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Written By Kima

Sept. 7, 2016, 11:28 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

If you bother to read through entries that speak of the current Voice of Velenosa, I would hazard a guess and say nearly all of them are vapid praises of his honor and dignity. We, all of us, do so love to make ourselves sound ever so polite and courteous. Especially on paper.

The man fought Shavs. He's fathered some of the most influential women in Arvum. He knows how to act decisively and without restraint. So too does he know when to speak - even better - he knows what to say.

Written By Kima

Sept. 7, 2016, 11:23 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

I do not know her well enough yet to determine if the woman I see is the cultured Whisper or the girl from the Mourning Isles. At a guess, I would venture to say the former, with precious few glimpses of the latter.

Written By Leo

Sept. 7, 2016, 10:57 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

My younger sister by more than a decade, she has always tested and pushed at the edges of decorum. This flirtation with scandal has caused no few headaches, but since becoming Voice, she has begun to grow into the role. A recent evening in her company has only reinforced this impression.

Written By Dawn

Sept. 7, 2016, 4:28 p.m.(7/6/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Prospero

Fidante Lawyer and Bringer of Roses

Written By Isolde

Sept. 7, 2016, 1:53 a.m.(7/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

The second Prince Inquisitor in my life, and they could not be more different from one another. Prince Laric has an easy way about him, willing to indulge a silly girl and her games, and brought a delicious brandy to share. That, alone, can endear someone to me, but he also proved to be a fantastic conversationalist. I do so love my Prince Inquisitors, but Prince Laric seems far more similar to me. That can be good, or that can be atrocious. Only time will tell.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 7, 2016, 12:56 a.m.(7/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

A lovely client with a fondness for unicorns, bunnies, and the color pink.

Written By Larissa

Sept. 7, 2016, 12:09 a.m.(7/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Anastasio

I have no idea how we went years in the same city without meeting, but I'm so glad we finally did. Master Anastasio was charming and well spoken, he was knowledgeable about many things and I was so impressed with him that I agreed to see him exclusively for all of my health and medical needs. I would highly recommend an afternoon spent in his company!

Written By Dawn

Sept. 6, 2016, 7:49 p.m.(7/4/1004 AR)

I have noticed since the tourney, the number of people insisting on naming me Grayson, or Grace, or Princess, has risen. Normally when I gently correct them-- which I try to find a way to do, both to save them from being embarrassed by others later and because it's a dagger slipped between my ribs every time I hear it-- people are quick to accept my preferred styling. My name is my name; it is mine and therefore something I strive to make a proud label of.

But since the tourney, more and more people dig in their heels. Why should I not be Grayson, they ask. Why should I not be your Grace, or Princess Dawn. I know it comes of the very best of intentions. They wish to do me honor, and put a title or a surname to the hope I have helped them to feel.

I remember when I first realized what I was. I was not very old, though still young enough to almost be a baby. The age when children are still petted and cuddled, when the adults around them still remark on their softness and sweetness. I was kept at Bastion, surrounded by Graysons, and I didn't know that I was any different from the other children dressed in their baby silks and velvets; my father made certain I appreciated what I had but he also saw to it that I wanted for very little. I was loved. Perhaps even a little spoiled when he wasn't looking, by the women of the house. Not the ladies, or duchesses, or princesses, but by the maids, cooks, housekeepers.

They always had sweets for me and once, I don't know why, I was in the kitchen but under the table. Tucked out of the way. I think I had a pastry? The memory is an old one and the details fade. But I remember what the women said, who came in with a tub of potatoes between them, and sat to do their peeling.

My brother had been born then and I remember, they were making much of him. He was a fetching baby, I admit, and I tried to steal him from his nurses often to carry him around and teach him the words for things. It pleased me to hear them speaking so glowingly of Alaric, so I didn't emerge from my hiding place. I listened.

And then I heard one ask the other, "Why's he keep her as a bastard? Sweet and smart as a lick, that girl."

From their tone, which I had heard them using before to praise me to others of their number, I knew they spoke of me but I was confused. This was the first time I had ever heard that word. And "he" must be my father. But what was a bastard?

The other lady, who was much older than the first, gave a great phlegmy snort over the spud in her hands.

"He won't now he's got the other one," she said.

I don't know if I was eating a pastry but I remember her words exact.

