, ships with bright sails and bells, so many bells. The Rivenshari have come. Eshra stands on the prow of the flagship, dark hair and cloak flapping wildly in the wind. Her voice already harsh from the winds as she yells orders in her native tongue. Sailors scramble.. after gawking at the walking trees.. "Rivenshari! The Otthlands took us in when we were faltering!! Now we fight for them, for they are us, as we are them! No quarter given!" Eyes lock with her brothers as she seeks them out. Today they fight because they choose too, that is the Rivenshari way.

They are heard before they are seen. The air filled with the musical jingle of thousands of bells. They hang frome their armor, and braided into their dark hair. Brown skin marked with the ink of their tattoos and determination as they march forward to take defense of the city. And at their front is a sight not many have seen. Marquis Athaur, with sword in hand and armor on his frame. He calls out to his troops in the lilting tongue of the Ravashari. Extolling them to great deeds of valor to protect those they have sworn to protect. To honor oaths that have been sworn. Though his speech does stutter slightly as the trees begin to move.

The Rivenshari have not always had the best relations with plantlife that has suddenly become mobile, and the sudden shift to a defensive of the troops to a defensive stance certainly didn't help with whatever words were spoken. But it would appear these trees are friends. At least they moved as one in shock?

Nonetheless, Valardin called and the Rivenshari have answered.

Kanean follows off of one of the ships, he and his archers all dressed in dark leathers hoods pulled up, bells tied into hair and leather armor. Their faces painted with markings. He calls out to his men, "We answer the call! No quarter given!" the small army of archers follow Kanean moving into a position where they can get ready to fight from a distance, "This is what we have been training for! Let us show the enemy why they should be afraid!" he calls to his archers."Flow like Water. Never to be Contained!"

The Abyss and demons such as Azazel has long had a special grudge against the city of Sanctum. It should never have escaped their grasp a thousand years ago, when they perfectly had a powerful demon as the King of Sanctum. That secret was one that the Eater of Stories was particularly angry slipped from his grasp in retrospect as the Despite of Fable took hold of Arvum. And as his black legion arrives, it is a slight he aims to correct.

The drum beats are heard first, a thunderous boom boom boom that matches the marching of hundreds of giants, ettins, minotaurs, ogres and abyssally twisted golems. Massive lizard like behemoths thunder across the ground, and among them are is an endless sea of shards, of men and women twisted by the abyss to be barely recognizable. In the river and Eventive Vast are swirling masses of fanged creatures, scaled beasts equally at ease on sea or land, slowly making their way towards the Oathlands fleet.

They come on, closer and closer to the range of the siege weapons.

The first weapons fire, opening holes in the endless sea of the demonic horde, quickly filled in. Boulders are thrown back by their monstrosities, and the skies darken above, as something foul calls down dark lightning among the Valardin ranks.

They march closer yet, and the first arrows begin to fire.

And then they charge.

((First battle round, damage is given on fails. Can check any skill+stat combination at hard, and victory points are awarded on successes, and damage taken on fails. If a character can use high magic, note it in pose if you are using magic.))

Emma checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Emma fails.

Alis checks command and war at hard. Alis is successful.

Kastelon checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kastelon fails.

Ronja checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Ronja fails.

Athaur checks command and leadership at hard. Athaur is successful.

Ann checks intellect and diplomacy at hard. Ann marginally fails.

Kanean checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kanean is successful.

Alexis checks dexterity and huge wpn at hard. Alexis is successful.

Lenard checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Lenard fails.

Ryhalt checks charm and propaganda at hard. Ryhalt fails.

Edris checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Edris is successful.

Jaerith checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jaerith is successful.

Eshra checks command and war at hard. Eshra fails.

Mattheu checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Mattheu fails.

Kael checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Kael is successful.

Thea checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Thea is successful.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely is successful.

Mattheu checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Mattheu marginally fails.

Eshra checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Eshra fails.

Eshra has suffered a serious wound!

Eshra checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Eshra is successful.

Eshra remains capable of fighting.

Ryhalt checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ryhalt marginally fails.

Ryhalt checks 'unconsciousness save' at easy. Ryhalt is successful.

Ryhalt remains capable of fighting.

Lenard checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Lenard is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Lenard does not take a permanent wound.

Ronja checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ronja fails.

Ronja has suffered a serious wound!

Ronja checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Botch! Ronja fails completely.

Ronja is incapacitated and falls unconscious.

Kastelon checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Kastelon fails.

Kastelon has suffered a serious wound!

Kastelon checks 'unconsciousness save' at hard. Critical Success! Kastelon is spectacularly successful.

Kastelon remains capable of fighting.

Emma checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Emma is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Emma does not take a permanent wound.

<MAGIC> Alis and Irony are not yet engaging in the act of battle itself. Instead, they circle over the battleground. At times, they swoop in closer and others they range much higher than even the tallest spire of Sanctum. And with each pass, Alis' voice can be heard across the field, telling different commanders where there are gaps in their own defenses, or calling out a weak spot in the enemy's hoard to try and hit hard. "Do not let them get up on the walls!!" All around sage advice.

Not letting the horde upon the walls is easier said than done. His bow brought forth, Kastelon looks out at the masses surging towards the wall, the ones hurling rocks back at them, and... he's already drawn an arrow when one of those stones comes crashing through. Not enough time to get clear, he's thrown aside, but quickly enough reaching for his quiver to one side, and pulling himself up to get lined up for another shot at the onslaught.

