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Written By Rowan

April 16, 2017, 8:41 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Three times Cataclysm has been blooded in combat, and three times it has been the foul blood of Bringers. This last though - it was difficult to find any pleasure in the thought for the pain of the girl left grieving.

Beware an angry stablehand - Tristan took the things arm off. I'd hate to see what he did if you touched anything in his tackroom. Princess Peregrine was quick to see to the wounded girl, the sort of head you'd like to have with you in battle if you're unlucky enough to fall. Likewise, Lady Tikva's songs are a powerful thing. Lady Khanne and Lady Niamh - each trial alongside them makes me glad they're the ones at my back.

Pour a drink for Tomas, may what was left of his spirit find peace.

Written By Sudara

April 16, 2017, 8:26 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Sudara Pravus, organiser of lectures martial and esoteric! Perhaps I should aspire to a career in public education. At present, that might well be the best contribution I can make to the city's defence: I am currently endeavouring to find out just how difficult it might be to help our array of defenders to truly talk to one another: not to exchange boasts or issue challenges, but to provide one another with details of tactics both successful and unfortunate, as employed both against and by the enemy assailing us. I cannot find a way to make individual arms or pieces of armour stretch farther or be used by more people, but knowledge is not so limited in how it can be shared.

Written By Tobias

April 16, 2017, 8:15 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I've been listening to the rumors about the surrender terms Brand gave while I've been on patrol.

You have to admit, the lack of self-awareness would be almost hilarious, if you didn't know the thing was insane to begin with.

Surrender and be unmade, or continue fighting and suffer cruelly.

Like this siege isn't causing us all to suffer already.

Written By Armel

April 16, 2017, 7:49 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I was actually /at/ the wall when the Shavs brought forth the message, and the urge to riddle the shavs with arrows as my response was nearly overwhelming. But they were flying a flag of truce, and it wouldn't have made a difference in the ultimate attack, a few shavs more or less.

I cannot speak for the rest of the Faith or the Compact, but the response for the Knights of Solace is this:

We are the Knights of Solace
Vellichor guides our minds
Gloria powers our arms
Lagoma lights our hearts
Gild shows us the true path
Death is only the next step in the Wheel

We are the shield of the Compact
We do not bend
We do not break
We do not fear the Darkness
For We bring the Light

Come now, and face the judgment of the Gods.

Written By Darren

April 16, 2017, 7:47 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

Lord Rook Grayward has acted as the Minister of Coin for the Crown for a long while now. I remember when he was raised to Lordship, and I think it suits him well. He seems to enjoy the job that he performs for the Crown and is full of useful information.

Written By Eleyna

April 16, 2017, 7:31 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

What kind of ultimatum is surrender and die or don't surrender and die? In the history of ultimatums, that has to be the worst I've ever heard. How can one become the head in command of an army of crazy Shavs and undead monsters and not at least have a basic understanding of how diplomacy and negotiation work? Does he not know how to at least -lie- that he might be merciful, even if he does ultimately intend to turn everything into Oblivion?

Ugh. Amateurs.

Written By Yasmine

April 16, 2017, 7:13 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

And so I've a new patron to help me on the climb. He's an interesting man. Good eye for pretty things.

And a good eye for talent, if I do say so myself.

I think we'll go far together.

Written By Killian

April 16, 2017, 6:50 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I dreamt, last night, once more of the darkness beyond. Of that ever present nothing that devours all within it's path, the oblivion at the end of the world that comes careening towards us with the relentlessness of the avalanche. In my dream I screamed, my throat raw with terror and hopelessness, as I turned to flee. But the voice of the watcher came to me, dispassionate and stern.

It asked, "To where will you flee?" and I was filled with chagrin, for I knew It's words to be true. There is nowhere to flee in the face of nothing, for it rolls ever onward, devouring all that was into that darkness. And I fell to my knees and begged of the Faceless voice, crying out "If there is nowhere to flee, then where can I stand, where can there be safety from that which comes?" and It answered, "There is no place that is safe. Only by deed can any place be safe, and only by virtue of the righteous can a deed have worth."