"High-blooded, that boy. Not like the girl. Silks won't ever let a low-born head wear their crown. She's only half a King, the rest is plain as you and me."

The first sounded dubious. "But he loves her, yeah? She's a good girl."

The second's answer was firm. "Clear as sunlight he loves her. But no man with a highborn son would let his common bastard take the highborn honors. Not even his Majesty, Gods bless his name. He's still a man with a man's wants of the world. Else he wouldn't have her at all, would he?"

I don't recall what they spoke of after that. I did eventually fall asleep under that table, too sick to my stomach to come out. They pulled me out some hours later with sugar still on my lips and my eyes dry. The house was in an uproar for me having been missing but I received nothing worse than a stern look from my nurses, and a fierce hug after to take the sting from it.

I have wondered whether to record this in my black reflection, or my white. It touches on such private things. But with so many seeking to give me honors that my blood has not earned, it might be a good reminder.

I am half a King, it's true. But had my father wanted me to be all a princess, it would have been done. No one can say that he was a man who shirked from doing what needed to be done. I am his daughter, raised to fidelity, and must respect the choices that he made. The women of Bastion knew and understood. I have spent a life coming to the same understanding. I can do good as Dawn Baseborn. I have done good as Dawn Baseborn. I am proud of my name, for it is mine and no other's.

Lady is but a title of courtesy. I will say that in spite of my scruples, it is also one I am happy to accept.

Written By Larissa

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:08 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

One of the many pleasures I get to experience as a Whisper is introducing foreign Nobility to the many splendors Arx can offer them. Lady Juliet was one such person as I was hired to escort her for a day and teach her of the various houses, who was who.. who was not.. and where to go. In my time with her I found a kindred spirit, I fear what we may accomplish if ever our two heads become one and set upon a prize.. the whole city may tremble.

Written By Larissa

Sept. 6, 2016, 4:58 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

Oh Kima! Each time I've met her I've also been in the company of her brother Eos. It's so easy to fall into a happy pattern with their barbs and comfortable affection that you sometimes wonder if you haven't actually known them forever. And while I understand that often siblings tend to lose each other in the shadows the other casts... I've never felt this between Kima and her brother. They are an adorable duo - but Kima stands well on her own as a fascinating woman. She has a passion for what she does that should put any Knight to shame, an integrity and bravery to stand among the men of the world and make them question what honor is and to top it off she is a breathtaking beauty. I am lucky in the moments I get to share her company.

Written By Larissa

Sept. 6, 2016, 4:53 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

Often I feel like a Whispers Journal should be filled with lurid stories of glittering parties, clever anecdotes and scathing rumors and gossip. So I must beg forgiveness for those who look back upon my memoirs and find them dull. To be sure I live the life of dreams and I spend my every waking moment basking in the delight of one royal or another or some noble from such and such and they buy me pretty things and appoint me favors and secrets and little gossips that I thrive on... It's just that when I find myself in a reflective mood, so much of that glitter has been worn away and lost it's appeal.
That isn't to say that things of note don't happen for they do... ohhhhh they do. For instance I met the most curious creature I think I've ever known. Let us call him the Lord of the Boroughs and leave his name out of this. It isn't often that I am taken by surprise but when I am it is often met by unfailing admiration. The grammar that met me in the missive was wretched, the words broken and hard to read. Clearly a man of minimal learning, gruff and rough around the edges, I had expected something basic.. perhaps even nefarious... I had prepared myself to be insulted, disapointed and had a messenger waiting outside to run to the Inquisitor at any moment but instead I found that I was challenged, intruiged and humbled. I learned many lessons that day - more than simply not to judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes appearances are meant to be decieiving ...

Written By Prospero

Sept. 6, 2016, 2:36 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

I had a most wonderful picnic today with Juliet and Princess Jaenelle. It was a shame that Lord Eos has to run off early. But at least I have arranged for his Thorn to be crafted.

Written By Anastasio

Sept. 6, 2016, 2:29 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

It has been an interesting week and I find that I'm being called to more and more places for various matters. While each has been interesting in its own way, it is the request to attend the conference on the King's current state that intrigues me the most. Maladies of the mind are so often misunderstood, and those of the soul so frequently forgotten in the current day. It will be difficult to determine which is the cause of His Majesty's catatonia without more direct access than we will be given, but it will be good to consult with the leading physickers of the realm.