Emma's hand comes to her sword's pommel quickly, and she draws it with a prideful yell before charging forward. This Valardin sweeps her sword into the fray of approaching shards, but she is quickly surrounded. She manages to cut her way back out of being flanked, but there is a sharp pain in her thigh causing her steps to be less steady.

[Magic] Ann sees what is going on from her view out with the ships and there is a grit to her teeth as she gathers her magic. She's no fighter persay with weapons but she knows how to control light and any that come on the ships and those that she is responsible for get blinded by the light she's using in her movements. This hopefully disorients and causes damages to the enemy. This is her hope.

Alexis witnesses the demonic horde, and involuntarily, her memory goes back. To Farhaven, years ago. To smaller skirmishes, when she became aware of the reality of demons. She holds, along the line. Waiting for the signal. Seeing the siege weapons and the arrows do their harm. Her blood pulses and her heart beats, and yet, there is a calm to her. Even when the roar of the horde turns into a charge, she merely responds by setting her weapon. She never wanted to be a commander, or a general - she's a smith and a soldier - and a knight. And so she rushes in, with Wyrmstooth in hand. Maybe she tries to keep an eye out for Alis and Irony. Maybe she tries to make sure she's... In the general vicinity of her High Lord. Dragons can cover a lot of ground, and Alexis, even on Sir Betenoir, cannot cover all that much ground. But she, too, charges out towards the Horde, sweeping the blessed rubicund blade out to cut down her foes, and while the family's words may be ironic when there are actually dragons in flight above, she certainly calls out as best she is able: "Not All Dragons Slumber!"

The battle begins and the arrows fly. "All right, men and ladies alike! Defend these walls like they're your--" Ronja is cut off before she can finish her thought by a monstrous thing chucking a boulder at her. She hits the deck, the boulder smashing into the parapet behind her. "Hah! You miss--" That's when the stone underneath Ronja gives way and tilts just enough to send her hurtling backward, behind the walls. She smashes through a few wooden platforms of a stairwell, bouncing the whole way, and is just about to land in a big pot of yet-to-be-heated oil being carried by two servants when her trajectory shifts and she instead bounces head-first off of the cauldron's lip, landing in a heap of limbs on the floor.

Clover checks charm and propaganda at hard. Clover fails.

Clover checks dexterity and archery at hard. Clover is successful.

Combat isn't Ryhalt's strength, but their enemies didn't care about that. A bolt of lightning hits far too close and he and several of his soldiers get tossed aside to tumble and roll, some never to get up again. He is still for long moments, but comes out of his stun wheezing and grimacing in pain. Armor failure in there somewhere or another, but he was alive. He didn't look very happy about being alive, but this wasn't a happy place. After wiping some blood from his face, out of his eyes, he tries to stand and say encouraging words to carry on, but his legs won't hold. So he sits and it's just not as impressive.

Thea draws her kopis and she dives right into action. The lycene now Oathlander is quick and fast, ducking and dodgingas she makes her way through the front line. There's so many!

[MAGIC - THORNWIELD] Edris is amongst those meeting the charge. When he unsheathes his weapon, upon the ground below him a thorny tendril grows at lightening speed to partially coil around it. Wickedly curved thorns now act to add extra tearing and rending and stinging effects as his sword cleaves through some of the flesh of one of the monsters that's running at the wall, trying to stay in the general vincinty of Alis and Irony's shadow--but focusing on keeping the bigger threats from making it to the wall.

[MAGIC - I Think You're Projecting] As established, no one stays a non-combatant for long.

Several Abyssal beasts charge immediately for the Helpers camp, leaping over the front lines cleanly. Seeing their approach, at first it looks an awful lot like Keely is about to swoon, which is about what might be expected of her. All the color drains from her-- hair, eyes, skin, so severely that it is as if she is standing there in monochrome. She is very still for a breath, and then a blinding blast of wildly colorful prismatic light positively explodes from her core, disintegrating the nearest beast and knocking back a second. And just like that, she looks relatively normal again... or she would, if she weren't still shining so bright that she hurts to look at. Yikes.

A stunned Mattheu left to stare at the moving trees, then to take to the charge of creatures. He barrels into the fight with swing of blade. Bells singing from those he wears and of what is on sword. Spinning into the monstrous beasts, as they slash back with claws to catch at his armor throwing him backwards into line of infantry who are quick to shield him from additional attack. He curses in Ravashari with gasp when grabbing to his chest where the slash cut him.

The stones that come hurtling toward the walls results in Lenard needing to jump aside to avoid the falling thing. "Hold these walls!" he announces loudly, even as he raises his sword high. The next stone that comes crashing across the wall clips the Valardin prince, sending him spinning and crumpling to the ground. It was thankfully not a direct hit, but the hit that it was seems to have been enough to wound Lenard well enough. He groans and grits his teeth, forcing himself to stand up despite being knocked down. Again the palm of his gauntlet moves to rest atop the scale resting beneath his armor. He breathes labored, heavy breaths. He readies himself anew. There is no backing down.

Clover is resplendent in aureate leather armor. She's toward the back with the archer's. Her voice lifted to try and rally those she is with but it doesn't carry far enough, and it quakes a touch with fear. After this, however, she's got her bow out and she's aiming an arrow for a demon and letting an arrow fly.

When the skies darken and the horde descends, Kael has to pause a moment. Still. For just a split second he is unfocused, not there. A blink later though and he draws his blade at the ready and rushes into the fray, supporting whatever soldiers of the Oathlands he manages to fight beside. His purpose is a singular one at the moment: to cut through as many enemies as possible.

