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Written By Sylvie

March 12, 2017, 5:42 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

I have arrived back to the city only in time to receive a dream of the horrors that will happen to all of us if we fail. If those fighting for us fail. If we do not have faith. For a moment, I thought of fleeing again back to the Lyceum and beaches and the Southern sun even in winter.

But I will stay and fight. My work in the Lyceum was for the fight we face, and I will continue to do what is needed here.

Written By Reese

March 12, 2017, 5:34 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Miss Leola and Lady Clover are valuable archers to Arx.

I didn't mind being their pin cushion.

It was good practice

Written By Reese

March 12, 2017, 5:34 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

I joined the hunt that Duke Cristoph was holding.

I thought that Alejandra could use getting out into the woods.

It did seem to help cheer her up and she took down a deer.

I have short swords, so I wasn't going to join the hunt.

I really came for Alejandra.

I joined the fight later when we ran across a bear.

I didn't want to kill a bear, it doesn't feel natural or right to kill a normal bear.

Duke Cristoph pointed out that the bear will be just be killed when the bringer army comes anyways.

He is right, but that is a troubling thought, very troubling.

We saw the bear was mauling the woman, there was no choice.

I drew Devotion and draining the life from the bear.

I am not proud of such.

I hope the woman is doing well.

Written By Rowan

March 12, 2017, 5:24 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

It has come to my attention that some number of the nobility have had concerns for the nature of the battle totem left outside the Rectory. I will have to remember to account for the sense of perfectly understandable paranoia in Arx when making gifts to the Faith, or anyone else for that matter, in the future. I'll get the hang of expectations in the Compact one of these years. Maybe.

Written By Tristram

March 12, 2017, 5:13 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Oblivion. A dream shared by all. No matter what doubts we may have had individually about magic in the past, it's certainly clear that it exists. This will hopefully make it easier in the future.

Written By Tristram

March 12, 2017, 5:12 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

The Thraxian venture and planning continues. As the only Oathlander amongst those planning, I felt a tad outnumbered, and so I was on my best behavior. So much so I even began to have pleasant conversation with Dominic Thrax, who is not exactly known for his kind and gentle demeanor. Strange bedfellows these great enemies of ours make, and I wonder if the transmutation that will occur to our people will make us all better, in the end--if we should survive.

Written By Joslyn

March 12, 2017, 4:55 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

The moment of truth quickly approaches. I don't know what's going to happen, or what I'll even be able to feel when all is said and done. My life is come to a place where I couldn't be happier, and yet I couldn't be worse off. That sounds an awful lot like whining, and I assure you, that is not the case. With the approach of the armies though... it couldn't have come at a worse time in my life, just when everything was going so well, the whole world is going to hell. I pray I am standing when this is done, and that I endure this with no loss of my friends, or anybody else that I hold dear. Looks like I arrived in Arx just in time, yeah?

Written By Anze

March 12, 2017, 4:40 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

For as much work as you put into clothing, have you ever considered maybe you're the floofy one and not the southerners? Seems like your armor is awfully fancy for someone who says they don't like fancy things, juuuuust sayin.

Written By Cicero

March 12, 2017, 4:36 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

The eyes are no use.
The other senses sharpen
Chestnut to the head

Written By Cicero

March 12, 2017, 4:33 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

The hope of us all,
The Compact calls, we answer.
With Wheels of Silver

Written By Acacia

March 12, 2017, 4:23 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Prince Ainsley's proclamation conveyed good tidings, but fixing tensions between the Iron Guard and the people will take time. That history of disgruntlement which grew ever more prominent back at the beginning of the King's Rest has rooted deeply within the hearts and memories of some and will not be easily forgotten.

But as war shadows our doorstep and the mind wanders, infiltrated by darker things, a united defense of the City requires people to at least temporarily cast grievances aside for a greater good.

Lord Commander Silas approached me three weeks ago regarding the Aspirations of Alcohol event, but the purpose was always for the defenses of the city and his determined focus in achieving just that was more than enough to convince me. He selflessly dug into coffers to achieve sponsorship in order to fulfill these goals and he pulled things off rather admirably. The whole of his commitment demonstrated it was more than just some ploy to present a false bond between certain groups of influence. Until peace comes to Arx once more, working together will be required.

Written By Anze

March 12, 2017, 4:21 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Costas

Top shelf stabbing, you and Frey should have a competition where you try and spook people before stabbing them. I'm sure that would be entertaining and offputting at the same time.

Written By Sigurd

March 12, 2017, 4:19 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

I woke up to a giant raven staring at my face the other day. The fact it was a mask didn't help really, as my sleep-addled brain tried to break it and flop out of bed all at once. Sure she got a kick out of it.

You're lucky you took my sword out of reach, woman, I swear.

Written By Sigurd

March 12, 2017, 4:14 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

To those suffering from the Dream of the Bringers:

I have met the Bringers on the Field of battle.

They are not Gods.

They are not immortal.

They can be fought.

They can be killed, even by regular steel.