And then I saw a Kind Woman, who stood beside the roadway, her cheeks wet with tears which shimmered like diamonds as they fell, for the roadways that were her home had become unsafe. I saw the bodies of those she had called to her upon the ground before her, broken and mangled by the horrors hiding in the Darkness. And I asked her, "Great Lady, you have comforted me so many times. Is there nothing I can do to aid you? Is there no comfort you may be granted in kind?" And She looked upon me and her gaze was as gentle and kind as it had always been when cast upon a foolish traveler. She spoke and said, "No, but travel on a ways and you will find the last of the places I have been. You will find there those who still value kindness and mercy, and who are willing to raise their hands to defend it. Count yourself amongst them, and remember to bear to others the goodness that has been shown unto you.." And I looked beyond Her outstretched hand, and beheld a city like no other. It's walls soared hundreds of feet above the cliffs upon which it stood, and the waves of the ocean of darkness crashed against those walls like the waves of the ocean beneath against the cliffs.

And so I traveled into the city, and I saw there the sorrow and pain of broken faiths and oaths, and the bitter bickering that had befallen those who had let their petty differences erode agreement and amongst them walked a Woman of unsurpassed Virtue, her robes of white gathering no dirt as she stepped between the petty squabbles and broken promises. And as she walked, observing each in turn, I heard a great trembling and cracking and I looked back and beheld the walls, as each argument tore at the bricks and shattered the mortar, breaking the great fortress down bit by bit. And I called to her and begged, "Great Lady, please, stop this. Can you not see that it destroys the only protection we have?" And She looked sadly back upon me, and the anguish of what She saw was writ large upon her face as She responded. "I but see and understand, that which they have done unto one another. It was my blessing which tied them together, and they have ignored it and cast it aside, and even in my presence they are unfaithful one unto another, though I remind them of their oaths and pledges. And so, they shatter the walls, and invite the darkness within."

And I looked back, and the walls, the last bastion against the darkness, were so weakened by the petty quarrels within that they crumbled at last away, and the darkness swept into that great city which was the last hope against it. And so consumed in their petty differences were the people, that they noticed not even as they were swallowed by oblivion..

I awoke in a sweat, with a scream of terror upon my lips but never quite uttered..

Written By Darren

April 16, 2017, 6:41 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I heard Tolamar Brand sent a group to the gates to deliver his terms of surrender. Though I am still questioning how terms of surrender can lead to death if we do what he wants, and death if we do not, I will provide him with House Redrain's response.

To Tolamar Brand, and his merry men: Bring it. We're waiting.

Written By Leola

April 16, 2017, 6:40 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I went to assist House Valardin recover another Bringer corpse.

Her Highness Princess Alis and Lords Ansel and Percephon led the efforts, and to assist Her Highness Princess Sophie, I agreed to lend my eyes and bow. The bringer was more brittle, though stronger, than the others I'd fought. More intelligent, in some ways; it darted through houses, tore through walls, and nearly killed Lord Percephon; I was happily in a position to save him.

All three acquitted themselves finely and fairly. I was proud to be of what little help I was.

Written By Samantha

April 16, 2017, 6:40 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Peregrine

I like her. She reminds me of dealing with her namesake. When dealing with a bird of prey, you desire to make a connection, perhaps even gain their friendship and affection, but you must always remember that these creatures are admirably dangerous and deserve your respect for being so.

Written By Samantha

April 16, 2017, 6:35 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

I am going to marry him, and I am going to marry him soon.

I have the good fortune to be the mistress of my own destiny when it comes to marriage. In the nobility is an arrangement of advantage for each side, and while loving the person you are going to marry is fortunate, or falling in love with someone who has the type of advantages that suit, is exceedingly fortunate, simply marrying for love is virtually unheard of. I am very fortunate to have fallen in love with a man who brings honor and expertise in areas that I have less experience in, and ties to another House of excellent repute. This marriage satisfies the obligations and expectations of being part of the nobility.

Really though, the fact that I love him is first and foremost to me, and if that makes me silly, so be it. I do not believe that marriage will be easy, but I believe that if it is true and lasting, there will be a commitment to each other and at the very center of that commitment is compromise. There will be moments where we will make each other grit our teeth, and there will be moments where all we can see is each other, and there will be times that neither of us will be entirely happy with the conclusion or compromise that is made, but the point of it is we are in it together.

i think if I continue, this entry will devolve into a plethora of girlish sentiment of overly romantic notions.

Have I mentioned his eyes are dreamy?