The Demonic horde arrives! Athaur frowns slightly as they come marching onto the scene. Ogres and minotaurs and various other creatures? Hardly seems fair. Athaur lifts his curved bladed into the air, letting out a shout in Rivenshari before he charges forward with the surge of his army. Can he use a sword? Apparently! He will certainly never be considered a particularily skilled swordsmen, but well enough to not be a total liability in a fight. He uses the skills at hand now, fighting alongside his troops as they engage the creatures of darkness.

The water boils around the ships as monsters reach out of water.. They Rivenshari fight back This is their home. The water is their domain! The bells are not silent but one can not hear them over the noise of battle.. over the screams of men and the chaos of war. Eshra stands her place!! Yelling orders in Ravashari.. her dark eyes hard.. then suddenly she is hit. Falling backwards as blood wells and then runs down her side. Hand finding the wound, pulling away wet.. then dropping. No time to be hurt. Not now. She can die later, she has things to do right now. "WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE SEA!! DO NOT LET THEM RISE!"

Kanean yells to his men, "Protect the walls! All Archers to the walls now!" he yells out to them, His own bow is drawn back as he lets lose his own bow, he is on the move as his men start to protect the wall. He hears the words of Eshra and growls out as he continues to shoot at the enemy moving in. He moves around the field helping back others up as much as he can.

Jaerith clinks and clatters a bit beneath the weight of his armor as fragments of errant missiles peal from the metal like bells before a somewhat familiar and rogueish grin curls from his lips, following his kinsman as he dashes headlong into the din, sword in hand.

The horde screams on, it's massed forces moving inexorably towards the walls of Sanctum as the things in the waters that are very much like abyssal alligators start to assault the ships as they turn fire upon the waters. The air is black with arrows to and from Sanctum, as a swarm of imps swoop in on the walls, trying to attack from above. The shards' charge runs into heavy cavalry, the strongest in the Compact, running down a front and then doubling back, but it's dangerous and requires tight precision to not be caught by the forces in return.

Beholders begin to float above, raining death upon the massed defenders.((OOC: enemy turn, I'll mass check, just let me know if you use magic))

Apostate has called for a check of luck at normal.
Critical Success! Kastelon is spectacularly successful.
Emma is successful.
TIE: Edris is successful. Thea is successful.
TIE: Ryhalt is successful. Jaerith is successful. Lenard is successful.
Alexis is successful.
TIE: Kalakh is successful. Kanean is successful. Athaur is successful.
Eshra is marginally successful.
TIE: Keely marginally fails. Clover marginally fails.
TIE: Alis marginally fails. Seleni marginally fails. Mattheu marginally fails.
TIE: Kael fails. Ann fails.
Botch! Ronja fails completely.

Alis checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Alis is successful.

Mattheu checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Mattheu is successful.

Keely checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Keely is marginally successful.

Clover checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Clover is successful.

Kael checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Kael is successful.

Ann checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Ann is successful.

The beholders adding fire cause a tremendous amount of chaos, but the knights do not break. Heavy pike are trying to fend off the flying demon, as the knights hold the walls, with the first attemps at scaling ladders shut down by the defenders. The treeline below keeps stomping shards that try to reach the walls, though the ogres and giants are starting to lay into the trees and sylv'alfar alike below.

((Round 2: 63 victory points, same checks for the conscious, note if you're using magic))

Alexis checks dexterity and huge wpn at hard. Alexis is successful.

Kastelon checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kastelon fails.

Alis checks command and war at hard. Alis is successful.

Eshra checks command and war at hard. Eshra is marginally successful.

Ann checks intellect and diplomacy at hard. Ann marginally fails.

Athaur checks command and leadership at hard. Athaur is successful.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely is successful.

Kael checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Kael is successful.

Thea checks intellect and medicine at hard. Thea is successful.

Edris checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Edris marginally fails.

Mattheu checks willpower and athletics at hard. Mattheu is successful.

Jaerith checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jaerith fails.

Kanean checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kanean fails.

Lenard checks strength and medium wpn at hard. Lenard is successful.

Ryhalt checks intellect and leadership at hard. Ryhalt is successful.

Clover checks dexterity and archery at hard. Clover is successful.

A large, black beast of a horse is thundering along the frontline, with a tiny knight in shining alaricite on top, her tabard showing the wyrmguard dragon in flight; Alexis steers the horse as best she is able, and sweeps her sword in long strikes along the side, wheeling, turning, moving. Her voice carries only so far, and the din of the horde - and her allies alike - keeps any words from being heard, but for now, she is in her element; the Knight who protects the innocent. The righteous execution of violence upon a worthy adversary. For a moment, she raises her blade skyward, and cries out wordlessly - and then she pushes her jodphurs into Sir Betenoirs flanks and takes off again, to visit more retribution upon the demons that dared invade her homeland.

[Magic-Liberating Aura] Ann gasps when she sees that Eshra has fallen and tells her clearly, "You best get your ass up!" Her northern roots showing and when Eshra does there is a bit of relief seen when she hears that. Yes, Ann got disoriented when she was trying to blind enemy and not herself. She tries again. This time her attempt is to temporarily dispel or weaken the enemy around them especially those creatures that come out of the water.

Beholders are ... a sight to Behold! Clover goes ghostly pale at the sight of them, and though her hands shake she lifts her bow and fires another arrow at one. Aiming for an ... eye? Center mass? Her green gaze sweeps down to make certain that Ryhalt hasn't gotten lost in the fighting.

