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Written By Silas

Sept. 11, 2016, 5:40 p.m.(7/18/1004 AR)

I went to a bonfire at the beach which turned out to be a rather large gathering of the rich and important. I told a story which seemed to be appreciated, though I don't think was nearly as epic as the tale of the warrior defeating a giant tusked beast at the behest of a god! Princess Ophelia still rewarded me with silver for my efforts, though I was almost compelled to insist she keep it; I didn't because the notion that she needed it more than I did was ludicrous, and it almost felt rude to do so. Disappointing her feels akin to kicking a puppy.

I spoke with Prince Laric regarding some business with the Iron Guard and the Inquisition and I'm beginning to genuinely respect him beyond what is normally due to my social betters. He is not someone who should be underestimated.

The Medical Conference was half productive and half political theater. The ego present in the room was subtle and astounding all at once. I am relieved to see Lady Dawn assert herself, though; it was becoming difficult to sit back and just watch. Prince Edain was steadfastly in her corner; it was good he was present.

I'm going to go do some research on herbs.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 11, 2016, 2:52 p.m.(7/18/1004 AR)

I am possessed of a melancholy today and I'm afraid I don't want to do anything but curl up in my bed with blankets around me, my sketchbook, and a cup of tea and a plate of scones.

Arx can catch on fire for all I care.

No, I am not going to set the city on fire. And no, I don't hate everyone.

It's a turn of phrase, don't get your breeches in a bunch.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 11, 2016, 2:43 p.m.(7/18/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

A lovely woman, priestess, spiritual advisor... it's hard to describe Isolde. All I know is she brought me a moment's peace and it helped. I am grateful.

Written By Laric

Sept. 11, 2016, 1:23 p.m.(7/17/1004 AR)

Well, just as I expected it might, it hasn't been long since I arrived in the city, but the investigation has begun.

A colossal amount of resources has now been devoted towards singular subjects of interest meant to resolve some of the Compact's most lethal and dangerous mysteries. It falls on me to deliver results to the crown so that we are caught flat-footed no longer.

I do not feel ashamed for anyone to visit these journals and notice among the stacks of them that one Prince of House Grayson feels great trepidation at the thought of tilting at windmills and mistaking them for giants. My gut instinct may be the best in the Kingdom, and therefore it must be the best in the world, but that does not mean I am infallible. But in these cases, failure is not an option. I must find answers. It falls to me because my powers of deduction and reason are supreme amidst the rest of the Compact.

And it is no exaggeration to say that more silver has been spent in the interest of protecting the kingdom on three major lines of inquiry in the past couple of weeks than has been spent by some minor houses in their entire existence. Am I afeared that it is money poorly spent? Thankfully, no. In my humble and biased opinion I feel it is the best way this money can be spent. Your taxes will uncover answers, people of Arx, this I so swear. Perhaps they are answers we will come to dread, but answers we must hear...

While alliances and deals are struck, agents are hired, trained and sent out, as pressure is levied and time and blood is left on the floors of the interrogation room and beyond, as daring risks are taken, pigeons are sent, riders stocked and sent away, I find I have looked away from the hourglass longer than I expected I had. I have awoken to find a gray hair in my scalp in the reflection pool. A suggestion of crows feet that may appear in a few years at the side of my eyes. When did I become old? I suppose wracked with obsession for answers, I did not consider my own life was slipping away as though through a sieve. Do I regret it? No. But as proud as I am of this red and gold I walk the stones of Arx in, I have no one in particular to walk them with, and no child nor student to teach the wonders of Arvum that allowed this city to be. I lift my elegant sword and swing it, but I realize that as a warrior I come up short. I do not even possess a hobby...

Written By Freja

Sept. 11, 2016, 12:20 a.m.(1/1/1001 AR)

This it it.

My brother is going to be the death of me, or at least the cause of premature graying. It isn't fair. Some sisters get the brothers that only give them toads in boxes.

Me? I get -this- one.

I mean...I totally deserve some of it, but STILL!

Bastard. I still love him.

Written By Lou

Sept. 10, 2016, 8:17 p.m.(7/16/1004 AR)

I know I ought to remain within the city for some time at least. Especially with the King's current state. Grayson has need of me and I will answer.

But oh, my feet do itch to be outside of the Compact once again. I am slowly accruing better gear to replace what I had. So far it is soothing my desire to roam with promise of greater things ahead.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 10, 2016, 7:47 p.m.(7/16/1004 AR)


Are you writing in capital letters? WHY? AND AGAIN!

(page is crumpled, pen marks scraped all over the page)

Written By Hammar

Sept. 10, 2016, 6:50 p.m.(7/16/1004 AR)

Hammar have Joscelin friend make Lady Dawn friend jewelry. Lady dawn say she like a lot, so Hammar do good have Joscelin make the pretty. It cost lots silver, but Hammar think Lady Dawn worth lots silver. Hammar glad friend Joscelin know how make jewelry, she fast!

Written By Lou

Sept. 10, 2016, 1:40 p.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Mason

Mason is settling in well enough, I think. I know he feels out of place; it's my family and my home and I often feel out of place. But he is more suited to cities and walls than I and I believe he will find his stride soon enough.

He is the personable one. The diplomat. He's good with words, where I simply wish to speak candidly. Candid and nobility often do not go hand-in-hand.

The subject of children was brought up. By him, not me. I'm wary, of course. Will I be a good mother? A part of me doesn't want to just join the cycle of handing a child off to a nanny, but I also don't want to be tethered to the city for so long. Taking a small child outside of the Compact is... ill-advised, at best.

