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Written By Luca

Jan. 14, 2017, 8:23 a.m.(8/27/1005 AR)

This is not the challenge I was looking for, but I guess once you step in horse shit, all you can do is scrape it off, move on, and try to ignore the smell that sticks to you.

Who am I kidding? These elves are going to be the death of me if Deva's temper doesn't get me first for having done this. I wouldn't even blame her.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 14, 2017, 7:44 a.m.(8/27/1005 AR)

Losing a father is an eventual. Losing a younger brother should never happened. I have failed to protect them as promised. And now appearance of elves? I have to practice my smile. I fear this pain will never leave.

I love you brother. I hope you find peace with Father and Grandfather. Now to entertain guests and plan a memorial service.

Written By Valencia

Jan. 14, 2017, 3:38 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

I have tried and tried to find the words, but none will come.

It has been awhile since I have lost someone I care for. I had forgotten how sharp the pain can be.

All I can think is why has this happened? How can you not be here?

How could you leave us like that? Don't you know you are needed? You promised. I know it is not your choice, but you promised.

I adored you so much and I hate that you are gone.

We never said goodbye properly. I wish I could see you just one more.

I still can't find the words. Perhaps there are none.


Written By Jackson

Jan. 14, 2017, 3:08 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Haven't been back to Arx in some time. Almost years. And what's the first shit I hear about when I drop anchor? That's some gods-be-damned elves about. Real ones. No myths or tales or any shit like that.

So of course I had to check that shit out, just to see what's up. Yeah, that throne is either a slap in the face to Arx or they have some really hilarious sense of humor. I'm thinking both.

Either way, I got one of them to drink with me. I guess I can cross off 'drinking with an elf' off my bucket list.

Still don't know if I'm some kind of elf-Prince now or something. But hey Prince of Alcohol isn't all that bad of title. I'll wear it.

Clearly, someone has to.

Written By Julea

Jan. 14, 2017, 1:38 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

The throne of bones, that look surprisingly human like, set in the Palace throne room and used by the Nox'Alfar while nobles a plenty vied for their attention.

If there was ever a big 'fuck you' to Arx, that must of been it. Either that, or an epic joke at our expense. I hope, for the sake of our Regent Council it is more the latter than the former.

Written By Cassandra

Jan. 14, 2017, 1:09 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Consider a sword. A tool, a weapon and a piece of art. A cornerstone of our civilization, for with it we defend our borders, our honor and our loved ones. A thing in which all aspects of the gods may be seen, for it is born out of Creation, forged from Art and the defender of Concepts.

Iron is taken from the earth, this alone a gift from Petrichor, for it is he who gave mankind dominion over the hills and mountains. But only in the fires of Lagoma does iron bend, as is befitting the godess of change, mixed with the coal taken from Petrichor's trees, iron becomes steel before being quenched in the waters of Mangata to cool its rage and harden its core.

A complicated art, such knowledge would not be avaliable to us were it not for the blessings of Vellichor which allows us to hear from the minds of hundreds, if not thousands and allows the creation of such wonderous things. How else can man know how to work iron into steel, how to hone the edge or learn the ancient secrets of diamondplate and alaricite. But while it is Vellichor that informs the craftsman to such wonders, it is Jayus who inspires. As much as there can be no warrior without spirit, there can be no art without inspiration. It was under the guidance of him that man first struck hammer to anvil, and first sang songs of glory.

It is Gloria who taught us to defend our honor, as much as we defend our borders and loved ones. It is she who showed man how to wield the weapon with honor, so that we would not lose ourselves to the temptation of power inherent in such things. In much the same way, the Sentinel expects us to defend law and order, and justice must sometimes be brought at the end of a sword. And as Gird blesses us with wealth, so must we protect it from the greedy so that it may be spent freely and in accorance to the divine.

Even the Thirteenth can be seen through the sword, for much as he shows us dark reflection so do we see a dark reflection of ourselves. What we would be without the guidance of the gods whenever we clash steel with those that wield such power without honor, without sacred cause.

Remember this as a sacred duty, your weapons should be symbols of protection and divine cause. Only those whom have fallen from the gods should fear the bite of your steel if it is wielded with the dignity and honor for which it is intended.

Written By Harald

Jan. 13, 2017, 11:49 p.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

There are some foes so great that a man must consider that even facing them shall mean his death. It is not for fear of death that a warrior should hesitate, but to be certain that his death is spent well, rather than wasted. Let the bold warrior with death in his eyes fall, with his dire foeman slain, and he shall die content.