<MAGIC> Being small has advantages! Irony turning on a tailtip while Alis flattening herself against dragonhide means they manage, this time, to avoid whatever that weird shit is that something just tried to spit on them or throw at them - god that is //gross//, and the Highlord even peers over the side of her ride to watch whatever it was that missed them fall to the ground with an 'ew' face. "Ready, best squire ever?" she encourages with an affectionate pat of dragon's hide. "Let's keep those ... winged things at bay, shall we? Start with the imps harassing the archers." Shield held up in one hand, she wields the flail in the other, directing a sweep towards the cloud of imps so she can wail on whatever is in reach while dragon fire tries to take on more of them. "FOR THE OATHLANDS!" she bellows.

agic} Sometimes, it may look like Thea may not be thinking clearly. She's mixed with alchemy for years now you know. It may have messed with her a bit. But watching the ogres start taking down the trees, Thea cries out,"Cover me!" And starts running, dodging whatever gets in her way, all the while, clutching a vial at her neck. Reaching the ogre, the Countess actually stops and---grips the thing wherever she can and---holds on, grunting,"Keep your ass back,"Thea huffs.

Kanean checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Kanean is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Kanean does not take a permanent wound.

Jaerith checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Jaerith marginally fails.

Jaerith checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Jaerith is successful.

Jaerith remains capable of fighting.

Kastelon checks 'death save' at normal. Kastelon fails.

Kastelon has died.

With the first strike against mattheu to knock him back from front line of fight, a press of his hand to chest where blood rises. He's quick to seek a measure to wrap his wound within a scarf he wears. Bent to crouching to the ground, his hands thrust into the ground itself as he screams in near gutteral throw. The shadows beneath their feet surge and surge, like a tidal wave of inky blackness. From the depths of the earth, tendrils of shadow emerge, reaching out hungrily towards the encroaching horde. With a swift and fluid motion, the tendrils lash out, wrapping themselves around the demonic forms. The shadows tighten, constricting their grip with an unyielding force. Like razor-sharp blades, the tendrils slice through the flesh of the demons, leaving trails of darkness in their wake.

Emma checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Emma is successful.

Those that seek to mount the walls are met by many defenders of Sanctum. Among them is Prince Lenard of House Valardin and as his blood begins to boil, he begins to roar out with fury. Each stroke of his blade seems to find a vulnerable place, throwing back whatever attacker may have hoped to breach the walls of Sanctum. Despite his injury he stays in the fight. There is no retreat today, because those behind the wall of defenders depend on his resilience and unyielding decision to die in their defense. This Dragon will either soar or fall, but not rest.

Eshra grins at Ann, then turns back.. she is where she belongs, her feet on a ship. "Don't have time to die, we have an Oath to fulfill." Answering her sister-in-law before calling for the balistas to fire. "Rivenshari!! We survived when we shouldn't have... show them why!!"

[MAGIC - THORNWIELD] Edris continues to try to cut his way through the horde that's trying to get up the walls, though the vines and thorns that are woven around his blade are starting to splinter off the thicker skin of the monsters relatively harmlessly rather than imbedding in it. With a snarled curse, he keeps fighting, now covered in splinters and gore.

Ryhalt grits his teeth through the pain and tries a different tack. Clover with her bow is an inspiring, and frightening, sight. He issues some suggestions for avoiding more damage while trying to bring the monstrosity down.

TWANG! Another arrow fires off into the surge that's approaching the wall, as Kastelon is taking bead upon those who are assailing Sanctum, keeping his eye upon the goings-on beneath the wall. The slow swing of his gaze as he's taking bead on another approaching the wall proper, as he's taking aim, and he violates rule #1 of combat - don't take your eye (see what he did there?) off what's going on.
Just long, mercifully, enough for him not to see another of those stones coming hurtling towards the wall.
And then it's over.

[Magic] Keely is on the ground, rolling just out of dodge of a beholder strike and right onto the foot (hoof?) of a whole minotaur. She starts screaming in terror, and before the thing can react she lifts her hands and hits it in the face with another blast of white hot prismatic light before scrambling on hands and knees toward one of the Mercy tents.

Emma continues to swing at the shards in front of her, her voice sounding out with righteous vigor as she cleaves the blade into flesh and frees one enemy of the shackles of having a right arm.

The sway of battle is not going poorly for Sanctum, but it's costly. Bitterly costly. The stones thrown by the ogres and giants inflict hideous losses, even as the first dragonfire begins to retort, causing the shard lines to scatter trying to get out of the way of the young dragon's flight. Thousands of imps are above in the air, dropping stones and throwing weapons down at defenders, with a monstrously complicated defensive posture even as archers retort.

((Luck rolls inc, let me know if you use magic for defensive rolls after the luck check))

Apostate has called for a check of luck at normal.
TIE: Critical Success! Edris is spectacularly successful. Critical Success! Emma is spectacularly successful. Critical Success! Kael is spectacularly successful.
Eshra is successful.
Keely is successful.
TIE: Thea is successful. Kanean is successful.
TIE: Kastelon is successful. Mattheu is successful. Ann is successful. Athaur is successful. Alexis is successful.
TIE: Jaerith marginally fails. Seleni marginally fails. Lenard marginally fails.
Ronja marginally fails.
TIE: Kalakh fails. Ryhalt fails. Clover fails.
Botch! Alis fails completely.

Lenard checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Lenard is successful.

Jaerith checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Jaerith fails.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely is successful.

Ronja checks 'death save' at easy. Ronja is successful.

Ronja remains alive, but close to death.

Ronja checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ronja marginally fails.

