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Written By Mia

Sept. 13, 2017, 9:17 a.m.(3/16/1007 AR)

In all of the haste surrounding the preparations for the Gray Forest expedition, in all of the work for the tasks I set myself upon our return, I somehow managed.... to forget my own birthday, only two days passed. They say that the most predictable thing of all is the steady march of time, and yet it is almost always the thing that surprises us most.

It seems this nebulous 'they' is correct yet again. Will I one day wake to find that, instead of a few more days slipping by than I thought, I have a head full of silver hair with little recollection or how or when that happened?

Written By Corban

Sept. 13, 2017, 8:01 a.m.(3/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

Lady Aislin Ashford has a preference for /not/ discussing the Horrible Monster of the Day, and one cannot blame her for it. She knows so much about the threats we face that one cannot help but want to pick her brain for every last detail about them.

But I resisted. Mostly.

Instead, we spoke of our homelands, and her treehouses. To be noble is to be wedded not just to a people, but to a place, to know it as well as your family and your friends. Lady Aislin, I think, shares that view, and it was good to connect with someone who does. We discussed our hopes and wishes for the future -- even those hopes and wishes that may be far-fetched under current circumstances. Lady Aislin, I do not know if your fondest wish will come true. But I hope that it does. You are definitely deserving.

Written By Arianna

Sept. 13, 2017, 2:03 a.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Denica

Wow....the Mourning Sea...I see why they mourn so often, to see such beauties as this one depart their shores must break their little hearts.

Written By Daemon

Sept. 13, 2017, 12:54 a.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

What an incredible evening, one I'll be owing to the Keatons for some time yet. Thank you all who had the good faith in me to attend, you all have my gratitude.

Written By Aiden

Sept. 12, 2017, 11:02 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

I guess I'm 20 now.

Written By Clover

Sept. 12, 2017, 9:53 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

I pride myself on being a very proper and polite young lady of the Oathlands. However, today I said some very unbecoming things. I apologize to everyone who had to hear them. And, reader, I beg you please to flip past the rest of this page, but I shall archive them here so that future generations will know what I had to atone for saying...

Limerance forsaken, Gloria smote, Mangata drowned scoundrel.
Black hearted rogue.
Improper besprawler.
Driggle-draggle fopdoodle.
Gild banished triptaker.
Vellichor despised snoutband.

I am very, very sorry for my poor choice of language, and pray the gods shall forgive me.

Written By Tikva

Sept. 12, 2017, 8:39 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

I wonder, when he reaches adulthood, what my charming boy will remember of his third birthday. Playing in the snow with Thump? Eating orange and vanilla cake? Getting orange and vanilla cake literally all over the Grayson dining room?

I don't think I remember anything from when I was so small. But I will remember his third birthday, his brilliant smile, his shrieks of delight as he made the most appalling mess all over everything. In these halls, the greatest lords of our generation dine and drink and politic, and Tiber Riven throws goopy mousse cake at the walls.

When I look back now on how young and fiery Kelleth and I were, how mad and ridiculous and full of nonsense, I wonder at myself; and I look at Ainsley and I, and honestly I wonder at my absurd presumption, and a little boy exercising tyranny over a spoon, and the absurd light in my husband's silver eyes...

Good morning, March 15. Today my son has been three years old for an entire day. I am blessed with love and I embrace all the duties to which I am put with wide open arms.

Written By Denica

Sept. 12, 2017, 8:28 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Antonio

( A series of tiny paw prints leads off the page.

The rest is empty. )

Written By Denica

Sept. 12, 2017, 8:25 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

( This entry is intentionally left blank. )

Written By Teela

Sept. 12, 2017, 7:52 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Did I just witness a kidnapping? Or some kind of weird lover's quarrel?

Written By Silas

Sept. 12, 2017, 7:39 p.m.(3/15/1007 AR)

Realized I forgot Eshken's birthday.

Got him some good boots.

The fox did not die in vain.

Written By Clover

Sept. 12, 2017, 6:55 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

It is *not* a good day to fall in love. No. I refuse.