Written By Zhayla

April 16, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

It's funny how you can lose someone, and they only get more and more important to you every day. Then again, I lost my sister before I really knew her: a moment, and then she was gone. But she left behind so much--.

It was hard for me to really grieve for what I'd lost at the time, because in a way, I didn't lose anything. It still hurt. There was an ache. I might not have known her for long, but she filled a moment like it was a year. But I lost a potential more than I lost anything real. It hurt because there was an emptiness that I knew could have been filled. But it wasn't like I'd had something and had it torn away, not like it hurt the people around me. The people who were her real friends, her real family.

And so many of them have reached out to me, to take me in. Every one surprises me again, in a different way. All kinds of people, commoner and noble, but it's easy to see in each of them something that made her reach out to them, too. Something that made them special.

So maybe it's not that strange when I say I miss my sister, even if I barely knew her, and that I'm forever grateful to her.

Written By Esoka

April 16, 2017, 6:04 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

The night seemed an ordinary one.

And yet not ordinary. The stew watery from the press on resources in the city. The civilians, even children, huddled together, looking for the strength that comes in just being surrounded by more people. I have been to war, but never so long in a city under siege. Every moment of it presses on the nerves.

His eyes were wrong. And when I pulled closer to him, I saw that everything about him was wrong. Bringers amongst us. In the guise of servants, and mothers with bundles of evil disguised as babes.

Everything about them is wrong.

The fight is a blur, there were so many of the creatures. I will remember the Graysons, and those who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, taking up arms to protect those who could not fight. I will remember Thesarin taking Tikva to safety. I will remember that our steel ended those monsters, and that they can be killed.

We shall kill each Bringer to the last, and we shall protect our own.

And I shall pray for the morning when ordinary no longer means this.

Written By Nisaa

April 16, 2017, 6:02 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

Prince A-den has been a nice person to talk to. He is very shy, and at times, [aukword is crossed out] awkward, especially when many people are about. We had an interesting talk about animals one day while sitting by the river. He knows a lot about birds and comes alive when talking about them. I told him I did not think there was an [anminal is crossed out - amin is crossed out] pet that is right for me. We laughed when thinking of me carrying a fish in a bowl around. I feel [pri-vlgjd is crossed out] blessed to know him.

Written By Nisaa

April 16, 2017, 5:42 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

The people at the [arkiveists is crossed out] archives offered to write for me. I asked instead they help check what I [right is crossed out with write written above] or help me spell.

Malik and I are [settle-ing is crossed out] settling in to the city. I think that he is add-just-ing more quickly than I. Already, he has many who wish for him to paint for them, and other work lined up. My trunk was lost somewhere from since we left the ship. Wilhem, though, says he will help me with a costume. I just have to be [payshent is crossed out] patient. He is a busy man. Once I have my costume, I can perform, and then, things will land into place.

I have met many people though. Many nice people. I was worried about being so foreign here, but so far, I am treated well. I hope it continues to be case.

Written By Leta

April 16, 2017, 4:46 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I'm no scholar and I'm no godsworn, so I don't know about such things. It just sounds to me like Brand needs to get himself laid. Some wine, or maybe some haze if that's his preference, and good company and good cheer, and dancing with such folk as he likes, and then someone oughta bang him like a war drum, right and proper.

Enemies who want to conquer the world to have an army of slaves and such, that makes some sense to me. Enemies who want to end everything cause the world's too noisy, as I'm told that's what a cacophony means, well they're just not right in the head.

Written By Leola

April 16, 2017, 4:28 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Armel

I met Knight-Commander Armel of the Knights of Solace today. We were on the walls; Aletta and I were keeping watch as the Shav brought their offer of truce and requesting our surrender in. We discussed the siege, and the likely results. When he learned who I was, and knowing my role, I swear there was a look of pity in his eyes.

I understand that. I wish I didn't. I do.

He was kind enough to offer advice, and polite enough to listen to my own rather unschooled thoughts on war. Perhaps when this is over, we might talk again. He seems the sort who has many strong allies, but few he feels comfortable calling friend.

Written By Mira

April 16, 2017, 4:11 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

And then, suddenly, the world was completely different. Before, books were my whole world. I studied laws and bargains and contracts, and the world made perfect, logical sense. But now? Now, nothing makes sense.

I don't even know who I can trust, anymore...

Written By Valery

April 16, 2017, 4 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

It gets so frustrating, not knowing what to do to help...

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