The shards are being massacred as they try to get to the walls, but there's just so many of them, and no seeming end to their numbers. Many are starting to scale up the walls using a ramp of bodies, and Valardin knights being Valardin knights, many are charging down the bodies in a frontal assault. A giant made entirely of black stone is hammering the front gate of Sanctum over and over again, splintering the main door.

((Round 3: 131 Victory points, can do checks again at hard, let me know if you use magic.))

Alexis checks dexterity and huge wpn at hard. Alexis is successful.

Thea checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Thea is successful.

Alis checks command and war at hard. Alis is successful.

Clover checks dexterity and archery at hard. Clover fails.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely is successful.

Kanean checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kanean is successful.

Mattheu checks willpower and medium wpn at hard. Mattheu marginally fails.

Ronja is being dragged clear by some poor sod when a boulder impacts the wall. The poor sod is brained by falling masonry and then crushed by a mass of bricks. He gets the full force of it, while Ronja is merely buried in rubble.

Ann checks intellect and diplomacy at hard. Critical Success! Ann is spectacularly successful.

Edris checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Edris is successful.

Jaerith checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jaerith is successful.

Emma checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Emma is successful.

Ryhalt checks intellect and leadership at hard. Ryhalt fails.

Kael checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Kael marginally fails.

Eshra checks command and leadership at hard. Eshra marginally fails.

Lenard checks strength and medium wpn at hard. Lenard fails.

Athaur checks charm and leadership at hard. Athaur fails.

Lenard checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Lenard marginally fails.

Lenard checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Lenard is successful.

Lenard remains capable of fighting.

Ryhalt checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ryhalt is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Ryhalt does not take a permanent wound.

Ryhalt checks 'unconsciousness save' at daunting. Ryhalt fails.

Ryhalt is incapacitated and falls unconscious.

Clover checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Clover fails.

Clover has suffered a serious wound!

Clover checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Clover is successful.

Clover remains capable of fighting.

[MAGIC - THORNWIELD] Edris shouts in anger as he sees one of the monstrosities starting to take its aim at Alis. "MY LIGHT!" he shouts up at her, bellowing across the field, in hopes that dragon or dragonrider will hear him and turn just in time, just as the sharp and jagged thorns on his weapons renew, as he carves and tears through more flesh of the enemies to keep that attention right here on the ground, thanks!

Clover gets a fiery red feather from adventurer's backpack with bedroll.

Clover is too busy shooting to notice the volley coming for her, but Emma is there to save her. Only the next time she isn't so lucky. She staggers forward and hits her knees, dropping her bow to the ground. She sees Ryhalt go down completely and a scream escapes her lips, "NO!"

She staggers up to her feet and stumbles to Ryhalt, reaching down to touch his face and say, "I love you... I love you so much, survive for me my love..."

And then she turns around and rushes head long /off/ off of the walls.

Only she doesn't fall, instead she floats up into the sky--

Something burning bright in her left hand.

There is no smoke.

No slow burn.

The Duchess of Westrock Reach just *explodes*.

Fire bursts forth from her and lights up the entire sky, killing a good mile radius of creatures. Burning them to dust and ashes.

A phoenix appears in the aftermath, glowing bright and sending embers down onto the battle field below.

Clover drops a fiery red feather.

Across Arvum, there appears to be a explosion appearing in the skies in the western Oathlands, with a fiery phoenix blasting into life above Sanctum.

Clover has died.

Ryhalt wakes up.

Ronja wakes up.

Wyrmstooth is a greatsword, not a lance, but that doesn't stop Alexis from charging in, screaming, gutting an Ogre and having the force of her blow throw it down, her stallion trampling it. She pauses and blinks, then, at the sight of the explosion rising into the sky, the Phoenix rising up, gaping in awe for as long as she is allowed to - which, in the heat of battle, is probably not too long...

(MAGIC) When Kanean moves through the battle something seems to change in him, there is just something about him, his eyes flash, there is a look that come over his face, his bow glows for a moment and then he lets a aarow go and as it hits his mark it unleashes a wave of destructive energy, turning enemies into dust on contact.

For the moment, all is fire. The skies burn bright with orange and red flames, as the ear shattering shriek of a great phoenix being born. The flames wash over the legions of shards, making them pause as ripes of fire take their ranks, and as the flames wash over the lines of House Valardin, many find their wounds vanished, a magic left by the great spirit of rebirth. There's a stillness for a moment.

But just a moment, as the battle is joined, and fire rains again once more, however thinned the forces of Azazel might be.

((Luck round, Victory Points: -247- due to that round.))

Apostate has called for a check of luck at normal.
Eshra is successful.
Kalakh is successful.
TIE: Seleni is successful. Athaur is successful. Keely is successful.
TIE: Ronja is successful. Kael is successful. Ann is successful. Alexis is successful. Jaerith is successful.
TIE: Mattheu is successful. Clover is successful.
TIE: Ryhalt marginally fails. Lenard marginally fails.
TIE: Edris fails. Kastelon fails.
TIE: Alis fails. Emma fails.
TIE: Botch! Thea fails completely. Botch! Kanean fails completely.

Lenard checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Lenard is successful.

Alis checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Alis is successful.

Thea checks dexterity and dodge at daunting. Thea fails.

Edris checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Edris is successful.

Emma checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Emma fails.

Kanean checks dexterity and dodge at daunting. Kanean fails.

Ryhalt checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Ryhalt fails.