Written By Daemon

Sept. 12, 2017, 3:08 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

Arx is truly a beautiful city with air fresher than your usual spring breeze. I've found many wonderful sights and people in my short time back on land. I have to give many thanks to the familiar faces who have aided me along thus far.

Lady Arianna Stonewood for granting me her aid in getting myself a proper suit of armor. Without it I may well have been a naked man waving a glorified toothpick at any and all 'evil-doers'. Princess Reese and Princess Alarissa were generous enough to bestow upon me a boon of weaponry, allowing me to reforge my family's sword in a new sheet of rubicund. Its crimson sheen is perfect and beautiful and it'll swing with their might along with mine against whatever may come.

The friends I've made so far have been as kind. I consider myself greatly lucky to have fallen into so much amicable company and I can only hope to find many, many more in the future. To think a city filled with politics had so little cutting of throats, ha!

Written By Denica

Sept. 12, 2017, 2:47 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

( Another drawing in the Journal, as bright as the first was dark. Light - conveyed in rays of sun and thunderstorm bolts of lighting. Haloed around the center of the pages, surrounding vaguely gray shapes. Perhaps weapons. Either that, or ornate tableware. Perhaps a young woman's fantastical idea of weapons, for the shapes seem to be products of an overactive imagination rather than real tools of war.

The profile of a man: all jet and midnight.

Staring into the eyes of a similar man. All raven and sapphire. Although there is no emotion in those beautiful eyes.

Behind the storm clouds there are birds, poorly detailed seabirds, that fill the horizon line to the top of the pages.

So many birds. )

Written By Sivard

Sept. 12, 2017, 2:36 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

Stumbled upon while visiting the Training Center while in search of a like minded individual when it comes to matters of combat and weapon preference. She showed great skill during a bout with some other combatants, in which she thoroughly trounced them. Although she's far more bright eyed and sociable than I, I couldn't help but ask for her to provide me with personal training. So far she's been a good teacher; patient and encouraging in her ways.

Written By Sivard

Sept. 12, 2017, 2:26 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

Father mentioned getting me a war hound as congratulations for my surviving the recent battle with the Shav. I hardly posses an affinity for men, let alone beasts.. what is he thinking? Perhaps Regla will know what to do with the creature. I at least hope it isn't a runt or some cowardly whelp as a joke on the Duke's part.

Written By Denica

Sept. 12, 2017, 12:30 p.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

( Dark, dark colors. Every color in the tin must have been used to create the muddy, all - consuming color that angrily, violently whirlpools across two pages. Sharp, white teeth - shark's teeth, row upon row, somehow like razors or shards of mirror center this whirlpool. The rest is chaos. Shadowy forms that could be interpreted as figures, or some other shapes, are being consumed or are otherwise being pulled into the mess of scribbles where the artist has pressed so hard that she's torn through the page.

There's a sense of futility to this drawing.

Utter despair. )

Written By Turo

Sept. 12, 2017, 11:36 a.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

I just want to point out, that if there is ever a point in my life that I would be inclined to paint any of my ships any color that is not the natural shade of the lumber they were constructed with, that I have lost my mind and that I should be removed from my position. And then hung from the mast of the Leatherback.

Just so there's no confusion, I'm leaving this for posterity.

Written By Rey

Sept. 12, 2017, 11:05 a.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

I dreamed last night of a man who had darkness for a face and iron chains that bound innocence in his grip. A knight came on a galloping stag with antlers made of alaricite. Weeping gave birth to them both, and they are twins. Were they part of the plan? The world danced around me into the unknown: the King of Man, the Lord of Will, the Master of Bindings, and Death... until they stopped the music.

After that I woke up. I don't think I wanted to know what happened next. It wasn't a very nice dream.

Written By Nicia

Sept. 12, 2017, 9:57 a.m.(3/14/1007 AR)

The reception was this week, and although we kept the wedding small, family and close friends, I was pleased to see how many came to the reception itself. It was beautiful, and simple, and the cake was wonderful. Saedrus Whisper was the perfect organizer for this, he listened to everything we wanted and there was absolutely no fuss at all.

To everyone that came, thank you.

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