Yet this is no common foe: it is a sea monster out of legend, aged and terrible, powerful beyond knowledge and surrounded by a lifeless void. Guarded by legend and tradition, there is no approaching it in stealth; coming against such a monster in it’s lair is plainly impossible.

Can it breath the burning sea?

Could thirteen priests of Mangata bless the sea beneath a ship? I'd think so; the sea is Mangata’s domain, if a priest of the Goddess can't channel her blessing through the very medium of Mangata’s power then she must not like him very much.

Not a gamble any man would trust in, unless his wits were cracked, but a slim chance remains better than none. It's a flimsy shield, an uncertain wall. We still need a weapon. We need many weapons to strip away the monster's lackeys and strike at its heart.

This kraken presents a challenge like no other in memory.

Also, elves arrives today.

Written By Hadrian

Jan. 13, 2017, 11:37 p.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Nox'alfachoo. I can never remember how to pronounce it, Hell, even spell it. They were somewhat shorter than I expected, though by no means for a lack of height. I was the first on the scene. When the envoy arrived. A chance, an opportunity to separate myself on this global stage rather than simply Arx. Joboo right on my shoulder as I did so. I looked at them. I greeted them. I joked, the monkey screeched, clapped, I listened to them. The one, the male I mean, he seemed entirely displeased to be there, and was snarky about it -I loved it. The woman, she didn't seem so happy. She seemed as if everything was beneath her. It was both endearing and utter infuriating; I'm not quite sure what to think of it.

That is, until they mentioned that they required blood. What has the Compact gotten itself into? How delightfully horrible. Maybe I'll see them around. Or maybe, hopefully, we'll figure something out and put an end to this.

Written By Kima

Jan. 13, 2017, 9:10 p.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Spent an evening at the Unkindness, where I met with several individuals over drinks and we discussed politics - such as they are. I left there feeling that the place was aptly named. Not for the company, mind. Took a walk home in the rain, made it back to the Tower soaked through to find Vomas up and waiting.

He asked if I was happy, and if he might go sailing with Costas and would the Duke very much mind sitting with him at the expo tomorrow. Eyes all bright and face full of hope, the way only children can manage. I found that, you know, I was happy after all.

Written By Blacktongue

Jan. 13, 2017, 3:16 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

My dearest Nephew, Talen...

You missed the perfect opportunity to make a jest concerning going sailing without a mast.

Don't send flowers, send a tincture.

Written By Percephon

Jan. 13, 2017, 1:32 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

I have promised a few my current information on a certain, new type of creature that people exploring the catacombs have run across. While the how of it is uncertain at this point, there are entities that posses the ability to reanimate skeletons. While further tests and hypothesis will be conducted over the coming weeks, I thought it wise to document what we know in the chance that there are brave souls out there that might come across these abominations:

* They are felled easily by blunt bashing, though swords and arrows have far less of an affect on these walking bones than they do on the living.

* Holy water and Holy Fire do nothing to them. They are not susceptible to these things, as other recently resurfaced horrors have been.

* While there is not (yet) proven science and experiments to confirm the hypothesis, one should be wary around desecrated graves, or areas that the dead have not been given a proper burial. This seems the most likely place for the skeletons to be raised.

There will be more to come that I wish to make certain those who seek to protect Arx and the Compact will be made aware of. Knowledge is as sharp a tool as any sword, as heavy a weight as any hammer. Let us be prepared for as many possibilities as we might be.

Written By Leo

Jan. 13, 2017, 1:21 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

The Lyceum has always been a kingdom of deeply independent duchies, rich in individual culture and history. It also has a well deserved reputation for finding the ends often sufficient justification for the means; acclaim on offer for those that strive for and, most importantly, attain victory. This has occasionally made for a strength that, at times, has threatened the stability of our home. With every great undertaking, however, I believe there must be the pains of growth. It is through this that we find and redefine ourselves. I feel we now approach the beginning of a new journey as a kingdom.

For nobility, marriage is always a word that carries with it the heavy weight of responsibility. What are the terms? Why this particular match? Does this benefit our house? Theirs? Will blood be shed or peace purchased? It is often spoken of in the same breath as treaties and contracts, the two set to enter the union rarely more than passing acquaintances, if that. I was fortunate, then, as a head of house to be able to speak directly to another head of house for what our nuptials might mean.