Ryhalt flying rocks are hard to avoid, he was doing his best, but he was already hurting and moving slow, so got smashed good. He never feels Clover's last touch, but her love reaches him, perhaps. He doesn't see her explode into glory and fire, embracing a secret they had kept between them for long years. Despite terrible injury moments after Clover is gone to him forever he sits up covered in blood, but all injuries gone. Dazed, he feels at his limbs, looking uncertain if he is even here or he's woken up somewhere beyond death. Then he looks out across the battlefield, the fire and devastation. He seems to know.

Ryhalt weeps quietly. But then he gets to his feet, clutching his ranseur, Vindiction. He would live for love, alone.

<MAGIC> Alis would not have been so lucky this time had she not heard the bellow of her beloved. "Edris." They turn as one towards the towering Knight, thinking perhaps he might be in trouble, and realizing only then what damage he's just saved them from. It's hard to blow someone a kiss from behind a barbute, but the intent is pretty clear when she does it anyway. There's a fly-by bellow of gratitude included in that, as they go right from the fire into the proverbial frying pan towards the black stone giant. "Not on our watch! Get him down! Don't let him get through the gate!" Does she try and flail away at it's head? Yes, yes she does. *smacksmacksmack*

...Until the moment that an explosion is heard and she twists just in time to see Clover -- the grief at losing one comrade in Kastelon was enough to make her shudder. And this one, Clover, in an act of sacrifice. It rips a cry of pain from her. "THE ABYSS WILL NOT WIN."

Ryhalt wields Vindication.

Mattheu shouts from nearby, "Hear me, demons! In the hallowed silence that follows my every step, I am the living testament to the resilience of my kin. The silent war may have claimed many, but I, Ravashari Shadowweaver, stand unyielding."

Mattheu shouts as he holds his hands to the ground, starting to stand up. Seeking to pull tendrils of shadows through the horde. A twist of his hands to guide the shadows to tighten, constricting their grip with an unyielding force that mirrors the determination of the youngest survivor of the Rivenshari. It's a dance of darkness and retribution. Demons leaping away from the tendrils seeking to cut and slice. A wave of darkness pushes through, missing most, leaving a trail for more to fill into the ranks. Standing as he watches the emptiness fill in, then to watch that same rank burst to a cloud of darkened dust. He's spinning to find Kanean. A call in Ravashari to those of his family, a cheer to be cut in silence as Clover bursts into fire. He drops to the ground quickly as the explosion of fire drops overhead.

Thea checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Thea fails.

Thea has suffered a serious wound!

Thea checks 'unconsciousness save' at easy. Thea is successful.

Thea remains capable of fighting.

Emma checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Emma is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Emma does not take a permanent wound.

Kanean checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Kanean is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Kanean does not take a permanent wound.

Kanean checks 'unconsciousness save' at normal. Kanean is successful.

Kanean remains capable of fighting.

[Magic] Once she gets back to her feet, Keely turns to see Jaerith being hauled in on a cot, and she tears off toward her cousin-in-law, tugging a small pendant from her neck and squeezing it tight, eyes closed. "Put him down!" she shouts at the poor litter-bearers just doing their job, and she skids across the ground on her knees the last few paces to meet the Keaton Lord as he is lowered.

Taking a shaky breath as she gazes down at the inside blood that is now outside, she tentatively slides a slender hand beneath his breastplate and closes her eyes. A warm glow is soon pulsing from within, healing the bloodiest of Jaerith's wounds. Moments later, she is doubled over on the ground, her youthful face set in a grimace.

But there is no rest for anyone on this battlefield, and soon she finds herself beset by something Abyssal that has leapt onto her back. FLASH! Another blinding beam of light sears through its twisted back, leaving not even dust behind.

Thea went to attack, but--she was momentarily distracted by the explosion. That knocks her on her feet, her sword out of hand. "Fuck,"she cries. Then cries more as her hand is stomped on. This is getting ridiculous down her

Kael continues at the ready with his blade, striking what foe that he might. He comes dangerously close to backing up in the _wrong_ area, but neat enough footwork saves him. He glances, in that moment, down off of the wall just in time to see the colors of Kastelon's armor, and it is here that he reels. The Oakhaven Marquis staggers, drawing back after additional swordplay to breathe. It is a brief thing, that reprieve, and with a flex of his hand around the hilt of his blade he goes back into the fight. No, Kael does not look again off the side of the wall.

A pile of rubble shifts. Stones tremble and tumble, and from underneath them, covered in gray dust and the sticky blood of a clotted head wound, Ronja Sandreef emerges. She pats herself down, checking for anything awful like an errant piece of wood piercing her kidney. "Huh," she says, as though she's mystified by her own survival. "Well. Thank you, gods -- let's put this one on my tab, eh?" Ronja winks up at the sky, and then draws her blade, to dash back into battle.

As Emma continued to push through, she saw Clover stumble and leapt to the duchess' side to pull her to safety. It was fleeting, and Emma got caught back up in the battle, pushing thorugh and pushing until... Clover was in the air, and exploding! She stares, horrified while recoiling and covering her eyes. She stumbles back, flinging her sword out at the nearest enemy and getting it stuck. She has to fight to wrench it free, and it leave her open to get smashed into by another.

Edris raises his sword in salute to his highlord screaming by on the young dragon, but as he hears Alis' words about the giant as a priority now, he starts to head that way with many others. The sudden explosion and brilliant light has him shielding his eyes for a heartbeat, and then watching as the phoenix rises and sweeps away their enemies. He parries the strikes of the creatures around him as he makes his way towards the giant.