But it is our duty to continue family lines. And I would see the next generation raised to respect the lands, respect the family, and support the people. We shall see what fate has in store for me.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 10, 2016, 1:30 p.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Center Stage

Clementine dressed in orange and cream finery, the full multi-layered pleated dress cascading around her in all it's glory as she takes a commanding stance among her people. There is no denying her grace, poise, nor her power, all radiating from the woman in an awe-inspiring display of a controlled presence.

The battle rages on around her. Her army being slaughtered, each decision made being questioned by those around her, as one by one, they fall at her feet. She is searching for one, turning young men over to see their lifeless eyes staring back. She did this. Clementine finds him, her general, the man she trusted more than any other, but he is quickly fading. There is a brief, passionate exchange, a sword...his sword...his family's destiny. It is gone, then so is he.

Scene Change
Clementine is alive, and while her army is left greatly handicapped, her city in ruins, she still possesses grace, poise, and power. There is no denying her these things, nor the rage that simmers just beneath the surface of her calm demeanor. Vengeance will be hers, obstacles will be overcome. The will in her will not be destroyed, and the leader rises once more.


Till next time, Master Grayward.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 10, 2016, 1:04 p.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I find that Audric is not quite sure what he wants. Available for hire, a sellsword, with morals. How could one do such a job properly with those hanging above their head? I find myself intrigued, and wishing to test just how far his morals stretch when money is offered.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 10, 2016, 1 p.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

Charming, handsome, and full of praise, who would not wish for such a companion? He surprises me on some level, and while we may share quite a few things in common, he is much more worldly than I. He belongs at lavish balls and grand affairs, I am better at pretending.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 10, 2016, 11:31 a.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

This has been quite the last couple of weeks.

Don't look at me like that, I'm not going to explain all of it. Just... suffice to say:

It's. Been. Interesting.

I feel like my head is either in the clouds or so grounded in metal and pretty rocks that there's no in between.

I've been slammed with a Jayus-blessed rush of inspiration, I cannot turn work out fast enough. My fingers are peppered with new scars and I forgot the amazing sensation of burns -UNDER- my callouses.

You want me to tell you how -that- happened? Come work for me. I've need for an apprentice. Though. I don't mind polishing my own work.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 10, 2016, 11:08 a.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

On Market Day, I had the pleasure of meeting His Grace briefly but it was his protege Acacia that arrested most of my attention, with her generous praise and her pretty eyes.

-shut up I'm not done.

-but I hadn't sat down and spoken to him until I met he and Acacia for conversation and wine.

The man is eloquent, words drip fully formed from his mouth like glittering gemstones from a doeskin pouch. And the partial focus he gives a person makes the hair stand up on ones neck, but not in alarm so much as in notification. Like, the brown eyes of the Duke are on your skin, PAY ATTENTION.

Watching the way he worked around the conversation with myself, Acacia, and Master Carver in my memories has led me to an appreciation of His Grace. While I want to say I look forward to speaking with him again, and I do, the intensity of his regard might warrant a drink or two first.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 10, 2016, 11:04 a.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

The more time I spent with this woman, the more I like her.

Be it drunk and practically falling over or screaming my head off at the tourney, she almost always takes it all in stride. It's impossible not to appreciate that kind of acceptance, sometimes a person even feels drawn to it.

-...YES. I did notice she fills out that dress like a damn-

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 10, 2016, 11:02 a.m.(7/15/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Benjamin

Sure, he's nice to look at, but he's impossible to read. However, he's earned some bit of trust or admiration from Acacia, and that's generally enough for me.

Written By Victus

Sept. 10, 2016, 8:21 a.m.(7/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

Did I hear you sigh at mention of Calista Fidante? Hah. There's no fucking shame in dreaming, boy. A man has to be blind or queer if he catches a look at that woman and doesn't have a few ideas of what he'd like to do to her and with her. Still, perhaps be a bit more subtle about your crush. Don't know her well enough to tell if she'd have her guards beat up a common scribe for oggling her tits too heavily, but I've known noblewomen who would. Makes you wonder why they'd dress up in those clinging silks to start with if they weren't wanting to get eye-fucked.

Reminds me that I wouldn't go back to being a commoner for anything. Among the many privileges of nobility, being able to oggle any set of tits without fear of guardsmen's cudgels has to be among the top.

Written By Victus

Sept. 10, 2016, 8:03 a.m.(7/14/1004 AR)

Maelstrom is not a small island. It stretches from horizon to horizon. It contains its own mountains, lakes, rivers and forests. It is large enough that there are countless men and women who spend their entire lives on that island living far enough from the sea that they never even see it.

Not that I don't, on some level, consider that to be a fucking blasphemy against Mangata. A man who hasn't seen the ocean has a piece of his soul left unawakened.

My point is this; most things you can do on the mainland you can do on Maelstrom. You can ride, you can find peasant lasses to tumble in the haystacks who don't smell like fish, and you can even spend long days and nights in the woods hunting.

I always liked to hunt. There's something beautiful in that moment where you see your prey, but your prey hasn't yet seen you. When you feel the feather against your cheek, and have to make a decision. Are you going to kill it, or not? There have been times when I haven't.

Written By Isolde

Sept. 10, 2016, 4:27 a.m.(7/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

Well, my first meeting with Prince Darren certainly went well. He's a hard man, but he's had to be, and his mind is sharp and quick. I'm hopeful we can be good friends, and I feel confident he'd make a good ally for Esera.

Written By Harlan

Sept. 9, 2016, 10:56 p.m.(7/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

It is rare to meet anyone in the Shrine of the Lost.

So rare, in fact, that one is not sure what to do when someone else arrives. In any case, I was quite fortunate to have met Mistress Culler. We had a thought-provoking conversation on the topic of the Shrine and what it might mean. No conclusions were drawn, but I think interesting questions were asked.

Best of all, she owes me a brandy. These are the sort of friends one needs when far from home.

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