They are might and strong

But they will die, all the same.

This is nothing but a trick, and can and MUST treat it as such.

Written By Leola

March 12, 2017, 4:05 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

To those who read this; I ask, before judgement is made, please read to the end. To those of House Grayson, I offer my sincerest apologies. To Sir Silas Mercer and his family, please don't hurt me.

I shot Her Highness, Princess Reese Grayson in the face with a blunted arrow from an alaricite bow.

Context might be appropriate. Sir Silas and her Highness were looking to spar and, as her Highness was armored and Sir Silas was not, it was suggested that the archers present offer distracting fire against the amored knightly princess. We agreed, and took position. I was, in fairness, not used to the draw of the bow nor prepared for the princess's speed of movement and ducking, diving, in her full metal armor. As a result, when she ducked, I loosed my arrow, and hit her.

In the face.

I then immediately switched my fire to Sir Silas; her Highness was still, to her inestimable credit, fighting on, and indeed won the bout. We understood much of the nature of supporting archer fire and how valuable it will prove in the siege to come.

I'm so very sorry. It was in a sparring ring, and all were agreeable to it. We have witnesses!

Written By Cara

March 12, 2017, 3:58 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

They've come home.

Vincere and Pietro will be properly granted their rest, brought home to us. In better circumstances they should go to their true home - Granato - but I selfishly am grateful that they will not be so far away.

I walk that way often, through the Plaza Unita, and stop to visit their statues. It's not the same. It will never be the same. But it is a small comfort, nevertheless.

Written By Ophelia

March 12, 2017, 3:30 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Today, I prayed at the temple of Lagoma for our King.

I was fraught with uncertainty as I lit the candle and closed my eyes and prayed.

Then all of a sudden, a sparrow -- one of the ones from the Old Grove, I suspect -- exploded overhead.

I shit you not, it burst right into flame.

Reassurrance, yay!...... Right?

Written By Verity

March 12, 2017, 2:29 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

I much prefer my nightmares sleeping. Then at least you can be sure of the chance to breathe a sigh of relief after bolting upright in bed. Caught unawares, awake and in the cold, there's no respite from the chill of sweat drying on skin while you look ahead at what might be.

Suddenly my worries of having food on my table in the coming weeks seem very short-sighted.

Written By Octavia

March 12, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

On a positive note, High Lord Victus has enough faith in me to support my bid for the crown magistracy. I hope to prove him correct.

The meeting was disturbed by a truly haunting vision of the city - and all of Arvum - being utterly obliterated. The vision doesn't make any sense, and yet Victus saw it too, as did Legate Orazio, and I'm assuming others in the city as well. The Legate says that the Bringers are bringing our destruction, and intend to slay one of the gods.

Can you slay that which is eternal? The Legate seems to think so.

I have no expertise here. For once, I am truly lost.

Written By Orazio

March 12, 2017, 2:14 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

For those reading this in the future, assuming that there are any (readers, or future), know this: On 1/28/1006 AR, the city of Arx received a visitation from one of the gods of the Pantheon. As Legate of Concepts, I believe and hold that this visitation was true, and divine in origin. This visitation was in the form of a dream, shared by many - perhaps all - of the faithful. It warned us of the terrible threat facing the city from the hordes of shav tribes marching on the city. A threat that goes beyond the merely physical threat of being conquered and killed, but which speaks to the possibility of unleashing an apocalyptic terror known as the Silence on the world. Once before, the Silence threatened, and was resisted by the cooperation of Compact and Nox'Alfar. Since then, of course, that ancient treaty has been thrown away, and those responsible for doing so have characterized the Teind as useless, and slandered the Nox'Alfar by saying that they never intended delivering on their part of the treaty. Through divine intervention, we now know beyond all doubt that the ritual aided the survival of the Compact. And although the Nox'Alfar are no longer bound by treaty, alaricite weapons have been distributed by their kindness, without asking anything in return, to warriors among us, so that they may raise blades against the darkness that threatens.

We do not stand unready. Many people and organizations, from the Lower Burroughs all the way up to the High Lords, have worked to organize the defenses. Our soldiers are well-trained. The Faith has recalled its holy Templars and Knights of Solace from around the Compact to defend the realm against those who would raise blades against the gods themselves. The Crown, the Faith, and even private organizations such as Black Mountain have gathered food and supplies to keep our people fed and warm throughout the siege, if that siege happens. Mercies and healers stand by to aid the wounded and the lost. Refugees are being housed across the city. We are not helpless. We are the men and women who stand blessed by courage, by hope, by faith, and we stand on the side of justice and righteousness. To every man and woman of Arx, even the many who will never read this, I lay this charge: raise your hands in aid to your brother, your sister, and your lords. Volunteer to build defenses, to make bandages and poultices. Speak kindly to your fellows, and do not listen to those who may urge betrayal and cowardice. Make it clear to all our enemies that we are not easily bent, nor broken.

As the enemy approaches, the Compact will stand. And, with the grace of the gods and the work of our own hands, we will win.

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