[Magic-Prismatic Burst] Ann sees the beautiful phoenix rise above them and she does not want to put that to waste as she tries to help by using her own light against the enemy once again. It is hard for her to see the battlefield from where she is at abut sees the shadows that rise from a certain spot and she smiles knowing who that is coming from but she's focused on bling the ones that come after her and those in her care under the water. She stays focused on what she is doing and tries to give it all her might.

The battlefield is one of utter chaos, with the flames still lingering. The Valardin knights have rallied and are now in a full charge at the enemy, the heavy cavalry thundering at shards who are hesitating on the field, with many of the larger beasts giving ground. The abyssal sea creatures dove at the sight of the phoenix, and have not been seen since. Fleeing. The city could still fall. The enemy could rally and overwhelm the defenders. But the tide has shifted, and hangs in the balance.

((Round 4, Victory Points 247. Possible it will cross the total victory threshold depending on rolls, in which case fight ends.))

Thea checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Thea is successful.

Being borne away by the rearguard is a rather inconvenient way to end a battle, but Jaerith is hardly in a position to offer argument until Keely begins barking orders and shooing away assistance. After his cousin's mystical ministrations, he bolts upright with a start and notices her, placing a hand upon her shoulder briefly before he says, "Thank you, dear cousin."

His focus returns as he rises fully, the grin fully disappeared as he stomps back off towards a clot of enemies, rapier borne high.

Jaerith checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jaerith fails.

Keely checks charm and empathy at hard. Keely is successful.

Emma checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Emma is successful.

Ronja checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Ronja is successful.

Ryhalt checks strength and huge wpn at hard. Ryhalt fails.

Alexis checks dexterity and huge wpn at hard. Alexis is successful.

Kanean checks dexterity and archery at hard. Kanean is successful.

Athaur checks charm and leadership at hard. Athaur is successful.

Mattheu checks willpower and athletics at hard. Mattheu is successful.

Kael checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Kael fails.

Lenard checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Lenard is successful.

Ann checks intellect and diplomacy at hard. Ann fails.

Alis checks command and war at hard. Alis is successful.

Edris checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Edris marginally fails.

Jaerith checks 'death save' at easy. Jaerith is successful.

Jaerith remains alive, but close to death.

Jaerith is incapacitated and falls unconscious.

Jaerith checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Jaerith is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Jaerith does not take a permanent wound.

Ryhalt checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ryhalt is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Ryhalt does not take a permanent wound.

Kael checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Kael marginally fails.

Ann checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Ann marginally fails.

Ann checks 'unconsciousness save' at easy. Ann is successful.

Ann remains capable of fighting.

Kanean is moving away from where he just turned a bunch of them to dust, he is riding on emotions and suddenly pain! It rushes through him as he cries out his hand comes up to his side and fingers shaking see's the blood on his finger. He drops to his knee, holding his side as he breaths deeply.

Emma scrambles out from under the shard that knocked her sideways and yells as she brings her sword around to behad the vile thing. The Valardin princess appears conflicted as she looks out over the field, decimated by the explosion, and seeing it begin to regroup and flee. She looks behind her and begins to retreat herself, lifting the back of one gauntlet to wipe sweat and blood from her brow.

Ann got hit with that last burst of energy she was trying to summon. But she has enough strength to pull her shield over her. Her non-magical one as she waits out for hat is to come now. Not sure if they are winning or losing but she's going to protect herself the best way she knows how as she simply just hides with the shield. She did her best and gave her all.

The Sword of Blancbier rallies as best she is able, raising her blade and steering her massive steed into the horde once more, cutting, slashing, the gleaming alaricite having a sheen of crimson and black ichor, the tabard no longer showing a pristine dragon, and the blue of it having turned decidedly darker. She pauses only once the horde breaks, and falls back, and then, for a moment, she removes her helmet. Dings and scratches on her armour, a few minor cuts on the steed whose breath mists with his exhaustion. But she - and Sanctum - is safe for now. She glances around, to the victors among her - to her Highlord, and her consort, to the many people of the Oathlands who have come together as one.

And then she raises her blade and cheers in victory.

Alis checks composure at hard. Alis is successful.

"Reminds me of Mother..." Mattheu shouts as he reaches to nothing in front of him, almost as if he's grabbing upon threads of shadows before him. As the tendrils pull together, weaving into a new wave. The razor-sharp darkness cuts through the air with a deadly precision, lifting and slashing through the demonic ranks like a spectral scythe reaping the harvest of malevolence. The very shadows seem to respond to Mattheu's will, becoming extensions of his intent as they pierce through the charging demons. "How did she put it." He nearly growls towards the demons, "Darlings, I haven't graced the land with my presence for years, and now these demon critters think they can waltz in and snatch my cookies? Preposterous! If they want a taste, they'll have to enroll in my exclusive underwater tea party. Keelhaul the lot of them!"

Reinvigorated despite the probable concussion, Ronja leaps into battle with the heart and gusto of a born swashbuckler. "Bastards, the lot of you!" she calls, her voice a taunting cackle as she parries various attempts to slay her. "You should know by now that the Sea Dancer of the Eventide Vast isn't about to die on land!" It's debatable whether or not the various demonic entities she's fighting really should know that, but it makes for good banter, even if all she gets in return are growls and groans and hisses and that sort of thing. Ronja drives her sword through one monster's belly, then all but pirouettes as she pulls it out and slices the head clear off of another. Before long, the battle is won, and Ronja proclaims: "All right, you Oathlands lot, the first round for all of you is on ME!"

How Ronja will pay for a round of drinks for an entire city's army is an adventure for another day.