Written By Acacia

Sept. 6, 2016, 2:04 p.m.(7/3/1004 AR)

I fell in love with a sword yesterday. A metal one, not an appointed one. It was in Mistress Ida's shop and it was absolutely gorgeous. I'm not much of an impulse buyer, even if I have a soft spot for pointy, deadly things-- but I had to have this one.

After spending far more time than I'd like to admit staring at it, this morning I awoke to the beyond pleasant surprise of a matching, elegant dagger to pair. It's perfect. And it comes with excellent timing, since I technically have a wager to win at some point in the future.

These days Mistress Ida hardly needs me to speak well of her craftsmanship and character. Her weapons have rightly become famed and can be seen adorning some of the most esteemed people in Arx. But those who haven't sought her out for employment yet, or really just to enjoy her company, are truly missing out. Though, on the selfish side, it's hard for me to complain. It leaves her more time for me and well... ducks.

Written By Ida

Sept. 6, 2016, 9:13 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Had I been drinking, I would wave this off as my mind making more of things due to alcohol. Alas, I had not been drinking, though it seems I've a fine talent for inebriating those around me. Perhaps I should not share my shop whiskey as often as I do, but...well. I will reflect on that another time.

What started as some wonderful visits and conversations with dear friends, old and new, in the shop, ended with some drunkenness - one my fault, the other? I've no idea - a duck, and my own personal crisis regarding having surely offended the gods in some way.

Written By Ida

Sept. 6, 2016, 8:51 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

Prince Inquisitor Laric Grayson, who I had fashioned a rapier for, visited the shop recently. He was in poor shape, still nursing some injuries sustained in the melee. If I were a bolder woman, I would have scolded him to no end. My history with Grayson Inquisitors has not always been the best, but I found our first meeting to be markedly different than my first with Prince Gareth. Again, I find myself wondering if I am naive and believe everyone is honorable and true, and yet again hope I'm not a fool for it. He seems genuine, intent on doing his duties for House Grayson and the Inquisition as well as grateful for my skills fashioning his blade. I, in turn, am grateful for the fine apple brandy he delivered along with his kind words.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 6:09 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Upon returning to the Grayson estate, my handful of attendants and caretakers were wroth with me for skipping out for an entire day. It seems they were more vexed that I managed to elude them and left them unknowing for the better part of a couple of hours. By the time they realized I'd stolen away, and not even on horseback or with my cane, I was long away past the city center enjoying the company of a fine gaggle of ladies and most certainly no one else. I do live a charmed life to be fawned after by the jewels of Arx, and I suppose I cannot help but bask in it. Selfsame purpose I came to thank Ida for her fine steelwork with apple brandy from the hinterlands, and I had the fine opportunity to make the acquaintance of both Acacia Culler and Joscelin Arterius. Beautiful women all. And certainly no one else.

Later in the evening I stopped in to pay a visit on the Velenosan grounds to Princess Isolde Velenosa who I must say cuts a fine figure and functions as a skilled apothecary besides. I have been informed by numerous members of my own holdings that the Velenosans are sly and clever to a fault, but, I cannot help but feel a certain kinship with this woman. Perhaps her mind races at the same lope mine does. Should I stand intimidated? Perhaps. In the halls of their estate, she demonstrates the famed regency the Velenosa are known for.

But my poor staff. How they wrung their hands. I would like to say I am agrieved but I had a good time today and I intend to have as many good times as my privilege allows. So to you, splint-setters, my sheet-changers, and my blessed dressing-makers, I must apologize. Being bed-ridden does not suit me.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:23 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

I only caught the tail-end of the Grayson gathering and I am afraid that I only had pithy nothings to contribute besides by unflinching support for Lady Dawn. Still, I suppose it was better to attend instead of sweating in bed the whole night.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:19 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

I am sure I am not the first to remark that the entertaining Princess Isolde is certainly able to throw one off-kilter with tremendous social strength. Mores mean nothing to her. But she has been kind and gracious, so before I say more that might appear untoward, allow me to say that I owe her some part of my good health and I find her great company that I would love to share on as many occasions as I can find it.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:05 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Acacia Culler is a fine friend of Ida's and therefore, I count her among mine. More than that though, she did charm me. I don't know if I will see much more of her going forward, but I certainly hope to.

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