Since our very first discussion of what would come if the Archduchess and I wed, she has shown nothing but great care for her people and a firm resolve for unity. She questions whether she contributes to the good of the world and she wishes to know the thoughts of her nobility and people so that she may rule with wisdom. Further, those that know her best show me the passion she inspires, from the protective fierceness of her father, to the willingness of the Dark Knight of Lenosia to lift a sword in challenge to my worthiness to take a place at her side.

She gives me hope. Hope for some of the hard blood memory that exists to find reconciliation. Hope that we will continue to strive for victory in our endeavors, but in such a way that it benefits our entire kingdom. Hope that we will find a distinctly Lycene path forward that carries all of its duchies and people with it. Hope that ours will not be a marriage in name alone. Hope.

I may not entirely fit the image of what it is to be Lycene, but I love my kingdom as fiercely as any. And while I have not the grace nor ability to inspire love as she does, I am a warrior who wishes to see the best for his home. I will stand beside the Archduchess and work to ensure the continued diversity and strength of the Lyceum, but a Lyceum with purpose. Our purpose.

Written By Lou

Jan. 13, 2017, 12:29 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

People talk. People have always talked about Dawn since the day she was brought home by her father. However, I have learned that if someone wants to learn something from her, all they need to do is go talk to her. Recently, she was the Reagent of the Compact. Though, there was a scandal when she went out to sacrifice herself to the Tiend, yet came back to the city alive. This left me with a myriad of emotions. I talked to her and discovered her story. She is family. She is my friend. I will always have her back. I did name my daughter after her after all.

Written By Lou

Jan. 13, 2017, 12:28 p.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

People talk. People have always talked about Dawn since the day she was brought home by her father. However, I have learned that if someone wants to learn something from her, all they need to do is go talk to her. Recently, she was the Reagent of the Compact. Though, there was a scandal when she went out to sacrifice herself to the Tiend, yet came back to the city alive. This left me with a myriad of emotions. I talked to her and discovered her story. She is family. She is my friend. I will always have her back.

Written By Ida

Jan. 13, 2017, 11:56 a.m.(8/25/1005 AR)

Some years before I was so graciously offered a position with the Valardin smiths herein Arx by His Grace, Prince Edain, I spent several months on the road, as they say, for tournaments. I do not know why this occurred to me today, but after one rather rousing pugilistic battle at one such competition held just outside The Telmarch, I was offered some amazing words by an elderly man. It was obvious, at least to me, that he was no stranger to the circuit, though clearly hadn't been in a bout himself for a decade or so. I'd won the fight and already made my way to fetch a drink when he approached me to offer the words I quote here. Again, I'm not sure why they have been recalled to mind so sharply recently; figured I'd might as well write them down.

"Pay close attention to the people who don't clap when you win."

Written By Ida

Jan. 13, 2017, 11:31 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

The Crown giveth and the Crown taketh away, I suppose. The Low Council has been dissolved and apparently will be replaced by a Common Council. A whole lot of things happened in and around that, but... Right.

Perhaps it is for the best. I've little interest in politics and my focus should be with my talents instead.

Written By Rowan

Jan. 13, 2017, 10:49 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I imagine that if a squirrel drank themselves out of a pot of coffee, and then went on to eat all the beans left in the larder, it might compare to the raw energy and drive my dear cousin has.

I'm glad that the return to recognized nobility and something approaching propriety has not doused the fire that vexed so many over the years. I'm sure she'll do many a great thing here in Arx. I, for one, am glad all that damned energy is on my side.

Written By Dominique

Jan. 13, 2017, 10:48 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

The mournful wails of agonizing grief can be heard all the way back to the Oathlands and back for the House Wyrmguard.

Confirmed reports of Lord Damon Wyrmguard Missing. Howver no confirmation on his death or findings of his remains.

The House of Wyrmguard is now on lock down during this time of mourning and searching for their lost kin. A reward for promising information on Lord Damon's Disappearance has been posted by myself.

Written By Bethany

Jan. 13, 2017, 10:46 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

That was an informative week among the Silent Reflections.

(Eyes open.

Mouth shut.)

Written By Rowan

Jan. 13, 2017, 10:43 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Some people just fit.

You meet them, and it's comfortable, and it's simple, and there's a natural familiarity like your spirits have known one another longer than you have.

Here's to you, Lady Stray, and the learning, rituals, victories, comraderie through the losses, stories, adventures, misadventures, familial disasters and rivers of whiskey to come.

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