The explosion of light and fire in the sky is enough to cause Lenard to recoil briefly out of surprise. While many eyes turn to the sky, Lenard's turn back to the world below. Namely because the bleeding wounds beneath his armor seem to heal and the pain that accompanies them abruptly fades. He does not delay, launching himself into the fight once again. Fury and rage drive him now, the blood that he carries fueling him farther and faster. The sound of blows landing upon his armor sings out and the answer to those clanks and rings is the stroke of his blade of alaricite felling one fell creature storming the walls of Sanctum after another. "Do not relent! For Sanctum! Dragons rise up and throw back these foul things!"

The attack begins to relent. As fewer and fewer shards seek to mount the walls and there is less time between each stroke of his sword, Lenard finally begins to take long, gulping breaths. The fury and rage that he feels begins to taper off, even if he does spent more time than necessary shouting after the withdrawing servants of Azazel. A costly victory, but a victory nevertheless.

While he works to bring his breathing under control, he shouts to those around himself, "Get the wounded to the medical tents! Call out if you require aid!"

Thea stands stands, chest heaving. She looks over the destruction, her lips thinning. She lowers her kopis, and already begins moving toward the wounded. "Lets get moving,"the Countess says, in medic mode now.

[MAGIC - THORNWIELD] Edris moves with a tide of others towards the giant, but there's a sea of creatures to get through. He slashes and parries, once more sending splinters and leaves flying around him. But even as he's almost there, the battle turns, and then it's a matter of doing his best to run down all the other enemies he can. It's then too that he sees some familiar armor laying amongst the fallen, and his steps slow. He pushes up his helm, to reveal a verdant green face stained with sweat, but glimmering eyes now. He looks around, desperately, trying to catch a glimpse of his other Keaton cousin, and his cousin in law, and also Alis. He raises his short with others in victory, as the vines and thorns fall from it. But then he kneels for a moment, closing his eyes, before rising to obey the shouts of others to start moving the injuried from the field.

Athaur cuts down one of the monstrosities in front of him, a look of determination on his face. As the enemy breaks and runs he lifts his sword above his head, calling out to his men to pursue and cut them down as they flee. The Marquis wishes to confirm the route and he charges with the rest of his men to ensure that beasts climb back into whatever hells they crawled out of, or else be sent there if they tarried.

Alis wrests the helm from her head, unsure of what she's seeing after she shouts yet another set of orders in a hoarse voice. For a long moment, she and Irony are aloft, circling, looking as stern as she can manage while they survey the carnage below. As if she is making a mental tally of how many people just died to save Sanctum and those within, and searing it into her mind. But when she finally looks up again, head held high, there is a fierce glare of determination cast at the fleeing forces of Azazel.

And then they land; she leans against Irony to give and receive strength, finally ending with a kiss of affection against her hide, and encourages her to go find somewhere to rest and revive. Then she starts running into the crowd of injured to start the long work of helping with the wounded and evacuation of everyone else to Arx. To find her friends, and family, and then finally her husband so that she can give and gather strength from him as well.

In a fealty of knights, Ryhalt's the black sheep. He has the skills, but no talent. His brothers with those talents area already dead or gravely wounded in fights like these. With his love, his Duchess, gone and land overrun, he's determined not to see it happen to his liege lord, too. He swings his ranseur about in an impressive display for someone who was smashed under a rock just minutes ago, but his blade reaches none of the enemy. They are already fleeing before Oathlands and phoenix might. For today and the losses they've all suffered that's enough.

He looks towards where the phoenix flies and salutes the creature. "She got to do what she wanted in the end." He might have said more but he gets choked up. Let's just say it's the smoke in his eyes.

Eventually, Keely gives up on trying to stay out of the fight, and musters all of her strength, running out into the middle of the nearest cluster of enemies and shouting to the heavens as radiant light explodes from her being and bowls them over, turning quite a few in the vicinity into naught but ash.

But using up all of her strength means that she ends up on the ground yet again, and eventually finds herself being hauled to the nearest Mercy tent on a stretcher, out of harm's way while the real warriors mop up the battlefield. She stays awake long enough to smile to herself as the roars of victory echo against the walls, and then she is out like a light.

The ship tilts.. tenticles slamming into the side and sending Eshra crashing across the deck to catch herself on the far rails! Forcing herself back to her feet, hand pressed against her side. Buy the time she is on he feet again it is over... the yells of victory sweeping across the ships and rising from the land beyond. Eshra looks across her people, pride welling up, a nod towards Matti.. glad to see both him and Ann on their feet before she looks back and starts to call out again. "See to the wounded!"

Kael continues with his march through his enemies, his footwork fine enough, with that tried and true blade of his swinging. He seems to be lucky enough, especially compared to so many on the field, but it is near the retreat that his luck ends. A large arm of a giant hits him, sending the Keaton flying a far distance and hitting the wall. Kael, for a few seconds, is still. Then he rises, gives his head a shake, and rushes to rejoin the combatants for the final push. Sanctum is saved.

Azazel's legions have broken. They are in an open rout, fleeing into the forests with treants and others chasing them. Valardin heavy cavalry is riding many down, while the infantry is sweeping forward, but there's cheers all up and down the walls of Sanctum. There's so much dead. So much loss. But along the roads to Arx, from Sanctum to the capital, the refugees will survive. It is common in the Compact for many to look up to the knights of House Valardin, and to say 'best hope for a dragon' in moments of need. Today they did not disappoint.

Steel Bends, Honor Holds.

Ann leaves, following Mattheu.

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